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SR71 Strainguide and Clones

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picked up the sour grapes and casey jones yesterday. Came late in the day selection was pretty slim.


Active member
how about sulfer burning for botrytis?and how long into flowering?

Sulfur burning is the way to go. I always burn in the first week of veg, then when I flip to flower (after about three weeks of veg) then 2 or 3 weeks into flower. You wont need to burn again after that. It takes a while for the mold spores to build up, and if you take preventive measures then you wont see PM any more. I live where the outside humidity is always around 60% and I used to get PM every crop until I started Sulfur burning. Now I get no PM. Hope this helps. I never get Botrytis anymore either,


Is anyone else noticing two different phenos in the hindu skunk? One that finishes quicker, denser and with more crystal versus one that is harrier and takes about a week longer to finish and is a lot less crystally. I'm seeing about a 1 to 6 ratio of the hindu skunk plant that I like less. I'm on ebb and flow tables so plants are all getting the same treatment.


Has anyone grown out the sour grapes aka grape stomper? I've searched and saw a couple threads but some of the posters have removed their pics. Is it a heavy feeder, mildew resistent, yield. I remember keyplay saying she needs to be pimpslapped to yield well.


To the dude that gave me negative rep I'm not the only one who has noticed this. Some of the hindus grow slightly different. I've been growing it for over two years. I'm not complaining just curious what others on the board have experienced.


Maybe the Hindu is mutating and thats why there are random clones that dnt get frosty like te good one. I noticed that over 2 years ago with purple kush they used to have random querkles labeled as purple kush maybe that mutated also.. Or it could be 2 diff pheno's.. But thats just my input, how can you have querkle for over a year and not even know it unless it, welll shit happens!!


I stopped running the hkxsk after two cycles because of mutations; about one in six is accurate. The PK--which I've had 2 years-- will mutate too, but it takes more stress and the pk mutations aren't noticable in the finished product. The stressed plants just have less vigor and lack the giant fan leaves of the healthy pk.
Keep those mamas healthy and don't stress your clones!


Active member
My last run of WW had a lot of mutant bammer plants; sucked. Almost a third of the clones came out with zero crystals; grown right next to some bomb; same everything.

The dc is stable in veg; we'll see about flower. Almost at 60 days of veg for the dc so far.

Big J.

New member
got bbg HS and ppk put them in 12/12 three weeks ago and the ppk is budding but the bbg and hs showing no signs of budding do they take lil longer to catch or something's wrong with them :wallbash:


Big J. did you get these cuts in oakland or so cal? I think your doing something wrong. 3 weeks no signs is no bueno. Light leaks? No bloom nutes? Something is wrong.


Active member
Is anyone else noticing two different phenos in the hindu skunk? One that finishes quicker, denser and with more crystal versus one that is harrier and takes about a week longer to finish and is a lot less crystally. I'm seeing about a 1 to 6 ratio of the hindu skunk plant that I like less. I'm on ebb and flow tables so plants are all getting the same treatment.

Definetly I've noticed this for the past two years and it's been worse during certain periods. I used to see about 10-20% of the HKs looking like that. Not even worth growing the crappy ones either IMO. Another reason why I stopped going to BS.


Active member
got bbg HS and ppk put them in 12/12 three weeks ago and the ppk is budding but the bbg and hs showing no signs of budding do they take lil longer to catch or something's wrong with them :wallbash:

I am not sure why this is happening. As mentioned before it could be light leaks, that would be my best guess. Otherwise, many things could stress a plant and cause it to be stunted. If the bubblegum is stunted because of stress then I would start to look for hermaphrodites. The bubblegum from blue sky definitely has hermi tendencies and if stressed this will happen. It may seem like you are in a no win situation. Maybe just keep flowering and keep a close eye on them. Or just pull them now and let more light get to other plants. Just my two cents.
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