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Stealth Nightstand Micro Grow

djembe, bongo, what the fuck ever :D

i gotta go with pollen on this one.. if you had read up, you wouldn't be fucking around with those pitiful pc fans in your parents spare bedroom. read up, and most importantly save up, so that you can buy the right equipment and start out on the right foot, overkill is the word when you're dealing with a grow op. when you're doing something that's illegal like growing pot, it's very foolish to under engineer your space. you're putting your freedom at risk, the least you can do is take in informed approach. those fans arent going to cut it, and that's only the beginning of the problems i can see coming.

wait, so you're suggesting he use something like an inline fan for a stealth micro grow in a space that's probably no more than 2cu feet? that's not overkill, that's just unnecessary. and what the hell is it about the legality of weed that makes it more or less worth the money? if you get busted with two plants, it doesn't matter if it's in a cab that cost $2000 or $200, you're going to get the same charges. if there's that much risk of getting busted, that's not a situation where growing should even be an option
djembe, bongo, what the fuck ever :D
if there's that much risk of getting busted, that's not a situation where growing should even be an option

that p much the point i was making. the dude lives with his parents.

"hey little jimmy why the fuck is your dresser humming and beaming sunlight???"
given that i've spent a significant amount of time around his parents, i doubt the situation calls for that kind of criticism, or offhanded dismissals of his ability to be smart about this


FOAF is using similar fans in a box twice that size. Only her fans are 110v.

Ran them pretty well 24/7 and they produce NO HEAT. They are cool to the touch.

Im just not seeing a fire hazard, at all. Am I wrong in my thinking?
The problem with PC fans is they don't generate the air pressure AC mains ones do, and they're axial fans.. they find it harder to draw through a carbon filter. But with a small carbon filter as will be in this micro grow, if the filter is made right, the right PC fans can do the job. As is proven in many threads in this forum. Axial AC fans tend to be exactly the same footprint if they're the same size anyway so it's not difficult to change later if you find you need to.