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ssh x ww



Yah really good man!

Excellent cross from here.......
No trim nessecery on the bud haha!!
Good job,update on the smokes......


Seriously impressive work man :canabis: , was it the Widow you chose the male from and the fem from SSH?, i've been trying to think of a strain to cross with NL#5xHaze, i've heard the Widow is great for crossing with and your pics have proven this, awesome job nuggetshiner :headbange



Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Tomatoesonly, thanks for stoppin by! The "poor pathetic pheno" actually looks
a whole lot better from that pic on down, gets pretty thick. I think that plant
leans to the haze and got the 14 week gene.

snowman06, the room has a wonderful aroma but my honkin huge carbon filter
takes care of that. These phenos exhibit some alluring aromas. Everything
from a skunk with starbursts in his pocket to exquisite sweet candy smells and
a bit of spice here and there from the ssh. Not pos but I think this cross is Ice
Nirvana sells some. Someone chime in and correct me if I'm wrong. Just went
and looked, it's not Ice. This cross has a name just not sure what it is. I think
it's name is "good shit", lol, well I can't say that until I smoke some. :)

Crazy Composer, Lougrew!, thanks guys, it means a lot to get props from good
growers. :)

Hazeseeker, the father is ssh, mother is white widow. I screwed the title of the
thread, had a 50/50 chance and I blew it. It should read wwxssh, mother first.
Your NL#5haze x ww sounds great. It's fun to grow your own seeds.

HENNESSY, thanks, maybe its a little too graphic, lol.


Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
nuggetshiner, those girls are looking fantastic. I can really see the Super Silver Haze in those babies, enjoy the harvest my friend, Looks like you made a nice hybrid there.


I really hope these are going to land on the bay... You told me you thought about sending them there as freebies, any chance that's gonna happen? Cause the way mine are growing, I need a bigger stash of those! They grow and smell (even though they're only 5 days into 12/12) awesome!


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Pheno's @ 9 weeks...

Pheno's @ 9 weeks...

SuperBudz, thanks, the ssh really did lend his genes in a nice fashion.

Hazelnuts I really hope these are going to land on the bay... You told me you thought about sending them there as freebies, any chance that's gonna happen? Cause the way mine are growing, I need a bigger stash of those! They grow and smell (even though they're only 5 days into 12/12) awesome!
Hi Hazelnuts!, hey dude, hows it goin? Well I did want to send these in to
SB as freebies but I don't have secure email to deal with them. PM 'd Gypsy
and he just guided me to the place that says we won't deal with u at ICmag
about SB stuff so just package'em up and send them to this address, thanks.
Lol, well I had some ques. about some diff stuff and I want to talk to some-
body. Seems like there would be someone I could pm around here about this
stuff but I guess not. Someday when I get secure email I'll contact SB about
it but I'm in no hurry. About your stash, I'm only a PM away. Glad your
enjoying them. :)

Ok, 9 week update. These are in order of probable finish time. Looks like two
of them will be ready at 10 wks with the others finishing by 12 wks except for
the "poor pathetic pheno" which will prob go 13 or 14.

Take care all... back next week with 10 week update!
Very crunchy good sir. Enjoy. How is the body/head ratio on that cross? Seems to me like it would turn you into a potato for a couple hours before realizing what happened.


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
First One to the Finnish Line...

First One to the Finnish Line...

MOneYMiKe, Duke_, thanks guys!

SoulCoughing, crunchy good? lol, ok. Should be good mix of body and head,
both the ssh and ww are. Will report back and let u know. Don't know about
the potato thing, always feel that way. I'll ask Mrs. Potato head and see what
she says. :rasta: Oh yea, there is no Mrs. Potato head!

Well, the first one comes down 2nite. She's 9 wks 5 days. The lower buds look
like they could go another week but the top says now. She looks like a bean
pole. I'm used to bushes. The red marks on the background are every 12 in.
from dirt level. This girl is 39 in.

