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Starcraft II


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
anyone play starcraft2 or will play once its release? im about to get ahold of a beta version. Alse LOVE the original before BGH killed it... just wondering if there were any more nerds out there like me....


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
my buddy has been playing the beta and he says its amazing :joint: i'll definitely be playing once they release it... do you remember warcraftII b.net edition? ahh, memories :joint:



I plan on giving it a run through for sure. Don't think I'll get into it like the old StarCraft though. I had a friend that played in tournaments when we were in elementary. I remember him getting a $90 check from some Korean tournament in the mail one day, we bought so many pogs.

I'm more hyped for Diablo 3


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
well i for one am looking to get a beta key online for a 3 month head start... its was my all time favorite game as a kid... i cant sit down and play games like used to but i hope to get back into this one... i like diablo3 also but it looks almost like another mmorpg and them will take over your life.. thats why i dont play wow.....

i have the hacked beta and can play vs computer but its not the same P v P is where its all at... so i get to fuck around and learn soime thing but i ve been watching alot of replays as of now trying to learn things.....


Active member
whats wrong with big game hunters thats the best map for tourneys.

when i was in 7th - 8th grade we would have starcraft battles until 4am in the morning...
i used to be pretty good (mass hydralisk rush ftw)..but lately when i play SC on battlenet i get wooped hella quick...

i just got a new rig so im def gonna get the new SC II, but i doubt il be very good at it, ive watched the gameplay videos on youtube shit looks crazzzy. all the nerds with their hotkey commands will own me.
I would play Starcraft all day and all night long. The music was pretty cool too - :tiphat:

Sometimes I would just mine every area I could for cash and build soldiers. ONLY SOLDIERS and send out as many as the computer game would allow me to make (remember how they used to cap you on how many units you could create) and just send out infintry men to attack my enemies. Just for fun!

Great game - Great memories


(But if I had to make a choice between original Starcraft/Starcraft Expansion set or Warcraft original, I would have to choose Warcraft. Sorry guys....)


The last time I tried to play SC on bnet I got fucking pwned. It's like the people who really loved that game never stopped playing and the one-upmanship just led to like crazy good players I can't keep up with.

I've needed a good reason to buy a new gaming computer, can't wait to sell my soul to diablo tres.


Active member
one of the funnest and easiest way to beat people was to go mass zerglins with upgraded speed and attack, them thangs DESTROYYY SHIT...and you could have like 300 of them easy because every unit was 1 zerglings..


ive been playing a hacked verison of the beta for a couple of weeks and i gotta say iam loving it
it brings back great memories of the original


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
hey shred i got the hacked version as well but only play AI correct?i want to watch replays cant figure it out...

and what swrong with BGH??? um it ruined the original sc thats why there is no money maps in SC2....BGH kills ANY strategy... all you do is mass carriers or whatever you decide and its gay....


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i understand how to beat it... its the fact that you dont have to expand you can turtle in one base and never run out of resources.. haveing to expand to find more resources opens you up and it s whole different game... people that turtle to me are like people who camp is a FPS... they suck and i hate them lol...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Haha ya boy just got mine ill be playing it tonight... Pm if anyone want to play a game...


Just started to play DII again up to middle of second act. Never played Starcraft though its allways caught my eye. I don't need any more distractions in life right now...bummer


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
how do you get the beta version

well if you went to blizzcon 08 they handed out cards for sc2 beta or you can be picked because of hardware requirements...

i however had neither and had to resort to ebay....


Starcraft and Diablo II owned. I loved those games. Still have 'em. Will definitely be looking into SC2 and D3.