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Starting a new build from the ground up

Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
I used to help ppl out all the damn time. Took me years to realize that when I need them, which is close to never, they aren't there. When I first got married, my wife kept telling me to stop trying to solve other ppls problems. Once I finally did, I am so much happier. Although once I put my foot down, it took a while before they stopped asking.

There's a fine line between needing help, and just flat out using somebody. In my experience, ppl that are using somebody are the only ones who get mad when you say no, you can't help.


Active member
He told his mommy that all the favors I do are "family favors" according to him this is business so it's different. Vanilla I agree with you and your wife. I have a few close friends, but most people just want free shit.it's not fair that I have what I have worked for.I guess just a bunch of entitled bitches. Fuck em


In my empire of dirt
yeah man, nothing in life is free and you earn what you have
its one thing to kick down and say thank you with a little every now and then but you are not supporting this guy

you are right and you should moving him along asap
he sounds like a mooch and a looser
/sorry to call names,man but the thing about the kids really rubbed me the wrong way
you dont need crap like that in your life
/good friends are hard to find, but i would rather be alone than surrounded by people like that

so close man, cant wait till you fire this baby up


Active member
Yeah, funny thing his buddy called me for wax today. I know it's for him lol fuck him. I have moved on to bigger and better things


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Yup pop, he's a real piece of work. I have saved his ass numerous times. He's broke so out goes the hand. He hasn't said a word to me, he's telling his mommy. He came to get his nail gun and compressor. I told the wife I am done helping his stupid ass. Funny thing karma just kicked his ass, he got fired. He took wed, and thursday off for his "anniversary " 1 year with his girlfriend. I thought anniversaries were for marriage. Now he's back playing nanny to her kids. Meanwhile he hasn't looked for his own kids in a month.
This is the one thing that absolutely terrifies me when it comes to our hobby, especially since I don't live in a free state.

One wrong word, and I'm in jail for years.

Thus, I do everything by myself. Nobody knows except two people several states away. My brother from another mother, and my sister from another mother. Both of whom I trust with my life, obviously.


Active member
I don't worry about him snitching, his mom and sister would disown him. And he lives with his mom most of the time. I am in California so they don't really care about weed.I am kinda stuck need to get my filter hung and I will be rocking. Of course now I have to work this weekend.


I don't worry about him snitching, his mom and sister would disown him. And he lives with his mom most of the time. I am in California so they don't really care about weed.I am kinda stuck need to get my filter hung and I will be rocking. Of course now I have to work this weekend.

i use bicycle hooks (4 per 2x4) pre drilled then screwed into 2x4's roughly the length of the fan and filter already connected on the ground standing up. find your ceiling rafter/joist layout distance either 16 or 24" and which direction they are running. layout the rafters on the 2x4's, pre drill and start 4" screws, measure off the wall to the ends of 2x4's so they're even, then screw 2x4's with hooks already in em- into rafter.
then get 8- motorcycle tie downs and connect 2 together and hook the 2 end hooks with 2 tie downs. you can tilt and roll filter/fan in between the hanging tiedowns, tip one end into the connected hooks (it should be a foot or two off the ground) then pick up the other end and slide into other tie downs. then pull up one end 6", then the other end 6" back and forth until you can easily use 1 tie down from hook to hook for the empty 2 middle hooks, take off the doubled up tie downs and replace with single tie down. you will be able to have at least 3 tie downs holding the filter for you once you get high enough to go single tie down.
only thing- keep an eye while on the tie downs when just using the 2 ends- they may start creeping toward the end of the filter in which case you can easily lift the end of filter and pull the tie down back a little.
i've done this dozens of times by myself with ceilings as high as 12' no probs. hope this helps.


In my empire of dirt
i like in cali too but i just dont want the head aches and bullshit
/i dont even really tell most people i smoke regularly
maybe a joke every now and then but if i want to share any info,its always " i have a buddy who grows and he says..."
even being legal ( med cards for both me and my lady, plus a copy of a friends rec for all the extra plants) i still dont want the worry of being narced or ripped off

great call on the bike hooks, max

this is so close to the end!
cant wait


Active member
So, I got the babies in the veg room. Still have some work to do on the flower room. I want to put them in the big room next weekend. Now I am excited, tired as fuck but excited. Been a long day, day started at 3 am. Just finished up and it's 130 am


In my empire of dirt
oh damn!!
all this hard work is about to pay off for you big time!

those cuts look great and i see big payout harvest in a few months!

now we are getting to teh fun stuff!


In my empire of dirt
just stopping by to see how everything is going

looking fore ward to the next update and cant wait to see how the babies are getting along

keep it up brother!


just stopping by to see how everything is going

looking fore ward to the next update and cant wait to see how the babies are getting along

keep it up brother!

his camera doesn't seem to work in flower room hmmmmmm.
maybe some kind rf issue with digi ballasts?:biggrin:


In my empire of dirt
da fuk>

am i missing something here ?
/sorry guys, im pretty high

/seems to recall some thread about a guy saying his digital ballast was bringing him some static form the cable guy recently but that wastn pf79'?

/eyes hash piled in pipe
/takes another choker hit