By the way, that's not a nanner on that bud. A leaf got broke and turned into
the bud and thats the light green bottom of it.
Looks like I'll be harvesting one of these every few days till their done. I'll 10
week update all the remaining girls then show each as their taken.



Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
2nd One Comes Falling Down...

2nd One Comes Falling Down...

Thanks for the visit SpacedCWBY, another lady for ya!

I've been calling this one the pistachio pheno. For a few weeks now when I
look at it across the garden it looks like someone dolloped pistachio ice cream
all over it. She's one day short of 10 wks. 29 in., one of the shortest. In the
full plant shot the red mark is 24 in. The 12 in. mark got covered by a leaf.

10 week update on the rest of the girls soon. NS


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
6 Girls Remaining...

6 Girls Remaining...

Hey ICmaggers, here's the remaining 6 girls in order of probable finish.
The colas in the first, third and fourth pics are getting massive, the top of
the cola in the third pic should be an ounce when dry. Maybe we'll have a
a little guessing game if anyone is up for it. Sorry about the fifth pic, the
yellow just didn't want to leave. I also changed the name of the "poor
pathetic pheno" to "socket", I found out the girls next to her were sticking
her leaves in a 120v socket when I wasn't in the garden, bullies! Anyway
thats why she looks electrified, lol. More coming down soon.

I call her my "Melancholy Baby" because she has a head like a melon and a face like a Collie.


Active member
Howdy, NuggetShiner.
I don't know why I haven't posted in here before. I guess it's because I bookmark threads I like instead of subscribing. Don't always find everything in my long list.
Maybe you could put a link in your sig.
Aside from that poor pathetic one, they look great.
Looks like easy trimming.

I popped 5 of the SSH x WW and got 4. One was a runt. Culled it.
Flipped 3. 2 males so far.
I kept one in veg because I wanted to grow it larger.
I'll post a pic one day.


Active member
Accidents are always better because they keep humans from mucking it up with so called knowledge. :biglaugh: :ying:

ssh x ww is a winner.

This is gonna become a staple in the future.

Awesome job nuggetshiner! :kewlpics: :headbange
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Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
2 More Coming Down...

2 More Coming Down...

Hi Hazelnuts, those look nice and healthy. As u know I started from seed in cup
to about 9 in. then repotted to one gal. and put directly into flower. How long
did u veg? Any topping or lst? I have 2 clones of my first lady vegged into nice
bushes (not GW) and ready to go dwc. :)

Hey Hazy! Good 2 c u! Your germ rate sounds like my first run, 9 males one grl.
2nd time 11 grls 1 boy, strange. Took your advice on the sig. :) The "poor
pathetic pheno" or "socket" as I call her now is looking less and less pathetic,
lol, actually shes not quite a swan yet but she's leaving the ugly duckling
stage. What trim? These should be advertised as self trimming. Seriously, I
haven't trimmed anything easier, quite the breeze. Glad u stopped by, don't be
a stranger. People are strange when you're a stranger... whoops, =) sorry.

inflorescence, thanks for the props and stopping in! C'mon back!

The next 2 ladies are "on deck" awaiting the chopping block. Prob later today.

This is the last of the short girls yet her structure is that of the tall. Most of
the tall girls are a nice mix of the pine structured ssh and ww, and are making
a beautiful fat cola. She's about 32 in. tall and has an incredible strawberry
aroma. I've sniffed it so much I could rub a ball of charas off the tip of my
nose. :) First strawberry smell I've had. I've been wondering when I should
take her but when I look at the third pic down makes me wonder what I've
been waiting for.

I've been sampling the first two to come down, mmmmm....

This is the last of the column type girls, she made it to 38 in. The mark in pic is
36 in. Unlike the other column girls her lower branches grew away from the
main stem. This girl is very low odor, she has a subdued hashy melon aroma.

11 week updates on all the girls left standing...
...Same bat time, same bat channel, tomorrow.
bbs, NS.
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