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Stoned Fish Grille

Welcome to the Stone Fish Grille. (Not to be confused with The Bonefish Grille)

Pull up a cooler, fire up a fatty, pop a frosty and grab your pole. Yeehaw, we're going fishing.

Feel free to post your tall tales and swashbuckling adventures from on shore, in shore or off shore.

A little about me. Been fishing since I could first hold a pole. Used to go down to the fishing pond with a stick, string and a can of worms. Catching sunnies, crappie and cats.

In the 40 some years since, have graduated to offshore, big boats and thousands of dollars in gear. Sort of miss the good ole days. Boats are a PITA, fuels outrageous and the limits suck!

Was on a semi pro fishing team. Did most of the tournaments back north. Shark, tuna, marlin. Caught alot of fish. Never won big. Lots of $100/lb fish in the freezer.

Taught my daughter to fish when she was 3. Now at 15 she's my best fishing buddy. She could outfish most men by the time she was 10. Almost won the youth division in a big tuna tournament. Her's was 73# his was 76#. She was 12, he was 16 and twice her size. I was pissed, she was on cloud nine for weeks. She's a better sport than I am. LOL

Well, enough out of me. I can ramble on for hours about the one that got away.

So on to the fish porn!

Stay green and hook em up.

Hooked up. I get a woody from a screaming 50 wide. saltwater Viagra

74# White Marlin. 30 minutes to get it to the boat on TLD25. Love the pointy fish!

Daughter's first fish. 8" bluefish. Do you know how hard it is to fillet an 8" fish?

Daughter's last fish. 30" bluefish.

Good day out. 35 and 90# yellowfin tuna, 30 and 20# mahi. Damn 90# hit on a TLD 30 with 50# mono. Took me over an hour to get it in the box. Good eats.

That's all the porn for now. So put your poles away and wipe off the keyboard. I showed you mine, now show me yours.:thank you:

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Love the thread & don't wanna be a downer but remember where we are guys. Crop/edit your pics accordingly. Here's a couple of pics while on "Dawn Patrol" and a nice AJ and Kingfish.

I'm with you TOTC, between trying to keep my electronics up to date, gas, ice and current limits, I can't put enough bodies on my boat to make fishing make sense. When I do round up friends willing to share expenses, I spend all day tying rigs, gaffing fish and playing Captain/Mate and I don't get to fish much.

Not trying to make money, but it would be nice to at least feel like I'm covering expenses. I also have a freezer full of very expensive fish :biglaugh:

Oddly enough, I'm not a fan of blazing while I'm fishing. Maybe if I'm wading the back country, but not when I'm offshore.


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I'm kickin' off my slaps and gettin' comfortable because this should be a fun thread. As a kid I grew up in love with the ocean. Almost every day of my childhood consisted of fishing, surfing or at the very least, a swim in the ocean or the creek out back. Hurricanes meant a big fish bite prior to the storm and a few days off from school to surf. At a young age my life began to revolve around the tides and lunar phases more than calendar days and now that I'm approaching forty years old it still does.

These are some old photos I was planning on scanning eventually but now I actually have a reason to. I'm glad to be able to share them and hopefully some of you will be inspired to spend some time outside and realize that its still just as much fun as when you were a kid.

This is my backyard.

This is my front yard.

Snatching a mahi.

....and another

....and another.

Not a bad day at all.

This was actually a great day considering we didn't leave until 6AM and made it back in time for happy hour. Nothing tastes as good as chicken wings and a cold pint after fishing all day.


TOTC -Those are some great looking fish, can't wait to see more of your exploits. Salt water viagra is 100% accurate!

Dawn Patrol - Great photos man, there's something indescribably exhilarating about having a a tight line cutting through the water, knowing you've got a beast like that king on the other end.

Kush Farmer -If you come into town this weekend I would recommend heading a little more south towards the inlet if you want those slot reds. The little rat reds are up in the creeks but the larger ones tend to be near the Marker 51/Capo Creek area. Cold water cells off the beaches and our pogie run is going to make for some interesting scenarios near the jetties.

Also I hope my photos were not too invasive to the thread but I'm not really sure how you all posted your images as thumbnails. A little help?

