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Rabbi Reefer

There used to be a time that I was proud to be an American....then I grew-up.
Even if we pulled out and quit poking our head into the Mid-East shit-storm, terrorists would still be chanting "death to America" and attack us. They think it's their duty(not strong enough of a word) as Muslims. We're not talking about rational human beings here. Their one purpose in life is terrorism. The mere fact that the US exists is reason enough for them to wage jihad on us.

you are an idiot. watch the documentary "iraq in fragments" and see a representation of a population that just wants to live in peace . the ones chanting "death to america" who actually want all infidels dead or converted are basically like the idiots you got in the south who want all gays burned at the stake. use your fucking common sense and stop spreading fear. i dont go around telling people all americans want gays dead cause a bunch of hicks in fuckin alabama are calling for it, ya know what i mean. when you try to represent the opposite population as flat characters who feel nothing but hate you are just as bad as all the salaried propagandists at the CIA . BY LARGE, PEOPLE JUST WANT TO LIVE IN PEACE . these simpletons who want us all dead are either media misrepresentations or the equivalent of tommy the bum legged midget who lives in the deep south and hates all darkies . christ.
To even get a grasp of the issues you need to be familiar with all forms of oppression. look at LA , theres been a war going on there for what, 40 years, almost 20,000 dead. oppression is everywhere man and its not a them vs. us issue. i mean it goes all the way down to individual careerism, corruption, and id say more rarely malice. you have to remember that EVERYONE JUST WANTS TO BE HAPPY AND SAFE.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
If we would just get out of the middle east and quit fucking with every single problem that the world encounters we wouldnt need to deal with shit like this... We provoke terrorists at every chance we get, than wonder why these things happen to us.
We tried that...
Guess what happened?
Two World Wars!

Although, World Wars on Foreign soil are really good for our economy. So maybe we should go back to isolationism and wait for the countries to buy our war bonds, weapons and military assistance...and of course there is plenty of money to be made in "rebuilding".

The reason Iraq and Afganistan is costing us so much is because they just have oil and heroin, not quite the same as having Western Europe pay back the Marshall plan.


a glossy magazine? talking about cost effectiveness and costing us money in the security sector. i wouldn't be surprised if our government or some private security company is printing this shit. oh lets release a bunch of bullshit magazines and then shuffle some fuckin bill through a corrupt senate to secure ourselves a few hundred million dollars worth of taxpayer money to stop the evil printer bombs. i hate this system


One day you will have to answer to the children of
You know...if EVERYONE on the plane was armed (even knives), would there have BEEN a hijacking? EVER? Would passengers be forced to sit on the tarmac for 11 hours? I don't think so.
I can see it now.

"Control. This is Flight 640, I got a hundred passengers here armed with K-Bars and, umm... We're taking off, ready or not. Please clear a path"


Well... the bankruptcy tactic worked during their war with USSR ..... which we funded a lot of. Where is the soviet union now?


Active member
you are an idiot. watch the documentary "iraq in fragments" and see a representation of a population that just wants to live in peace . the ones chanting "death to america" who actually want all infidels dead or converted are basically like the idiots you got in the south who want all gays burned at the stake. use your fucking common sense and stop spreading fear. i dont go around telling people all americans want gays dead cause a bunch of hicks in fuckin alabama are calling for it, ya know what i mean. when you try to represent the opposite population as flat characters who feel nothing but hate you are just as bad as all the salaried propagandists at the CIA . BY LARGE, PEOPLE JUST WANT TO LIVE IN PEACE . these simpletons who want us all dead are either media misrepresentations or the equivalent of tommy the bum legged midget who lives in the deep south and hates all darkies . christ.

They want to live in peace...THEIR WAY. The Muslim way. It's NOT compatible with the "free west"...it isn't...trust me here...I've been to the middle east. You do NOT want those people making the rules...oh no!

To even get a grasp of the issues you need to be familiar with all forms of oppression. look at LA , theres been a war going on there for what, 40 years, almost 20,000 dead. oppression is everywhere man and its not a them vs. us issue. i mean it goes all the way down to individual careerism, corruption, and id say more rarely malice. you have to remember that EVERYONE JUST WANTS TO BE HAPPY AND SAFE.

Men oppress...learn to live with it...or get out of the game. We're not going to stop for you. Seriously...that's what people, especially men do, we try to dominate others to gain more.

I can see it now.

"Control. This is Flight 640, I got a hundred passengers here armed with K-Bars and, umm... We're taking off, ready or not. Please clear a path"

Hell yes! We're no longer at YOUR mercy!

I'm telling you...arm EVERYONE and a bully picks on someone ONCE. A bank robber tries it ONCE. A mugger...once. No mass shootings would have happened. We'd KNOW who shot Kennedy...someone would have popped him. Crazies are crazies and they'll kill people any way they can. Let us defend ourselves.
There is a reason we haven't been invaded since the war of 1812. Anyone who would invade us knows that we have lots of weapons in our homes AND the govt has lots of weapons ready to give to us at the various armories. We'd rise up and slaughter anyone who tried to invade us. Now this terrorist shit is a different story, b/c it's designed to take away our rights (no matter if it's the terrorists only or our govt using the terrorists as an excuse, I think it's both, frankly).

