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Sqwirl's RoadHouse


Hey Frank, glad you enjoyed the smoke. I'm diggin you avatar.

Happy Birthday America!! :jump: Some of JJ's Nigerian Silk :joint:


Hey Sqwirl, great lookin' shit ya got there! You oughta have a disclaimer at the beginning warning people about drooling all over themselves..

Would you mind describing your setup a little? Lighting, cab dimensions, etc?

Thanks, and again great job

EDIT: Also, just to clarify.. You BHO-ed, bubble bagged, and then buddered some of it? Were there any other methods you used to make all that tasty candy?
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TraneRek, I flower in a room that's roughly 10X10. I use a circular light mover that holds 3 600w lights and 1 1k light. I use 3gallon grow bags for my flowering ladies.

In my veggin room I have 4 4ft T5 lights. This room I also supply a friend with clones out of and not just my flower room. I clone either aero or using Rapid Rooter cubes. Then transplant into cups.

If your really interested, you can find a few more things about my setup throughout this thread http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=70836

Anything else just let me know, I don't mind helping out or clarifying things at all

Hey Pirate, I have about 40 different mothers, I don't really want to list them atm, I'm ready to go get high, maybe later though.

edit}Oh yeah, with the BHO you pretty much hit everything right on. SOmetimes I press my keif but I don't think I've shown pictures of that. Buddering, and Amber glass are styles of BHO'ing.
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Oh damn, that rotating light fixture thing is a trip! Seems to do the trick (to say the least!).. Thanks for the info; I'll be sure to check that thread out.



I love the solar revolution. I used it for 3years until the motor burned out. I called the guys up and they sent me a new one to replace it. I just had to pay an extra $25 and for the shipping. It was a hassle exchanging them but it really wasn't that bad. Over at my friends house we have the inline movers. I like them as well but I love the solar revolution.

Thanks scrappy :joint:

I'll get some dry nug shots in the next few days, guarenteed.


Hey Top Secret are you still going crazy with the BHO?? I love that shit but nothing beats good ol' greens.

Heres some pictures of Jdog Bubba @ 60days. Bubba's always welcomed in my pipe:bongsmi:

The middle bottom is my favorite picture :joint:

Now for some of that Hollywood Pure Kush @ 39days

Low yeilding, :muahaha: this strain makes me laugh at people that only grow high yeilding strains. If they only knew :muahaha: Dumbasses

Top Secret

No, I had to put the BHO away a week or two ago. Then I even quit smoking bud for a few days but then I came down with a kidney stone and I'm trying to tough it out and not go to the hospital. So of course I have been self medicating with the hollywood pure, peanut clusters, and a lil ssh here and there. But mainly the hollywood pure, its so darn tasty! After I get this stone taken care of I'm gonna be taking a break from smoking again. Gonna try to stick it out for a month...... just for the hell of it. Hopefully some clusters are coming your way soon.


Dang Top Secret, I'm sorry to hear about your health issues. I wish you all the best. I'm glad you guys are loving the Hollywood Pure. Tasty fruit loops kush eh?? Thats how I like to explain her. What would you say about the flavor?

Thanks Pirate, its a constant struggle keeping up with everything. You've got a nice show going yourself there buddy.

Alright now for a few more pictures. I've been stuck on that crack for far to long, that Green Crack aka cush. Here's one @ 46days.

Top Secret

Now thats some CRACK worth smokin!!! I honestly couldn't tell you what the pure tastes like other than really freakin good!
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Registered Pothead
Damn do you rent out rooms at the sqwirl roadhouse? cause i will rent a corner of that grow room! Awesome grow man. Tagged.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
HeLL's yes SkwIrL...doin' BIG things..........just found out that my Gcrack is still alive.........WOooooooooooHO00000oooooooo.....nice garden,imagining the odors...hehe.........Mm

Top Secret

Oh man, I just smoked a fat ass hollywood pure joint for my last smoke. Now I'm gonna take a few week break from smoking. I still have me a jar of it waiting for me though. That stuff is by far one of the best tasting herbs Ive ever smoked!


I hope everybody's having a great weekend!! I've been trying to upload photo's since earlier in the week, no luck yet. A few hash shots. I kicked down some hash to a few friends recently and was hoping to post a few photos of it. Oh well. :rasta:

Top Secret I hope your break goes well and that we still see you around here. Hehe this Pure Kush has definitly had a solid spot in my garden, even though it's my lowest yeilder. Good Shit, this Hollywood Pure Kush.

MMike good to hear your rockin the GCrack baby, She's definitly a nice strain. It's amazing how with all the flavors I can catch each of their seperate odors. I love this plant!!

ChubbyNugz, no renting out here. We might be able to work an agreement for some labor. Hostel style.

:violin: Hopefully I'll get to upload some pictures soon.

Until then here's some 77day SFV OG kush joints
On the Roadhouse

Top Secret

I'll still be around here. Just wont have anything to show for a while. I just looked and noticed that my hollywood has been in the jar for a lil over 2 months now. The smell is still getting better and better. its gonna be great to have that to smoke after the break.

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