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Stalker seriously



Stand and wave at them, and say 'Hello, are you looking for someone? I've seen you around a couple of times, can i help?'


Pull your weiner out and swing it around in circles.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
i cant stand it when people start open ended threads and don't fill in the blanks.... might as well delete this pointless thread

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
stalk em back. find out where they live and go. then beat the shit out of them with a baseball bat when you catch them alone on your property. Then point a gun in there face or hold a big knife on their throat and tell them if you see them creeping around again they die. leave the legs alone so they can walk off and not draw attention to your yard. spit on them and walk off.

However if it is a cop, then just split. leave town shut your shit down while you can. You cant beat the cops with a bat.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yes, there was someone up the tree over my side fence a couple of weeks ago, at night.
It could have been the cops because they have been surveiling me for a while, on and off.
But they couldn't see into the house from there, could only see the end of the balcony, so I couldn't be bothered calling leo, anyway I don't want anything to do with them.
Plus it probably was leo anyway.
If they do it again I might chop the tree down.

Or you could incorporate glass shards or something similar into the bark of the tree to discourage climbing.


Professor Organic Psychology
It is an ex. She just wants to make trouble and complicate my life. She tries to make it look like I want her back. It causes me problems with gf. She haunts me electronically. Threatens police and to go to my employer. This has been going on for three years. I keep thinking she is gone and she comes back again.


ICMag Donor
you could try the gang stalking techniques....wait till they go to work or leave for a weekend..

Break in their crib and loosen all the screws on their room door handles...so they fall apart when touched.

Re arrange items in their refridgerator or in their living room.

spike the drinks in the fridge with narcotics or hallicinogens....After this once or twice ,they will have enough problems themselves,thinking their going crazy without bothering you..


Professor Organic Psychology
I figured out how she found me I think. I have a picture of my dog on another site. She used things I said there in her latest email. My gf goes to trial tomorrow on a small coke charge in California and although our lawyer said we will beat it I am still nervous. It is just a little bit less than an ounce but they made a huge deal out of it. With this woman resurfacing at this time it is worse. I am going to be more careful with pictures. Fill you in on trial tomorrow.

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
In college I was stalked by a girl. It started to get kind of creepy. I was only with her one night; I guess I was that good!

Seriously, had to get campus security involved.



Rockstar, you fucked the ex too good, created a monster... But your gf now sounds intriguing! Peace holmes


Game Bred
have sex with the stalker multiple times.

take a steaming shit right at the point of orgasm each time. probably stop stalking the 2nd or 3rd time.


Game Bred
It is just a little bit less than an ounce but they made a huge deal out of it. With this woman resurfacing at this time it is worse.

just under an ounce of blow?

your ol lady is going for a minute.
might wanna hook up with the ex while the current is on vacation.


have sex with the stalker multiple times.

take a steaming shit right at the point of orgasm each time. probably stop stalking the 2nd or 3rd time.

How do you politely #2 on a date? Some sorta poo etiquette ? Piece


Andinismo Hierbatero
to shit politely, all you need to do is to put a polite facial expression and politely inform those around you that you are about to politely defecate right there and then.

didn't you know this Craven? it's common ettiquette, obviously my dear holmes!


Game Bred
the proper pooper protocols are situationally dependent...

however the phrase "excuse me while i whip this out"(blazing saddles style)should always be included.

with the stalker situation protocol goes out the window. "surprise i shit" should be the only communication.
followed closely by "hey wait where ya going? dont ya wanna snuggle?"

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