We should just profile passengers and stop all the bullshit. But no, we're the country of everyone is wonderful, everyone is special, it's ok to do what you want, whenever you want, however you want. Look at our school system. We let kids use improper English so that we're not "discriminating" against their "culture" and really we're creating a second class that can't communicate or act correctly in civilized society and thus won't compete with those of us who can for jobs. And in the new extra-shitty economy, even the minimum wage jobs are going to be taken away from those people b/c the people who used to have white collar jobs and don't get any more unemployment or don't qualify for it will take any job to have some money. An employer is going to take a person who can present themselves well, can communicate, and has a good attitude, over a mumbling, sullen, lazy person who can't speak or write well enough for people to easily understand them. We need to put up and shut up. All muslims and people who have travelled to muslim countries or countries known for having terrorist camps, as well as people associated with home-grown terrorist groups should be heavily searched. Spend less money and spend your money better, government! Then there should be a fair, and transparent appeals process for anyone who inevitably and accidently ends up on a watch list. Then we need to put the saved money into the Coast Guard and Border Patrol and actually make sure that shit isn't getting through. Then the really radical part would be to legalize drugs that are manufactured by Americans who are paying taxes. Stop the cash flow out of the country. These are the only ways to institute a cash control policy and that's one major way to fix our economy. Then, if we want to be really radical, cut the fucking fat from the fed. Everyone pays a flat tax based on consumption, not earnings, and then you'd be able to get taxes from the poor people who are living off the government and making money off drugs (b/c they end up making more money than a lot of people. $200 a month rent? $100 shoes? Hair did? Nails?).

But of course this would make everything fair, and we're too busy kowtowing to corporations, the government (biggest corp of all), and special interest groups. Just like we give out A's and B's to kids for showing up to school and now parents think all children are A students when really they are all C or D students for the most part. We are so deluded. I'm going to shut up now, b/c I spend a lot of time being angry about all of these things lately.


Kiss My Ring
you shouldn't just shut up...you should become angrier.
our govt. is using crisis and fear of the same to whittle away at the rights that made this country the envy of the world.
we are all so spoiled in our standard of living that we don't see how govt./corporations have raped the rest of the world to uphold that standard. we are only just now beginning to see how the gov/porations will be redirecting their gaze towards us.
see how we whine without doing anything about it?
those peoples hate us because we are/were more advanced and they envy our largess and luxuries, imo. always the downtrodden foment revolution.
next up...the americas
If we would just get out of the middle east and quit fucking with every single problem that the world encounters we wouldnt need to deal with shit like this... We provoke terrorists at every chance we get, than wonder why these things happen to us.

OMG, seriously, shut the fuck up. If we didn't venture beyond our borders, those terrorist islamic extremist fucks would STILL be trying to blow us up! Their goals have been the same longgggg before the creation of the United States. A select group of their religion interpret the Quaran as instructing them to kill all non-muslims.

They hate anyone that isn't exactly like them. They are the most intolerant pieces of shits in the world. Whether we are over there or not, they will not stop until every American is DEAD! We mine as well be proactive and fight them over there so I don't have to worry about grabbing my AR-15 and killing towel head fucks running down my street. Stop being so fucking ignorant.
So would you feel safe flying on airplanes with no security measures in place?

Nobody would be afraid?

You could be raped, beaten, or killed just by passing someone driving in the united states..who the hell cares if your afraid you might as well be afraid over everything. Getting hit by a bus, crazy grandma on her cell phone that she cant really even see because its so tiny.

Those who give up freedom for security deserve neither.. Fuck terrorists and fuck regulations bring back what america stands for.

We need to pull our troops back and let the international community work as a community and not continue to let the US blow its wad on creating more problems.

What i think our government should be doing if their so fucking worried about terrorists is spend more on our space program and get americans the fuck off this planet.We are sitting ducks waiting for the countdown

I usually dont cuss but this subject always gets me fuming
You could be raped, beaten, or killed just by passing someone driving in the united states..who the hell cares if your afraid you might as well be afraid over everything. Getting hit by a bus, crazy grandma on her cell phone that she cant really even see because its so tiny.

Those who give up freedom for security deserve neither.. Fuck terrorists and fuck regulations bring back what america stands for.

We need to pull our troops back and let the international community work as a community and not continue to let the US blow its wad on creating more problems.

What i think our government should be doing if their so fucking worried about terrorists is spend more on our space program and get americans the fuck off this planet.We are sitting ducks waiting for the countdown

I usually dont cuss but this subject always gets me fuming

How is that fairytale land that you are living in?
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