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Hey NS,
Sorry for the negative K. That was totally unintentional - my apologies. I think I hit a wrong button somewhere. In any case, I am looking forward to flowering these crosses, I will hunt that strawberry pheno. Here's some K+ - you more than deserve it for this cross at the very least.



Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
nycdfan042, thanks for stopping in. Have some of your WWIX x ISS that I've
been itch'in to get started.

Hazelnuts, even Sockett is a good little girl. A little skimpy in the beginning but
she makes up for it by the end. Just takes a little while. My one re-veg that I
stuck back in veg died. I didn't try very hard, just stuck it back in veg with
a couple of buds on it, lol. There's enough nice phenos in here I think I'll put
10 more beans down and take clones this time. I found a couple I would really
like to keep for a while. :)

Hey skylined, how's it going? Had completely forgotten about the neg K, no
prob, I figured it was a mistake, it was removed a while back. Thanks for
getting it corrected. :) How are the babies doing? By the way, I gave up on
Hashberry, beautiful plant, pretty good smoke, too many hermies on both
phenos I had. Ran clones to check and same thing. :( Was gonna use it in a
breeding project but decided against that. Thought you might like to know.
Also wanted to let you know the strawberry aroma didn't hold, changed quite
a bit in drying. It still tastes great with a bit of berry flavor but I didn't take a
hit and say, "wow strawberries", lol.

BlazeTheSky, thanks!

Were coming to the end of the flowering section soon. There's three girls left,
one that you guys haven't seen. She started slow and went into flower about
3 wks after the others. She looks like a Pistachio pheno, stayed short and is
almost done. Pics of this one at the end.
We'll start with Sockett, she really has gone from the ugly duckling to a swan.
About 40" tall and has filled out nice.

The lower buds on Sockett didn't foxtail like the top, I would really like to grow
this as a clone. Maybe I'll re-veg it.

This last (almost) girl was tied for tallest at 44 inches. She grows chunks of
small calyxed buds. She'll prob be the yield winner also but she might have
another week to go. Her branch stems are so thin they look like heavy gauge
wire. Her smell is different from the others, a very fresh smell, as usual, hard
to describe. She has the largest top bud. I finally got one to yellow up for me!

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Active member
Wow you really do know what you're doing there! My guess for the part in your hand on the earlier pic would be 25 grams.
It's so wonderful to see someone giving a beautiful bud the time it's asking for!
Your poor pathetic pheno is really beautiful - and I think you might be pleasantly surprised by the yield.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Nugget your photography skills are as extreem as this grow...great images, focus, background, lighting, depth of field....and the grow...wow....DD


Looking great, especially for being called a "poor pathetic pheno"... I made a little typo, I have 3 plants not 2. I can't really tell anyway, so I'll have to wait


:wave: Nug-shiner! sorry to come in so late but I just caught your other thread about the keif brick.
After quickly reading through I would just like to say that I think you have one of the most perfect homemade crosses and grows on IC. Top 5 for sure! :muahaha:
peace from the east..

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You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Bud Weight Guess

Wu-Skunk, we must of been posting at the same time. Wu-skunk's guess is
17 grams. Thanks for posting!

Hey blackone, thanks for joining in. The poor pathetic pheno really has come
around, she just takes awhile. blackone's guess is 25 gr.

Hazelnuts, your guess was 28 gr. thanks for playing and giving the seeds a try.

The dry weight of that bud is 21.1 gr. I'll post a pic when I do dried bud shots
for this thread. Only three peeps and wu-skunk and blackone almost tied, lol.
As far as I'm concerned you both win I'll be pm'ing you, oh, blackone was
closest. Congrats.

doobieduck - Nugget your photography skills are as extreem as this
grow...great images, focus, background, lighting, depth of field....and the
Hey doob, good to see you. Thanks. One of these days I'll get a DSLR and then
I'll be dangerous, but you've heard that from me before. Still plugging away
with the venerable 2mp Sony. It's been a good cam.

cellardweller, thanks for dropping in. Been flinging K huh? I like to go on rep
sprees till I get those damned messages! Thanks for checking out the keif.
Top 5? hmmm... maybe top 25? Thanks, always enjoy the props. NS


Nugget :wave: Lookin fine as all can be. You take some wonderful pix of your ladies :headbange


Herbal relaxation...
Hellou NS :wave:

longtime no see, eh? Did forget everything at one point -> too much thangs going on, you know how it can be....

Like I repped you -> PHENOMENAL cross with PHENOMENAL growing skills!!!

Huge buds mate, really serious growing :yes:


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
14 Weeks....

14 Weeks....

Well we've reached 14 weeks.
Sockett comes down today come hell or high water!
Hope you guys aren't getting tired of looking at her, she's beautiful in the
garden and I'll miss seeing her while I'm smoking her all up. :muahaha:
At the moment she smells of sweet white onion, never had an onion smell
before, kinda cool, hints of lime too.
First pic a little trip down memory lane and then today.
Ugly duckling to swan, imo. I love watching these plants grow.