Thanks and I wish you all the best.

Love the thread & don't wanna be a downer but remember where we are guys. Crop/edit your pics accordingly. Here's a couple of pics while on "Dawn Patrol" and a nice AJ and Kingfish.

I'm with you TOTC, between trying to keep my electronics up to date, gas, ice and current limits, I can't put enough bodies on my boat to make fishing make sense. When I do round up friends willing to share expenses, I spend all day tying rigs, gaffing fish and playing Captain/Mate and I don't get to fish much.

Not trying to make money, but it would be nice to at least feel like I'm covering expenses. I also have a freezer full of very expensive fish :biglaugh:

Oddly enough, I'm not a fan of blazing while I'm fishing. Maybe if I'm wading the back country, but not when I'm offshore.

I'm with ya Dawn. I've probably spent more on fishing than on my house. And I'm not a fan of blazing while out either. Too much can go wrong when you're out.

Super pics THS. Love em. That's what this is all about. I love everything about the water, whether I'm in it, on it or under it. Hell I can't even walk past a puddle without stepping in it.:jump:

Can't wait to see the pics Kush. The more the merrier. Pics are like fish...the bigger the better.

Wanted to go out today but my buddy cancelled. He's just starting to explore offshore and he's real cautious. Since I had to sell my boats back north, I've landlocked ever since.:tumbleweed:
Love the thread & don't wanna be a downer but remember where we are guys. Crop/edit your pics accordingly. Here's a couple of pics while on "Dawn Patrol" and a nice AJ and Kingfish.

I'm with you TOTC, between trying to keep my electronics up to date, gas, ice and current limits, I can't put enough bodies on my boat to make fishing make sense. When I do round up friends willing to share expenses, I spend all day tying rigs, gaffing fish and playing Captain/Mate and I don't get to fish much.

Not trying to make money, but it would be nice to at least feel like I'm covering expenses. I also have a freezer full of very expensive fish :biglaugh:

Oddly enough, I'm not a fan of blazing while I'm fishing. Maybe if I'm wading the back country, but not when I'm offshore.
Well you can call us opposites because I blaze like a motherFer when I'm fishing. Hell if I don't have any I won't even go. LOL. I will post some pics of my reds and snook I've caught in Sebastian when I get home. I'm at work now so you guys can check them out later.
Went digging through some more pics and found this one.

That's my buddy holding the fish. He's 6'6"

Funny story with this fish. I took a couple of project managers out for a weekend of fishing and drinking. (Good way to pick up alot of work). So we're drifting an inlet for the whole weekend and all we were catching was a buzz. Sunday afternoon I tell them one more drift and we're heading in. Halfway through the drift it feels like I'm hung up on the bottom. I yank back on the rod and the reel starts screaming. I figure I hand off the rod to my buddy and let him bring it in and I get lots of work. As soon as soon as he starts cranking, the biggest striper I ever saw jumped about 20 yards behind the boat and starts heading for the ocean. I fire up the boat and begin backing down on him. After 30 minutes we get him in the boat and head back to the marina. We take the fish to the tackle shop to get it weighed. 54" 49.5# Well the owner of the local fishing rag comes over to see the fish. He takes picture of the fish, my buddy and the fish, and me,the fish and my buddy. So what picture makes it on to the front page of the paper? That's right, my buddy and the fish. All I got was...so and so was fishing with so and so at such and such place. I was like my boat, my bait, my beer, my pole. I could at least be on the cover too! That was OK, mission accomplished. Guys had a good time, still talk about it and I made lots of money.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Great story TOTC!

Found find the pic, but no way to edit it without compromising identities. Was offshore with my brother Grouper fishing in May. We were in about 90 feet, dropped our bottom baits and I always throw a free lined live top water bait out just in case. I picked out a nice Blue Runner, hooked it up and pitched it out and handed the rod to my brother to put in a stern rod holder.

He no more than gets the rod in the holder when the reel starts screaming and he starts looking at it like its a foreign object. He lives out of state and mostly fishes freshwater, so although he grew up in FLA, he's not used to big/fast fish ripping line off a reel. I'm yelling at him and he finally picks up the rod and sets the hook. 20 minutes later we land a beautiful 30 lb tuna and he's the happiest little brother in the world. :woohoo:

He sent that damn pic to everyone in the world and never mentioned me or the boat! Half his redneck friends thought he caught it in the river he fishes all the time :D


Hell if I don't have any I won't even go. LOL.

