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Star Crash's Indoor Grow Show '08

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i'm going to hang some lamps ... anyone have great ideas on how to vent a window with out letting ANY LIGHT OUTSIDE ?? my old methods are 1/2 assed i usually just block out a window w/ black plastic from the inside , but i need better venting to improve the even air temperatures with in the room ... i need to vent ...lol

one window is street side that needs venting


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I'm looking ahead at 3 straight days of wet weather, just the kind of weather I'm going to be in fear off till the end of the season...


If u hang 4 L brackets around the window u can build a frame from thin plywood around it then u can either put a bag around the frame either cut a hole in the wood frame either on the side or the bottom or if u feeling lazy right thru the garbage bag from the back face of the window the boards can be 5 or 6 inches wide if u running the vent thru the back panel or about 8 inches of u gonna cut out the 6 inch vent from the side or bottom of the panel basically a box around the window hung on L brackets with the bag stapled to the box and the vent coming from the side or bottom

Hey dansbuds we didn't get it so bad thank God i huddled all my plants together and closed up my milk crate fence tighter so they was actually cutting the wind in half also lucky 4 me i have about a 2 foot ledge on top that helps sheild from the rain..i ran upstairs yesterday wen i saw the trees blowing like sails to make sure my crates didn't fly off the balcony they did ok i have bricks in them plus the wind blows right thru them no drag....
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I just remove the trim, then as suggested a piece of plywood screwed right into the studs that the window is screwed into. If you have ever been a house framer you will know what I mean.

Cut round holes in plywood in jigsaw slightly bigger then duct, fire on a couple flanges (see 1. link below), and youre set.

You could just use a flange like that on the inside, then a vent (see link 2. below) on the outside. Also wise to put a damper between the flange and the duct to prevent back draft.

For intake you can do the same, you can get the vent so the little flaps open to allow air in, the the damper on a different direction.

What I have done in the past, is I build a CHEAP little shed basically covering the window, with the vent in the side of the shed and duct going right inside. Then I place an old carbon filter inside the shed and use that for intake. This keeps you from sucking the hot exhaust back in, provides privacy cover, filters the air coming in for pollen, bugs, mice, ect, and when the fan is off prevents orders from sneaking out the intake.

Hope that makes sense, way easier to draw it out then explain on here haha.

Option 2. Get a 12,000 BTU window banger and a bottle of c02.

1. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A9UJ35...t=&hvlocphy=9027577&hvtargid=pla-378949343964

2. http://www.supplyhouse.com/Lambro-I...MIwf_kqvWQ1gIVBxxpCh13xgb9EAQYAyABEgJjrPD_BwE
Forgot to mention, I also put insulation between the plywood and window to help keep temps in line, and prevent moisture build up in dead air space.


A box like this around the window 2 L brackets up top to secure the box to the wall it just hangs on the L brackets plastic on the back and the hole for the vent on the side or bottom your done. Id put a vent flange on the box to give the vent ttube a seamless fit but thats optional i guess lol


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Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
wish i still had the pics of the window banger i had in my attic window on the front of the house ...... i had a 4" x 12 vent right next to the AC unit in the window with my exhaust duct ran to that . it worked great ! i painted the inside of that vent flat black so it soaked up any light that might have made it down the 8" tubing to the vent .

you can just barely see it in the background of this pic



Active member
10 x 10 closed room.... 3000 watts HPS ....window A/C... fans for circulation... 3 Train Wreck's , 3 Diesel Fire's & 1 Sour Diesel .... much defoliation needed now that these are inside!!



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I'm going in for staking ... got 6 foot heavy duty metal t-posts...spring loaded pole pounder ... zip ties !!!

gonna bust some gut today


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Good luck, stay safe, don't hurt yourself.

Are you bringing fresh air in at all to replenish used Co2?

It will be interesting to see how they cope with the move from outdoors to indoors, especially the change in light.

looks like someone's been extra busy the last week. Room looks good Star

thank you guys for hanging out w/ me it helps! out doors today i got five plants staked and zipped tied secure and that was it... i can do more tomorrow,,, the plants are happy for it, not all need staking some are in more wind protected areas, some are taller some are squatter... they took they rain just great and look all the better , the development is very inspiring , but they gonna need at least one month more before they start to get where i want them to be... it's a dance with mother nature... i got a problems w/ my big train wreck, she don't look as good at all compared to the other train wrecks in containers, she never got over a deficiency to my satisfaction... i've a history this season of losing the ones i had the most hopes for.lessons learned about bigger plants they need a lot of food

that room i fired up was a quickie and its closed room, but not a sealed room it can get air in there easily it'll work to finish off anything i can fit in there that still in containers...they should thrive they've had an awesome headstart !!

also i spent a lot of time defoliating today out side... let that sunshine into the hearts of the plants !!

Good morning growers! What do you all have on the go today? Im just getting my mini split and Co2 piped in by my HVAC guy, then topping 80 clones, getting ready for winter season! Just put up some new DE light, but worried about hight, might look for some new strains like to stay short, maybe heavy leaning indicas, any suggestions?
morning Al .... eighty clones sounds nice !!

i'm defoliating ... that's on my agendas

The defoliation game.. I always get a bit of a rash on my arms when im fucking around in the canopy. Need to wear long sleeves and gloves haha.

Star - So what strains did you bring inside?

My 80 clones are from a seed run I started on July 1st. Then will be up potted Sunday for a week more Veg in the new flower room then flipped in a pheno hunt! 15 seeds from 5 strains, looking for hopefully 2 keepers, another 20 seeds get soaked next week for round 2.
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