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StealthDragon's Micro Multi Perpetual Boxes.

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Recovering UO addict.
cyber echo: thanks, I'm currently waiting on mossy's jem to drop next week then I shall begin my ventures into autoflowering :)

Scrub, any ideas on the coloring? as I said I've never seen reds like this in this strain. I'm thinking it's nutes or somehting because temps have stayed pretty steady.

Here's a quick pic of the cloner after adding some foiltape. The difference was amazing I should have done that months ago. It's amazing how much brighter the plants look now.



doh! sorry I forgot to flip that one rightside up before I uploaded, sorry I hate that.

*edit , hmm I'm not sure if the pics do it justice. But I noticed a huge difference!


Grow like nobody is watching
No, that's a strange one, buddy. If nothing else has changed, I'd suspect nutes I guess. I just can't recall a deficiency that makes the tips go red. I would look in Mynamestitch's guide, if you haven't. But I know you would have! So yeah, no clue! :xmasnut:

Edit: foil tape mod ftw!


Love your CCFL grow, SD! I'd love to do that with ~100W or so and see what happens! Maybe I will myself, come next year...

Nice work all around. I think even the larger garden folks could learn a thing or two from the micro growers, n'est ce pas?



Paranoid one

That cloner is looking good my man!
A LOT BETTER than my chineese take out tray cloner that I made.


Recovering UO addict.
happy new year!!!

happy new year!!!

paranoidone- thanks man, it took hours of searching but I really feel I scored on finding the perfect sized container for a micro cloner!

Boleman- welcome :) , I love your fridge stuff. and tell aero *good vibes* from the micro forum!

SX- Hi! I would really recommend against a huge wattage ccfl grow. You would have inverters coming out your ears! However I DO recommend them highly for very small micro grows where bulb size is an issue. I love how easy it is to fit these in small spaces!

..and yes!! I agree that large growers could learn a hell of alot from us micro growers! I'd love to see some of these 1000watt+ guys try to grow some buds in a speakerbox! (sideproject)I recently set up a 400watt grow cab for a friend and it was sooooo easy compared to building out a micro cab!! I had never built out a large cab before (and I was a lil nervous) but my micro skills/xp came in very useful!

Scrub- yeh I checked out the guide and it looked something like a molybdenum (sp?) deficiency, but it seems kinda different to me...as I said I haven't seen this before and I'm using the exact same soil/nute regimen so i dunno. It sure looks cool though, I'll make sure to snap a nice clear pic before I chop it.

I hope everyone has a safe a happy newyear's!!

And don't fucking drink and drive either!! :party:


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey, all the best bro. About the red thing, is it perhaps a reveg? I read more colours can come out with reveges.


Recovering UO addict.
again, sorry for the lack of pic quality but this cam doesn't do closeups.

Scrub- nope not a reveg bro. I think at this point I'm just gonna pass it off as stress. I'm not sure if I mentioned this but after this particular plant was about 3 weeks into flower it got stressed and the top pistils turned pink. They faded back to white in a week or 2, then these reds started appearing...I really want to see if I have low ph, if this is just a simple molybdenum deficiency then it's probably due to low ph and not a lack of nutes...


Recovering UO addict.
Hi everyone!

I had a small harvest so I thought I'd do an update. This is from my super skunk plant at 60 days. It's actually a 80-90 day pheno but all it does is mature/ripen after 60 days and doesn't put on any more weight, so I chop at 60 days cuz I like the high better. Again, sorry bout the low quality pics. (I always say that huh?)


<--wet weights
lol just this chopping this one plant stunk up my whole house. I didn't realize how bad till I went out to smoke a cig, and when I came back in it smelled like a skunk just ran through.

This weight was a little better then my expectations. The super cropping really makes a difference in yield but in my system it takes up too much room to do. I see about a 30% increase in yield when I supercrop, but the plants takes up 3x as much room. It also makes it hard to arrange my plants around it. I really only supercropped it because it was the only plant in the box at the time so I had the room to spare. normally I get 10-15 wet weight per plantlet. That's #'s from my last runs though and I expect to break 20 grams wet consistantly with some of the recent changes I've made to the system. I now use larger containers, I used to use the 20oz mt dew bottles but these new square containers hold almost 2x as much soil. I've also increased the light in the desk by about 30%.annnnd I've switched to fox farm ocean forest from my homemade soil. The plants seem to love the new soil I see much better (finer) root development. (my old homemade soil was earthworm castings, spaghnum peat, bone meal, blood meal, dolomite lime and perlite)

Sorry I won't have an accurate dry weight cuz I'll be smoking that $#it!! (I've been behind schedule for a month) :smokeit:

wow after seeing these pics htey just don't do this pheno justice at all, so here's an older, higher quality pic of one of my superskunks. Believe me all that trim is candy coated. (I reeeaaly hate posting crappy pics)
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Recovering UO addict.
it's where you basically crush the stem between your finger tips ( i use pliers sometimes) then you somewhat gently bend the stem over so that the plant is lying horizontaly. It's scary the first time it feels like you're killing them. but they love it and bounce right back from it. If you look at some of the earlier pics of the desk you can see the one plant in the upper right corner, that was the supercropped one I just harvested. I'm sure there a better explanation of supercropping somewhere on IC..I think it might be in the "indoor soil" area? It's called something like " the complete guide to training and topping" (it's stickied somewhere...)

edit: yep I remembered right :) "A complete guide to topping, training, and pruning...."

editedit!: for the record I supercropped that plant at about 3 weeks into flower, after the stretch was over for a few days. I don't recommend doing it that late though, and I won't again. I think it's important to crop them while they're still stretching in order to give the buds a chance to turn up toward the light. Since I did mine after the stretch it resulted in a few budsites on the under side of the plant that never got the chance to "turn up" towards the light. I think yields would have been a little bit higher if I only would have suppercropped a few days earlier while the plant was still stretching. The buds would have all had the chance to turn up and recieve much more light.

Paranoid one

Yeah after posting i went to youtube and check it out there.
Im more of a video guy soo reading how to do it won't help much :s



Holy guacamole, Batman! Pass the chips, dip, and Corona with lime, please! :dance013:

You really can grow with these things. And that's using how many watts total - what, like 20-21? Now all we need is a power inverter that can take, say, 12 leads at a time, instead of 1-1 or 1-2, and you have the ultimate micro cabber's dream machine. Just the right watts, exactly where you need 'em - no more, no less.

I like the Viva 1% Chocolate Lowfat Milk, too! Nice to see you recycling there SD - it really is a green cabinet!



P.S. Those pics were taken almost six years ago - just imagine what we could do with these things today! :whistling:


Recovering UO addict.
cha cha cha

cha cha cha

Yeh! they are starting to look pretty nice. Getting frosty too. The whole ccfl box is run off of a 2A 12v dc powersupply. so yeh...I don't know the exact watts. I'm guessing like 20-30. I plan on buying a kill-a-watt (sp?) soon as well. That should be interesting to see the exact wattages of my boxes.

Time to give cloning in soil a try. Snip, snip, a couple scrapes and a dip in the cloning gel...then into clear cups of moist soil ( I like to see the roots)

oh and by the way, that's a laser thermometer. If you don't have one, get one. It was like 25$ at homedepot. Best grow investment ever! I hardly worry about air temps anymore, I just measure the temp of the plants and soil directly now.

Wow it's so nice to have that damn airpump off. :biggrin:

edit: and lol on the dates. I'm wayyy ahead of the curve eh? hahhaha ( attention stoners! the dates are not accurate! Don't be confused! )
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