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Start saying goodbye to overnight services...

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Ok cattle.... After your bodyscan step to the right for the inceneration chamber. Might as well its what they really want.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Nearly all homeland security is a way to control the population... not to protect us.

Why is MJ illegal? Because race profiling is ILLEGAL. But if you know that many people use MJ it gives you an excuse to pull people over, search their car, run their ID and harass them for being the wrong hue.

If we let them, they will take all of our freedoms away in the name of protecting us.

Thinking that you live in a free country where nothing like this could possibly happen is exactly what they've taught you to believe.


Active member
What a bunch of false fucking security this bullshit is. Scanners ....
Lets go back, 9-11, They use box cutters, so they(TSA?) create the "shakedown room" and "randomly" search peoples shit.
Next, the shoe bomber Richard Reid, tries to light a wick coming out of his shoe, so we make people take their shoes off and we implement those fancy shoe scanners at some airports.
Next the underware bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab put the device in his tighty whities , now they want to see our underware and under clothing.
Then, terrorist send a package in a fuckin ink cartridge, that went beneath a passenger plane. What next kittens?
Bringing me back to my initial point, "false sense of security". As quick as we shutdown one method, they find another.
Now they will shove bombs in their ass, and we will get finger fucked anally by the Tsa before a flight to grandmas for Christmas.
Happy fucking holidays
while they are there i could get my prostrate checked
If we would just get out of the middle east and quit fucking with every single problem that the world encounters we wouldnt need to deal with shit like this... We provoke terrorists at every chance we get, than wonder why these things happen to us.

Even if we pulled out and quit poking our head into the Mid-East shit-storm, terrorists would still be chanting "death to America" and attack us. They think it's their duty(not strong enough of a word) as Muslims. We're not talking about rational human beings here. Their one purpose in life is terrorism. The mere fact that the US exists is reason enough for them to wage jihad on us.


Active member
i wouldn't hesitate to put a pencil in a towel heads neck, or anyone else for that matter. having said that, our foreign policy agitates these stupid fucks. we should pull out from everywhere and let the chips fall where they may. sorry, but world peace is just an idea and we wage wars for this idea. kind of insane. too many fake wars.

peace out.


Active member
this shit infuriates me...because of these fucking idiots terrorists and their bullshit little games with the mail, its gonna be hotter for people in non-med states to get their buds shipped to them. FUCK HADJIS.....my buddy from the USMC said it best when he got back from fallujah....get out of the middle east and let them kill eachother, or just nuke the whole god damn area lol...

but really.....its eventaully gonna get to the point where terrorists will be hiding bombs in their asses, and then the TSA is gonna have to start buying tons of rubber gloves and doing "inspections".....hahahah then NO ONE will fly except the bi-curious.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Hating someone for being born in a given area or having a given ancestry....

isn't that why they hate us?

How do we prove we're better by doing the same?


gets some
FFS people! Don't yall get it yet? It's our own governments doing this shit. How many times does a "terrorist" have to get arrested lately before yall figure out that it's our own law enforcement behind all of these "thwarted" attacks? It's pretty easy to thwart something that you planned. Take one young and downtrodden muslim kid with fantasies of jihad, approach him with FBI agents acting like Al Qaeda or whatever, pay his rent and expenses for a few months, then give him a fake bomb and arrest him right before he "detonates" the fake bomb you gave him. Claim victory and then demand to grab people's balls and tits so they too can't detonate a fake bomb the FBI gave them.

Wake up. It's our own government behind this crap and you're falling for it.


Well-known member
"Operation Hemorrhage" - al Qaeda's name for the ink-cartridge attacks - cost only $4,200, which they claim "will without a doubt cost America and other Western countries billions of dollars in new security measures. That is what we call leverage." The fact that the attacks failed is irrelevant; the underwear bomber didn't detonate his bomb but the Obama administration went off the deep end in response. It is "such a good bargain," al Qaeda explains, "for us to spread fear amongst the enemy and keep him on his toes in exchange of a few months of work and a few thousand bucks."

