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SQYDROs HGO inspired coco donut grow!

dreadless rasta

New member
Nice to see you here dude (lilrasta btw) some good info here dude been reading away for months. Nice to see you are going for donuts, are you sure they can look after coco? hydro was too much to leave them with dude for a novice


hey mate hows it going? leave who with it lol update comin in a bit guys been slow getting started, things are tight at my end just now just finished the feed lines and got that working well there a bit underfed and what not but a few days theyl bounce back.... photos in a bit mate


heres the babies in position im going for bigger plants with 2 x 600w stacked room still to be completed but heres somethin to feast ur eyes on, check out the mini fan silent and powerfull from b and q for my uk friends



chiesel - heaths cut
kalischnapple- tropicanna cut
agent orange- sonics cut

11 all in 3,4,4 respectively untopped apart from the chiesel as there very lanky im a grow til there is a weed tunnel then flip and add 1 more 600

roll it large

chiesel - heaths cut
kalischnapple- tropicanna cut
agent orange- sonics cut

11 all in 3,4,4 respectively untopped apart from the chiesel as there very lanky im a grow til there is a weed tunnel then flip and add 1 more 600

nice one mate looking forward to the show

tht chiesel cut stretches like a mofo more than the others iirc cheesey's went from 10" to 37"-38" did 5 in a 1.2m tent and they filled it

ive just got this cut back too after the mates who have smoked it cant get enough of it,they love it so i will be growing it again



nice one i look forward to seeing what she can do mate thanks for info on stretch mate il keep them all at one side


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
Awesome! Love to see more donuts...
I have messed around with different plant counts per donut, and as usual HGO gave you good advice.
I have experimented with 6, 8, and 10 plants per donut. As with most things it is strain specific. My USD trained against screens does well after 2 weeks of veg with 8 plants for example. Less than that and I may have holes in my canopy after I remove suckers, but more than that and I would have too much in the corners and PM, rot, etc...
If you have enough room to eventually do 2 donuts, you could split them off as needed, and focus on getting the first one dialed with plant numbers as needed.
The one issue I have with doing perpetual in the same room is the dramatically different RH needed at stretch vs flower. If you have the ability to control your environment to that degree, then I would either do the whole tent at a time, or set up another tent if you want to go perpetual.
As an anecdote I have my current run as an example. I placed 8 plants in first that are an 11+ week cycle, then within a week I placed 15 more plants that are 9-10 strains. I was focused on the first 8 plants since they were vegged to the appropriate size, and the others were just fillers. I kept the RH a little too high for the fast finishers after they finished stretch, but there was still 2 weeks of stretch left on the USD. The buds on the latecomers just didn't go into the swelling phase like the USD did with optimal RH during stretch and flower.
Hopefully I am making sense... Spend all weekend fishing on the ocean with less than 8 hours of sleep over 3 days...


yeah i dig lol thanks for the advice, i dont know weather to train these or not through a screen, i have a 2.4 x 2.4m room i could prob do 2 donuts with 1 x 600 each, when i areanged it like this it never looked right...

so went for the 1 big circle and il train them and stack 2 x 600s FTW

i need 5-6 a plant average for this to be a keeper, that should see me through to the next crop i usualy ony grow 2-3 a year, as cocos new and donuts as well uncharted territory then i no this wont be a dialed grow, but il give it my best with the help of the people in this section should be no prob...

thanks again


if the guys in the know think 8 FTW i could mother 3 of these as theres 3 strains that would give me 8 left and i could pull out 3 that are least 'uniform' to the rest of the circle, every ones a winner


i shot u a PM hgo did u get it bro? i think arminius answered it for me anyways bro thanks for poppin in :)