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Stealth Nightstand Micro Grow



Well Disco, during the summer my room is pretty private. My parents don't go snooping around and are pretty relaxed when it comes to these sort of activities. But during the school year I share a dorm room with a buddy of mine. My largest fear is a fire marshall (who do random room checks, and only check a couple rooms on each floor) discovering my grow because of a light leak or smell. But I'm just worried on getting this big investment running free of problems. I am pretty concerned with how I should neutralize the odor. If I hooked up a DIY Carbon Filter to one of those fans would that work to kill any odor, or would the odor still leak out of the other exhaust and/or the new passive intakes I'm working on?

Thanks for the advice and interest.


weed fiend
You'd need a scrubber on both fans. Mesh pencil holder scrubbers are ~$15.00 each and all the material needed is at WalMart. There's a thread around here that shows how to make it, very easy. One can of carbon in the pet dept will fill both scrubbers twice and will probably last 2 or 3 semesters.

Ona odor neutralizer is another option. Carbon is best though, IMO. You probably don't want your room smelling like a giant air freshener.


Hey all,

I cut four new passive intakes. Three of the new intakes are located in the bottom and a new floor was installed about an inch above them in an effort to prevent light leaks (credit to Disco for the idea). I may end up blocking the fourth intake (against the back wall) if I find it to be unnecessary. The temperature slowly rises about 2 or 3 degrees every three hours. I think that an extra fan blowing on the bulb (again credit to Disco) will solve that problem completely. In terms of odor, I'll probably end up using the link Immaculate gave me (thanks btw). I'm not too worried about that right now. I'll cross that road when I get there.




- SF8548

sorry about the picture quality again... either the camera sucks or I do.


she's pretty well, she just keeps stretching though. Im hoping to get a femmed WW clone within the week. Got finish fixing the heat problem in this cab before I get her tho.
truth. as soon as i've got enough ventilation i need to throw my 150w in this case and dial down the heat. should be an interesting ordeal. how did you wire your fans? did you use a 12v DC adapter like the other one i saw?


I actually just used an old cell phone battery charger. Its pretty easy red wires to red wires, and black wires to black wires, haha. Its a great thing if you're on a budget but they only put out 5V. Most pc fans are rated at 12V so if you have the money just got to radio shack and buy a 12V adapter for better performance. You get what you pay for I guess. I'm almost finished with my PC case too. I just need four 6500K CFLs and then I can work out whatever heating kinks I may have.


You should start a thread, Fidel. I wanna see this cab you're working on.
i'll start a thread when i get everything put together. it's a ways off right now, it won't be ready until i go back to school, which is fine because i don't want to travel with a loaded cab anyway. it's tough getting everything assembled, because work gets in the way of all my time right now, but it means i can afford all my materials, so i guess life's a trade-off.
as far as fans, how much did yours cost? and i've been trying to find 12v chargers for some time now, i have plenty of 3,4, and 5v chargers, but i need as much juice for my fans as possible if they're going to be cooling a 150w hps
EDIT: you need to come over some time and i can show you what i've got so far. i just bought a bunch of new glass too
i think i know where, because i was going to go there to try and find some as well. good to know they have them at a fairly affordable price


New member
  • dude, you did your homework and your not gonna burn your house down, dont sweat that shit, however, that is most definitely a djembe in the pic there, it is not a bongo. sorry man, had to call you on it


Pollen, the temperatures are well under control thanks to everyone else's suggestion and advice. Thanks for the concern though.

I've actually put this project aside for the last week and been focusing on a computer case planter. It came out really well I think. I'll make a thread of it when I get the chance, and I'll also post some updates of this cabinet in a few days.

Toasty, I've actually just been using mysterious bag seeds to experiment. I've seen a number of people LST pretty effectively in cabs this size. So that will likely be my route.

- thanks
i gotta go with pollen on this one.. if you had read up, you wouldn't be fucking around with those pitiful pc fans in your parents spare bedroom. read up, and most importantly save up, so that you can buy the right equipment and start out on the right foot, overkill is the word when you're dealing with a grow op. when you're doing something that's illegal like growing pot, it's very foolish to under engineer your space. you're putting your freedom at risk, the least you can do is take in informed approach. those fans arent going to cut it, and that's only the beginning of the problems i can see coming.


Active member
im still not getting the problem. whats wrong with pc fans for ventilation? ive been using pc fans to vent since my first rubbermaid grow some 10 years ago.

someone please xplain to me the fire risk.


I would like to reiterate that the temperatures in my cab are well under control. During the hottest part of the day, temperatures are running at 82 degrees. On average, the run about 78 degrees. And I also want to say I used a number of other micro grow forums as a template for my cab. If you can give me some reasons as to why my unit might burn my house down, please do.

Thanks to everyone backing me up.


Oh yeah, Greengro, nice spot on the drum. I figured pointing out that it was a djembe and not a bongo would be splitting hairs. But you're absolutely correct.

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