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Starbucks funding anti-marijuana lobbying.

Starbucks funding anti-marijuana lobbying.

  • Yes!

    Votes: 268 94.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 10 3.5%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 7 2.5%

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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
According to reports out of Colorado by SAFER, Starbucks is funding anti-marijuana lobbying in Colorado and elsewhere. Starbucks is being joined by Glock handguns and the alcohol industry.

Join SAFER and WhyProhibition.ca in boycotting Starbucks until they stop funding anti-marijuana lobbying!

Call Starbucks! (800) 235-2883

For more information check out SAFER's action alert:

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Active member
This is exactly what I've been warning about. But this is still "kids stuff" compared to the campaign Big Pharma is going to release against marijuana.

Still this organization shows what we are up against. Colorado Drug Investigators Association is responsible for the opposition to MMJ in Colorado because they are trying to protect the jobs of Narcs, DEA agents, prison guards, etc.

This kind of boycott that the website is urging against Starbucks is EXACTLY what we need.

But we also need to get the kind of support the LEOs are getting from those who PROFIT from the cannabis industries.

It's time for all good Cannabis growers, consumers and businesses to come to the aid of their country!


Here's the list of sponsors of the Colorado Drug Investigators Association, which is pushing to close down Colorado's MMJ dispensaries.

If you can, boycott these companies until they withdraw their support for this organization.

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ICMag Donor
I am on hold right this very second...I'll simply tell them that myself and everyone I know is now going to boycott their products....this is going to spread like wildfire throughout ALL medical states....just go ask Kellogg's what happens to revenue when all the "stoners" in the country stop buying your product....



Active member
I am on hold right this very second...I'll simply tell them that myself and everyone I know is now going to boycott their products....this is going to spread like wildfire throughout ALL medical states....just go ask Kellogg's what happens to revenue when all the "stoners" in the country stop buying your product....
Good point! I'd forgotten we'd already proved our metal with Kelloggs. Let's do it a few more times and see the corporate world run scared from marijuana prohibition!

We can do the same to Big Pharma, even though some ppl think they are immune cause ppl MUST have their pharmaceutical drugs. Well the truth is cannabis can replace a whole slew of popular drugs that Big Pharma forces upon us. All those "mood elevators", many pain killers, etc can be replaced by cannabis. So it should be possible for many (but not all) to boycott big Pharma should they oppose cannabis reform. Actually they're in a different position because now suddenly they WANT to sell cannabis extracts, but they don't want US to grow our own cannabis, they want us to be forced to buy it from them. This is what we must protest!


Active member
Those evil bastards! Every time I read about these jerks they are up to more evil skulduggery. Maybe Dr Evil really does run this company. I'm continuing to boycott them for even better reasons. Oh and their coffee sucks!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Not that I would drink that charred-ass bitter coffee, but I will call and tell them that I will bad mouth them all over the country until they ditch the plan.

Word of mouth works, we spread messages all over the world, all the time.

Edit: Been on hold with Charbucks for almost 5 minutes, they "have longer wait times than usual"....ahahaha, they already pissed off a lot of people.

Please everyone post this in other cannabis websites, I would...but I don't belong to any others. Post this on any MMJ sites you can....get the word out!!!! It works pretty fast!


ICMag Donor
Well, I did talk to a supervisor of the customer call center and proceeded to inform her that the MMJ community in 14 legal states is taking a stance AGAINST Starbucks and their lobbying against MMJ laws. I explained that it was wrong of a company, who more than likely, has a very large customer base that does in fact consume cannabis, ESPECIALLY within colleges and universities...where I will personally contact people to start petitions and distribute fliers announcing the boycott. Informed her, that if she wanted to substantiate the impact of a boycott from the cannabis industry to refer to the incident with Kellogg's where their sales fell almost 20%. Then proceed to explain to her that the main share of Kellogg's market is children under 12, which is largely unaffected by such a boycott. However, Starbucks relies specific on their young urban professional and college markets....which is exactly where the largest number of cannabis users fall into...which means such a boycott would impact their sales and profits MUCH more substantially.

I have also contacted friends in 4 major universities...all with over 25,000 students...who are actively involved, to make this boycott heard and known. Best part...these universities all have Starbucks on campus or within walking distance...and they are ALL located in places where there is snow on the ground right now...MMMUUUUHAHAHAHA!!