We need to infect a few hundred of their goats with HIV that way they will have to blow their budget on condoms or we will be rid or a bunch of the cock suckers LOL


We should quit fuckin with other people...maybe im just getting old.
My car does like that middle eastern oil, but jeeze , these guys are making it hard for me to travel with my cronic. That..is not cool.


Active member
You know...if EVERYONE on the plane was armed (even knives), would there have BEEN a hijacking? EVER? Would passengers be forced to sit on the tarmac for 11 hours? I don't think so. Weapons on a plane are NOT the problem.

You're being rendered helpless and you don't see the problem with it. TSA should start offering a "snip your balls for free" program too...we're already losing our manhood by having to submit to this.

I'm disgusted in what this country has become!


Unbelievable. Are you serious? Really?
Yeah. Well sorta, if you mean just the part you quoted, for sure. I re-read the rest of the post, and some of it was just a what I was thinking right then response. But I do honestly feel that a successful 9/11 size attack during the obama administration would be handled in an effective manner. And no I'm not a dyed in the kool aid blind 'bama fan. But it seems to me that our response to 9/11 was so retarded, that it will take another 9/11 to get a reasonable response and yes I think that an effective multi-national response could be orchestrated by obama where it was impossible for Bush and chronies to pull off.
Wake up. It's our own government behind this crap and you're falling for it.

<...snip> yes I think that an effective multi-national response could be orchestrated by obama where it was impossible for Bush and chronies to pull off.

Same response to both posts....

Really? I don't think the government could find its own ass using both hands, a map, a flashlight, and a trained team of 100 haliburton contractors.

Just sayin'... :tiphat:


I can't blame terrorists one bit. You are furious about what our government is doing to us. How would you feel if some other communist government came in to your country and pushed their beliefs on you.

Only difference is, they have the balls to sacrifice themselves for the what they believe. They are going about it in the wrong way, but face it talking rationally doesn't work. Anything but sacrificing your own life for your beliefs is weakness to a country that spends countless billions to get what they want.

I forgot the guys name, but the real reason for the invasion was because they tried to stop selling us oil.

Has anyone else giving up completely on humanity? Kind of makes me feel bad about even thinking about bringing new generations into this fucked up mess.

Whoever said it's their fault we are there is ignorant. You think after 9/11 is the first time we went to that country?


Same response to both posts....

Really? I don't think the government could find its own ass using both hands, a map, a flashlight, and a trained team of 100 haliburton contractors.

Just sayin'... :tiphat:
Look, I don't agree with a LOT of WHAT the government does, but to say they are incapable is kinda silly. When was the last time you drove on an interstate? Ate cereal grown in this country? Drank milk? Drove past a farm? Had a child in public school eat lunch in a cafeteria? Got parents on social security? Mailed a letter? Used a bank? Taken medicine? Used financial aid to go to school? Used the services of a professional who was trained in the millitary or used financial aid to go to college? OMG, I could go on and on for days about all the things the federal government does on a massive scale. Regardless of ideological opinions of agreeing with what they do, or if it could be done a little better by private industry or state and local governments, the federal government gets a LOT done on a daily basis.

And I'm pretty sure that if they were looking for YOU, they could find you, and if they needed both hands, a map, a flashlight and the halliburton employees then they'd use them and anything else it took to find you. I'm personally of the opinion they could do the same for the current terrorism threat, yet they haven't. Doesn't mean they can't.


Active member
UPS:photo ID Required To Ship

UPS:photo ID Required To Ship

UPS to require photo IDs for shipping packages
Move is part of an ongoing review to enhance security

The Associated Press
ATLANTA — UPS is now requiring photo identification from customers shipping packages at retail locations around the world, a month after explosives made their way onto one of the company's planes.

UPS said Tuesday the move is part of an ongoing review to enhance security. The directive will apply at The UPS Store, Mail Boxes Etc. locations and other authorized shipping outlets. UPS customer centers have required government-issued photo identification since 2005.

In late October, a printer cartridge on a UPS cargo plane bound for Chicago was stopped in London after explosives were discovered. The package was later traced to a retail location in Yemen.


Active member
unbelievable...pretty soon we wont be able to leave our house to take a shit without showing ID. some terrorist is gonna wire up a dookie bomb and blow up a sewage facility, then we will need to scan our IDs on our toilets in order to flush...

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