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stealth grow - big screen projection t.v.

Wow you got a whole bunch of them eh? My only suggestion is bringing the light closer so they aren't stretching so much. I just read a thread about a guy who planted 12 seeds and they stretched so much that the bent over and broke he only has 2 left! If you do start to see them start bending over a little you can always take a straw and cut it down one side and wrap it around the little guys until they get strong enough to support themselves! But they are looking great! Keep up the great work! ~Mia


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
yea, those ch9s were started on the other side of the cab. i got a nice fan on them so they are all strong. im getting all new lights going hps. prob 250 watt. that will do well.... still waiting to find out the gender on the 5 bag seed plants i started. should b anyday now. i need the extra space, they are getting big and bushy.


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
out of five, three females remain


Active member
lookin great man. this inspires me to get working on my dresser again iv been kinda in limbo on that one. iv just been tending to the outdoor plants l8ly.

peace toke out


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
got a better head start on the quality strains. 6 ch9 clones. plus the 10 mixed fem pack. and one c99 clone.
my first set of plants were just bag seeds.




Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
quick update....
i no longer grow in this stealth cab. i moved up and am doing aalot better. theres more pics in my first grow. but heres some of the original plants i started... they were bagseeds. and i got 2 females out of 5.
Heres some more pictures day 25. more pics of plant two.
-=- Plant 1

-=-Plant 2



Did i mention these were bag seeds from reg crap weed?. i cant wait to see how it comes out. it has strong gentics, never had any mineral problems. they have a piney sent, each ones alittle different.

Sunseeds HB

New member
You are off to a GREAT start. Let me know if you have any questions since we're doing basically the same thing.. Biggest thing, remember the golden rule of airflow: have 4x as much intake area as you do exhaust. So if you have one 4" exhaust hole, you should have four 4" intake holes for proper ventilation. K+ I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

I think you have that backwards. You want an exhaust that is 4 times larger than your intake bud. This promotes good air flow, reduces heat, and smell buildup. If you are bringing in 4 times more air than you can expell you are creating a TON of pressure and no where for that smell and heat to go. Think before you give someone BS info


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
haha thanks alot, i notice alot of people do things different, you just gotta read on and find someone who knows more. good advise. check my ch9 coco thread, because since this thread ive expanded operations, so to speak.


nice to see an idea i've had for some years now come to life. the idea is even more practical now with the new 1.5" deep lcd TV's. i've thought about gutting one of them older big ass TV's and install a newer thin lcd. then you get some old skool big tower speakers and gut them for the carbon filter, ballast, other gear etc... you can have the damn thing right there in the living room and no one would know as long as you take the samsung (the brand that i would use) label off because that would be a dead give away people would like "hey man the picture quality is too good" plus all the features. install a video camera so that way you can just go to video 1 and see how they are doing.