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Startup in Colorado?


Since Colorado seems to have a nicer cost of living than Cali, its looking better and better to move there to get things going. I am in the middle of reading the 79 page MMJ Bill right now, but have yet to get to the real answers like,

- How much is it to obtain a license to grow and provide from the state?
- How long does it take to receive the license and when is the grower feasibly allowed to start growing?
- How long does the grower have to be a resident to be able to provide?
- If you are out of state can you apply for a license?

I am looking for someone who has moved to Colorado and has cleared the hurdles in terms of a legal grow.

I have a good chunk of equipment and a decent amount of startup cash, I knew for a long time my passion was MJ, but within the past few years I have seen that my CAUSE should be MMJ.

I'm going to continue reading the parameters, but if there is anyone with experience in the matter who can chime in or recommend a good place to start the application process, I would be 100% grateful.


Executive Branch Genetics
yeah i guess we could use another grower and shop to add to the thousands


Executive Branch Genetics
All bullshit aside if I were you I would go to Michigan were its still new and you're not fighting with a billion people for business. I hear you can still make a buck over there


Cannabis 101
Go for it man! everyone will tell you not to go to their State because of fear that you might grow buds that will put them out of business!
Trust me man i just moved to cali and everyone told me what this guy above is saying!
everything good !
do what you love and love what you do and you'll be okay my friend.
I went there for vacation and got my med card the next day.. you just need proof of where you live.. easy!


What I can tell you for sure is this:

1. Unless you have been a CO resident for 2 years prior to December 2009 to own any Cannabis related business, period. Certain people were grandfathered, but that's the rule. (I'm not saying you had the intention, but how knows. Not sure if they count the license for providing for disp's as that rule was to prevent a mass exodus.)

2. I can't give you a current license dollar amount, but last time I did check ( a while ago ) it was in the multiple thousands.

3. Things are moving pretty quickly through the license office these days, or so they say. I heard turn around on the red cards is now around a week. I waited 8 months.

Sorry I can't help more. I had to have my lawyer explain the bill. :(

It's a fantastic place man. I've lived in both and CO is my home. Lots of great places to think about if you're coming.


•Those wanting to start a medical marijuana business who are not currently an "existing business" will not be able to do so until after July 1, 2011 as determined by HB-1284.
•The license fee will be in two parts. The initial fee is $500. Once the applicant, their investors, and their location meet all requirements there will be a $700 fee for the actual license. The license will need to be renewed annual at the $700 cost.

You have to be a Colorado resident for 2 years, and the license is in like 3 stages, think they are around $12k.

There is a new bill in the works right now ~

House Bill 1043 also contains provisions creating new regulations. Caregivers — small- scale providers of medical marijuana to patients — would have to register with the state. The locations of commercial marijuana-growing facilities would be made public. And a cap would be placed for the first time on the number of plants a marijuana-infused-products maker could grow.

The bill also prohibits only those who finished up a sentence for a drug-related felony within the past five years from owning a dispensary. Previously, all people convicted of a drug felony, and people discharging a sentence for any felony within the last five years, were prohibited.

Meanwhile, the bill tweaks which restrictions on a doctor's license prevent the physician from recommending marijuana. The bill would require the state Medical Board in the future specifically to note when a doctor should be barred from writing medical-marijuana recommendations.

Read more: Colorado's bill would ease state's medical-pot law - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/news/marijuana/ci_17102182#ixzz1CTDQzvg4
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: http://www.denverpost.com/termsofuse

One Colorado bill would change the rules adopted last year. House Bill 1043 would extend a moratorium on state licenses for pot shops by a year, until 2012, and clarify which doctors can recommend medical pot.

~Hope that helps!


thanks for the advice everyone!

Though Cali is the hub for our cause, Colorado seems to have more need for me.

It is funny though, I'm in the south and the immediate response to what I produce is, "You got this from Cali huh?"

Merlot - thanks a bunch, I'm going to keep studying from the links you posted.

High74 - I would love to add to your thousands. Sure, a lot of people are growing, but they can't all be as well versed in concentrates, edibles, quality control, breeding - I would rather freeze in Colorado where I can actually hit the slopes again.

I'm 22 and have been doing this in the shadows since 17, I'm dedicated and have over 25 strains under my belt. One way or another I hope to have the graces of this great state soon.


One thing I'm hard pressed to understand is the 2 year minimum residency to own a dispensary rule. I believe AZ has similar standings.

Is this the same for a lot of states? I know there are ways around the issue, but does california impose the same 2 year rule?

Do all the other medical states impose some minimum residency limit?