Now that's funny bro, you sound just like my buddy that I fish with all the time. You're a lucky man to live near Sebastian Inlet, we almost bought a lot there many years ago when they were somewhat affordable. Too crowded already for me nowadays though.

I love those quiet days on the water in the flats boat or kayak when I don't have to worry so much about the safety of others aboard and can just blaze. In the big boat offshore there's just too many things to stay focused on for me to smoke out and relax. It feels too much like work and not a whole lot like fishing, which is why the big boat is for sale I guess.

The wifey wants to host a fish fry get together this weekend so it looks like I'm going gigging in the next few days. I'll be sure to bring a decent camera to capture the experience and share.


Kush Farmer

Kush Farmer -If you come into town this weekend I would recommend heading a little more south towards the inlet if you want those slot reds. The little rat reds are up in the creeks but the larger ones tend to be near the Marker 51/Capo Creek area. Cold water cells off the beaches and our pogie run is going to make for some interesting scenarios near the jetties.

Thanks for the tip. Wanna be my personal guid for this season? I have the next four weekends to go out. Plan 'em Slick!! only joking I think we are hitting the Swanee down in Levy County. Why we cant drive the extra half hour and get a damn Gulf charter is beyond me. I also fish with a couple of large scale commercial growers and they get all whiney about cameras. Made me leave the iPhone in the car last time we went. I was lucky to snap a pic of the one 18" trout that was a keeper. Those Pogie will pull snapper like dropping a $20 in a crackhouse.

Can't wait to see the pics Kush. The more the merrier. Pics are like fish...the bigger the better.

Thanks. I think i have to get another lnik cable. Can't find it anywhere. I know you guys' pain on boat ownership. Had a 15' Quantum 1600xb for about two months before I gave up. And that thing was like a peddle car to you guys' Ferraris.
Too funny THS. Sturgeon probably jump for the same reason that mullet jump...wait for it.... because they don't have fingers to flip you off with. I guess Fla will outlaw Sturgeon now. LOL

Went fishing on the James River near Richmond VA a few years back. There was a guide that said if you didn't catch a catfish at least 50# the trip was free. We fished all night long, caught a 70, couple of 50s and a bunch of 30 and 40s. But near dawn these Shad started jumping all around us and a couple landed in the boat. It was trippy.

Hey Kush, you guide, I'll mate and THS can captain. When do we Skip?
I'm so glad we're on the second page of posts. THS pics of his "yard" makes me homesick for back home. Ocean was 2 blocks and bay was 20' . Plus I always pause on the pics of the mahi. Love to see the mahi turn on before they hit. We found a coke machine out 80 miles outt after the hurricane in Cuba. Had mahi stacked up underneath it. Made 10 passes and 10 hook ups. My favorite was the one I saw at the wheel, 8' seas, dragging a bait on a flat line. Fish came across the wave and took a ballyhoo right on the crest of the wave. Looked like a neon sign somebody turned on. Still makes me hard. :)


I'm glad you like the pics TOTC. In 2004 when we had all those hurricanes, I caught a cooler full of mahi that were hiding under a dismantled section of floating dock. The numerous storms had rendered my usual numbers useless and on the way in from a terrible day with only 3 or 4 red eyes in the boat we see something floating in the horizon. That dock save our day! You never know whats lurking under the junk but its always worth checking out.

I have a bunch more pics somewhere.......rooster fish in Costa, blue marlin in Kona and a random ass sailfish caught in my home inlet. I can't find anything since we moved but they'll turn up eventually.

This damn rain is putting a damper on my plans to gig some flatties but my yard and garden definitely welcome it.

Where are those pics gentlemen? And ladies if your out there.:tongue: It doesn't matter the size or type of fish, blue or brown water, share wut ya got and join in.
Nice looking flatties there THS. That one looks like a pretty good sized doormat. Mmmm broiled flounder stuffed with crabmeat. Now i'm hungry. LOL

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