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Stealth Nightstand #2


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Not paranoid, just I know copper can rot plant material..... You do realize, they drive copper nails into old tree stumps to rot them for an easier removal.

I find a heavy duty rubber band around the pot and using loops of string or twine work well.
I just wrap the branch I want to tie and tuck both ends under the rubber band. Just pull both ends of the string each day until the plant is where you want it.



its said by useing copper tools over steel you can increase your yeild by almost 40% in your garden(non ganja garden), , im not sure if this is accurate but even the egyptions used copper and seemed to know that it kept the soil in harmony. copper doesnt upset the magnetism of your soil, its a good idea if u dont have copper tools to mix your medium by hand.


Wow, that is really stealthy lol. Is the OP just trying to hold true to his avatar or what?

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