Active member
CO is the last place i would go right now....their MMJ system is being revamped so that the local dispensaries can only sell product that is grown in the mega warehouses. check out Moonshine's grow. the local department of revenue goes into your grow and makes sure you follow all rules...they pretty much want to make all of those 10-20k warehouses pumping out weed for east coasters more illegal....

unless you have enogh capitol to start 20-30 lights and pay all the fees and start the dispensary, around 100k investment i assume...i dont think you have much of a chance unless you are gonna be selling on black market or smuggling back to the dirty south.

i would try michigan maybe, cheap cost of living with fair prices and can take them to nearby chicago or indiana... or california but prices out here suck and rent/electricity is very high.


unless you have enogh capitol to start 20-30 lights and pay all the fees and start the dispensary, around 100k investment i assume...i dont think you have much of a chance unless you are gonna be selling on black market or smuggling back to the dirty south.

Yeah, I think eventually we are going to go back to the caregiver model here. Some of the new proposed laws would make 75% of patients squirm I think.

It's a bit more than 100 g's. More like 250-300. Over half the stuff I' seeing in the dispensaries right now hasn't even been cured. People are rushing!! I had to tell a place to take a display jar down last week because there was borytis in it. They did and were shocked. The new laws have put a lot of shit herb on the market. CG's are the places to get the real goods.

Anyone evr hear of any other medicine going through the Dept. of Revenue instead of the Dept. of Health? We fucked that up pretty good.


Chem&M very good point you have. Nice posts all around and an informative thread. I am a nor cal guy. Organic ;) Ive been watching all this play out over the past 5 or 6 years very closely and im amazed how much a gray area still exists. To me the idea of large warehouses pumping out schwaag for 60 a donation is an insult.

imo the best stuff comes from small caregivers and homegrower patients, but hey thats just me. I really hope these states and regs keep these mom and pop grows around and doenst push them aside for their almighty $$...too late im sure though.

To me the more and more i see large get rich quick $$ ops the more i feel like the plant is being taken advantage of. Your remark about the dept. of revenue really hit home with me. That , imo, is the babylon system trying to get their hands on the herbs power.

Do we forget this is a medicine you have been lawfully permitted to grow. Herb is herb and should be legal regardless, but medicine means its for someones health and well being, which im sorry but how can some of the stuff i see be called that i have no idea...sorry for the rant, just smoked some sour grapes

Dankside i wish you the best of luck!! Im thinking of going to Montana, CO, or hawaii, but you know its crazy how often the laws change and one paradise turns bad quick...look at the moritoriums growers are dealing with in CA, im off to a diff place soon. Ok many blessings and good luck

StickKy :Rasta:

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"

That's where it's at!

Big Island, Kona coffee, and a big doob..... Are you kidding me? God that's paradise.


Just an update- Montana just repealed its MMJ laws this past week

hopefully by next voting rounds there will be something good on the books for the voters to enact

StickKy :rasta:


I make the rounds at the start of every week out here to the dispensaries I have relationships with, and it's sad to see what some people bring in and sample.

I talked to a lot of people who are the Owners of places at Kush-Con and the number one thing I heard was "9 weeks is too long man." They all wanted 7 week strains pulled down on an exact date.

My job is to produce the BEST medicine I can. Fuck time, and everything else. Are we growing medicine for patients, or just cropping out as much as we can each year for more $??? Personally, I want THE BEST MEDICINE, and that's what myself and my patients need. I am in physical pain most of the time I'm doing the plant work, so I want the most out of it medicine wise. There are too many cash croppers in the industry. They should be 2 seperate things.


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
Your about 2 years too late bro. There are 720 places in Colorado right now.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
How is that different from Cali? I think if you hit a certain amount of electrical usage, it goes to about 33-35 cents...

Chances are, if you can afford to live in Hawaii, cost of electricity is the least of your worries.

Colorado sux BTW. Don't go there...... lol.


Thanks a lot guys, I'm hoping you can see the maturity over age and understand I will be doing this for the rest of my life like it or not.

To be honest, as much as I'd love to make money, passion and security comes first.

I've decided to go with a state that I would love to be in regardless of whether or not my dreams of providing large scale medical efforts come true or not.

Everything is a dream until you put in the work to make it happen - best of luck to all my fellow dedicated brothers and sisters.

Like I said, I've been at this 5 years, over 25 strains on my belt, quality has been maximized, which I can say in a very humble way. Yet I'm still a youngblood, plenty of time to go in this world and I won't let my contributions be minute.

Thank you all for your time, please feel free to keep questions going in this thread, I hope this is able to help anyone else looking to offer the same to society.


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
How is that different from Cali? I think if you hit a certain amount of electrical usage, it goes to about 33-35 cents...

Chances are, if you can afford to live in Hawaii, cost of electricity is the least of your worries.

Colorado sux BTW. Don't go there...... lol.

Yes listen to Bobby. Don't ever go there.