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Star Crash 2018


Active member
I'm well armed ~~~~~~~~~6 footers~~~~~~zip ties~~~~

I'm well armed ~~~~~~~~~6 footers~~~~~~zip ties~~~~



Active member
not much new to update ..the room is cruising along and the chores are routine ... i lowered the plant canopy a bit more for a gentle top area and i'm backing off a bit on the water ...also i noticed a little bit of tip burn & whats interesting is that i've been feeding way less then usual but the plants are utilizing more nutrition (it's because of the mammoth P inoculations)


Knight of the BlackSvn
not much new to update ..the room is cruising along and the chores are routine ... i lowered the plant canopy a bit more for a gentle top area and i'm backing off a bit on the water ...also i noticed a little bit of tip burn & whats interesting is that i've been feeding way less then usual but the plants are utilizing more nutrition (it's because of the mammoth P inoculations)

I heard that's one of the benefits of Mammoth P. I think it was on Grow Tube they were talking about it. :good:


Active member
Spring Strategies

Spring Strategies

i'm on the fence about what do ... i need to generate a lot of females ... i had a disaster last season and most of my crop got seeded by rouge males that survived the cull ... i'n not bringing males on-site PERIOD ...this is problematic ... i have regular seeds ...all the seed i can possibly use all sorts of cool cross's i tested last year & all the elite clone only strains i grew out on site also got hit with mystery males pollen, so they have given me some real fascinating opportunities to work with...this means i have to start tons of plants & get them to sex indicate early, then clone away till i have what i need ... this in itself is a huge project... another route, and in addition is that i've been talking with Female Seeds about a bulk order of a brand new line they carry ...it's not cheap for 100 female seeds... ...anyways these are my thoughts at the moment ...

Safe Gardener

Active member
You could start twenty or so of your seeds from last season. When big enough to get a good clone off the top of each, as soon as they root put them in flower veging the originals the whole time. This way you'll have ten or so plants to take cuts from. All in about two months time +/-


Active member
You could start twenty or so of your seeds from last season. When big enough to get a good clone off the top of each, as soon as they root put them in flower veging the originals the whole time. This way you'll have ten or so plants to take cuts from. All in about two months time +/-

i'm thinking i need at least two months (maybe 3 ? )preparation time as well

grow out plants

identify good females

clone away

what do you think? i want my crop in the ground 3'rd week of June with good sized females

Safe Gardener

Active member
Plants in the ground third week of June is going to be tough. Say six weeks veg, two weeks to root puts you at taking cuts third week in April. Might work if you start seeds like today and everything goes perfect. So in my world, not a chance. But from what I've seen from your stuff sound possibly doable.


Active member
check out my big old thread you can see how i made out last season ...my spots are good and with a season already under my belt there i've learned how to work them


Knight of the BlackSvn

Not sure if this will help you, but SkunkmanSam talked about an early sexing for greenhouse. He claimed if you give plants 48 hours of darkness, two weeks later they will show flowers. Never tried it myself.

I have, however, had cuts in my cloner switch to flower when under 12/12 lighting. You could take cuts early and put those in flower, they should show in a couple of weeks later, then just toss them. That way you can avoid a re-veg.

Too bad that Phylos gender test is so expensive, $15/ test is pretty ridiculous and it won't tell you if you have hermies (I did).

Maybe next winter you should play with some STS.


Active member
Yup. A ton of work that has to start like now for it to work out.


Not sure if this will help you, but SkunkmanSam talked about an early sexing for greenhouse. He claimed if you give plants 48 hours of darkness, two weeks later they will show flowers. Never tried it myself.

I have, however, had cuts in my cloner switch to flower when under 12/12 lighting. You could take cuts early and put those in flower, they should show in a couple of weeks later, then just toss them. That way you can avoid a re-veg.

Too bad that Phylos gender test is so expensive, $15/ test is pretty ridiculous and it won't tell you if you have hermies (I did).

Maybe next winter you should play with some STS.

you bring up one possible good technique for early sexing ...simply 12/12 the cuts (make sure they are CORRECTLY label to the parent plants) while the parent plants are still vegging .. i'll need a 120 site aero cloner


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
you bring up one possible good technique for early sexing ...simply 12/12 the cuts (make sure they are CORRECTLY label to the parent plants) while the parent plants are still vegging .. i'll need a 120 site aero cloner

why ??? i just sexed cuts off my bgb mom in a cup of water sitting on my filter in the flower room . you don't need a cloner to sex a few cuttings ..... unless you plan on sing them afterwards .


Active member
will it work in just a cup of water @ 12/12? another thing to consider is that i'll want those clones if they are female .. i use them as well