Miss Clumpett just keeps chugging away, prob go 15 weeks if she doesn't pop
any nanners. Poor thing can't support herself anymore, after I moved her
forward for pics and finishing I came back in the room and she was doing some
yoga with her head touching the ground. Amazing she didn't snap, lol.
My kinda girl, fat, sticky & stinky yet thin and supple, ha ha.
If you click on the pic below check out how thin the stem is leading into the
bud. If this bud doesn't weigh an ounce when dry I'll eat my shorts, the
strawberry edible ones.

Lower buds are getting nice...

Dry bud shots starting in about, somewhere around... uhmm, well, I don't know
maybe about 10 days or sooner or later. Yep, exactly then. :nono:
Thanks for stopping by, NS


hazy said:
Hey NS
Just thought I might drop by and show you my WWxSSH at 22 days of 12/12.

I have one pheno looking exactly like that, the other ones are probably some of the lower yielding ones. Amazingly, it's the one kept in the smallest pot(about 3l I think)


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
All down at 14 wks 4 days...

All down at 14 wks 4 days...

Hey zoolander, you snuck in while I was posting last time. Thanks for dropping
in. Don't know how you have time to post in others threads with all you have
growing on.

Herbalistic, good to see you, geez it's been since the Kali Most thread. Thanks
for stopping in.

Hazy, thanks for posting, pics are always welcome. Lookin nice and healthy.
At this point she def looks to be one of the skunk/indica dom.

Hi hazelnuts, more pics, :bigeye: Love to see your babies. I haven't
seen a pheno here that wouldn't repay me with yield if I was willing to spend
a little time in veg. I have 2 of the plant from the beginning of this thread in
dwc that were topped twice in veg and they really liked it. Gonna be huge

ezgo1, yes, the father has had quite an influence.

Everything is chopped and hanging except for the ninth girl which you guys
haven't seen. She was behind everybody else and stayed in veg about 3 wks
longer. She's the nomad of the garden, never really had a permanent home.
Shunted around here and there until the last 3 wks when she got a real nice
spot along one side by a 1k hps. I gotta chop her today so I'll get a few pics.
She looks to be a pistachio pheno, I like those. real smooth creamy hashy

Here are last pics of Miss Clumpett living.

And here she is hanging with Sockett...

This is Sockett after hanging for four days...

...and this is what I've been doing in my spare time the last week.

Dried bud pics on the way...
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Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
The Last One...

The Last One...

Here's a few shots of the nomad of the garden. My wandering waif.
She looks exactly like the pistachio pheno but she has much more of a berry
smell than I remember the first one having. She reached 26 in.

Well the waif's trimmed and hung so now all that's left is final wieghts and
dried bud shots......


:wave: Hi Nuggs! Those are some spectacular photos! How long did you veg? Is 102 days common for these to flower out?


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
It's Bud Shot Time!

It's Bud Shot Time!

Hey CD, hows it goin! Thanks dude. Most or at least 80% finish between 70 to
80 days. On the other stuff here's some stuff from post #11...
To save space they were grown from seed to about 9 in. then transplanted
to 1 gal. pots and put into flower. My plan was to cull about half of them
when they went male, lol. I culled 1 male and let the others flower to about 4
wks so most of the stretch would be in the 1 gal pots. They were then
transfered to 3 gal pots to live out thier remaining days.
Here's a lineup of the top bud of each girl. Some are sitting on a few of their
lower buds. If I gave them a nick name through the grow I'll include that by
the pick. They're kinda lined up in order of harvest times shortest first with
final gram weight.
All picks are at medium so click'em if you wanta see bigger.

This is the Waif. Exact structure of the pistachio except she's darker green
with the rust colored pistils. About 10 wks. 35 gr.

This girl is pretty much like the waif. About 10 wks. 38 gr.

The pistachio, I love this plant. The pistils almost went pink and the bud is
very light green, a very pretty bud. Smoke is wonderful. Approx. 10 wks 39 gr.

The next two grew more spear shaped buds. Approx 10 - 11 wks. Both 39 gr.

Don't really recall this one but I'm stoned, looks like a 11 wkr., my notes say 58 gr.

Here's sockett, she should be close to the end but her structure fit here in the
line-up. She's like the pistachio only "gone wild". 14 WKS! 60 gr. of incredible
smoke though.

Think this is the one that smelled of strawberries for awhile. 12 wks. 53 gr.

Last but not least... Miss Clumpett, 14 wks., 65 gr. Oh yea, the head bud,
even cheating only weighed 24 grams so consider my shorts ate. :)

A few parting shots...

Hope you enjoyed, take care! NS

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