C'mon Starbucks, really...our munchies lined your pocket and created your industry from thin air...we can crush it just as easily. Don't lobby against those who made you rich in the first place! Plain and simple...I'm not letting this one go....I will spread this like wildfire!

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Digging this campaign, along with most everything that SAFER does.

Hopefully Starbucks will pull back quickly, as I'm sure the last thing they want is to appear "un-hip" or whatever.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I just spoke with a very nice young lady and she had NO idea that this was going on....had not yet had a complaint. I gave her some info and she had to look it up herself, jesus.

Other than that....I spoke of what mattered in the MMJ sector and legalization as well. Hope they listen, this should cost them millions. THIS IS SOMETHING WE ALL CAN TAKE PART IN AND HAVE A HUGE EFFECT!!!


In their defense - I don't care for their overpriced crap when I have cotton mouth.

Plus - can you imagine how much it cost them on a national scale daily in labor hours when medicated individuals pull up to the drive through and start their order with "uuhhh . . ."?

Surprise surprise...the booze industry has a porky little finger in this pie. damn....I don't drink booze, nor own a handgun. The only thing I enjoyed was a large coffee slushee on a hot summer day. Good thing I can still get those up the street at a locally owned, independent coffee shop :)
Shame on starbucks....they're based right out of Seattle, aren't they?? Ah well, I'm sure they realize now that this is going to bite them on the butt.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
In their defense - I don't care for their overpriced crap when I have cotton mouth.

Plus - can you imagine how much it cost them on a national scale daily in labor hours when medicated individuals pull up to the drive through and start their order with "uuhhh . . ."?


For someone like me who used to spend over $300 a month on their coffee when I managed a store in a mall....I could say "uhhh..." all I wanted and they would not lose a freakin' dime.


This sucks

This sucks

looks like i wont be drinking starbucks anymore!

mr noodles

fuck them and boycott is the only reasonable way to deal with retarded entity like that . they keep pouring sugar and sweeteners in people body.

starbuck = crap

tim horton is better but no clue if they finance anti mmj organization

every dispensaries in cali, colorado or any mmj related place should put an advisory on not supporting starbuck on their walls. this will be effective .


Active member
i called an after waiting on hold for like ten minutes i was greeted by a woman who had no idea of what was going on and then was put on hold again so she could find out what was going on...she then came back and told me that starbucks made no such stance and that "they know of no funding to any law enforcement in colorado".... not so sure about this i said they need to clarify their stance on the situation and then i went saferchoice.org adn filled out the email so well see what happens i guess


Active member
I just spoke with a very nice young lady and she had NO idea that this was going on....had not yet had a complaint. I gave her some info and she had to look it up herself, jesus.

Other than that....I spoke of what mattered in the MMJ sector and legalization as well. Hope they listen, this should cost them millions. THIS IS SOMETHING WE ALL CAN TAKE PART IN AND HAVE A HUGE EFFECT!!!

it seems like we just spoke to the same woman... either than or their scrambling to figure out how to handle the situation and are just trying to act like they arent involved haha


Overkill is under-rated.
Anyone with a burn phone wanna make a phone call?

"Hi this is Des Hague, the General Manager for 1767 Safeway stores in North America. Due to recent anti-marijuana propaganda from Starbucks, we will begin legal proceedings to cancel all of our contracts for same-store Starbucks franchises within Safeway stores, as it is damaging to our business. Thank you and have a good day."


ICMag Donor
Miss B - my ex girl used to drink their coffee 3x a day

Talking $12-15 a day on coffee....so, yeah...It was MY money that paid for those drinks. So I feel I have every right to step out against this and speak up.

I seriously have contacted the campus leaders of Norml or other pro-cannabis group at several universities and made them aware of this....

Seriously....the impact of this can be felt by the end of next week if we stay on this am really cause a stink!! KEEP CALLING THAT NUMBER!!

Anyone with a burn phone wanna make a phone call?

"Hi this is Des Hague, the General Manager for 1767 Safeway stores in North America. Due to recent anti-marijuana propaganda from Starbucks, we will begin legal proceedings to cancel all of our contracts for same-store Starbucks franchises within Safeway stores, as it is damaging to our business. Thank you and have a good day."

LOL That would really get their attention! I'm sure the phones are ringin' off the hook, and the PR flaks are trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

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