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Spreading seeds outside up north


Tropical Outcast
lol<.. thats kitten is so hilarious and cute .. ohmg!!

lol yeah it was while it lasted those few seconds. You caught it fast though!

Either way...when I agreed with ganjasuiteseat I was doing so about the "all being good" part.

I couldn't care less if and when someone is growing autos...or not.

It's all about the fun for most of us and about the $ for some.

So I think we got that settled now.


I look forward to see your next outdoor thread, articsun. It would be awesome if you could get a few good outdoor grows in those climates.

Do you not believe that it would be possible to climatize the genetics and keep on breeding so it will thrive even though in those areas? (I know, indoors is easier. But I'd love to see this in the wild on hikes)


look forward to see your next outdoor thread, articsun. It would be awesome if you could get a few good outdoor grows in those climates.

Do you not believe that it would be possible to climatize the genetics and keep on breeding so it will thrive even though in those areas? (I know, indoors is easier. But I'd love to see this in the wild on hikes)

Thanks mate, i doubt we will acclimatize cannabis to the point where it will grow wild in the manner you wish it to in climates like the one you describe. I know auto cannabis will grow wild in dry and warm inland climates up to about 65 north.

You will have to find spots with an especially beneficial micro climate in order to get them to survive over several seasons.

We do however already have strains that are suited for cultivation in arctic conditions.

Im very much looking forward to the next outdoor project aswell, i know i did some mistakes last year so i think there is room for improvement.


Yeah, the ideal would of course be to have potent plants just about everywhere. But I'd be satisfied if I could have a strain powerful enough to plant the seeds on a hiking trip and have a reasonable hope it would be a bunch of ripe plants there when I were to return a few years later.

Research like yours is important!
i would advise autos for this.but i dont want cannabis around the world start doing this!!!!so just grow females outdoor.peace and a peaceful harvest,

autos should take 10-12 weeks tops.auto short term amnesia takes 10-12 week for me and its a haze.i think they will trive ina outdoor/green house op easy.1# per meter.peace and pm:ying:

If OP wants self-pollinating within his plants a remote greenhouse isn't gonna work (for that).
i dont see how its out of contexted.and i also belive autos can self seed if weather,animals,and humans do not stop them.matter of fact your right;).fuck autos.lol its all good brudda.peace[/quote]

This is what i was reacting to, i dont appreciate this attitude anymore then you appreciate mine. But im going to be fronting like this wherever im facing this shit.
musta missed the sarcasm in the fuck autos remark.lol it all gravy baby.:ying:y dont you get the hell out of the COLD.lol cant stand that shit


i dont see how its out of contexted.and i also belive autos can self seed if weather,animals,and humans do not stop them.matter of fact your right;).fuck autos.lol its all good brudda.peace

musta missed the sarcasm in the fuck autos remark.lol it all gravy baby.:ying:y dont you get the hell out of the COLD.lol cant stand that shit[/QUOTE]

My most sincerest apologies for going off on a rant. I was already pissed off when i entered the thread and ive got a hot head sometimes.

Bro, Norwegians dont freeze, we just eventually go blue and tip over.

sorry again, im embarrassed about my rant, gotta learn to read threads more carefully..


I'm glad you found it, though. I really like what your'e doing up there. Once again I must say I SO look forward to follow your comming thread.

Could you perhaps, in the sake of science, put some extra guerilla grows up? Don't need much attending either...
musta missed the sarcasm in the fuck autos remark.lol it all gravy baby.:ying:y dont you get the hell out of the COLD.lol cant stand that shit

My most sincerest apologies for going off on a rant. I was already pissed off when i entered the thread and ive got a hot head sometimes.

Bro, Norwegians dont freeze, we just eventually go blue and tip over.

sorry again, im embarrassed about my rant, gotta learn to read threads more carefully..[/quote]
lmfao:laughing::laughing::laughing:go blue and tip over:ying:dont worry bout it we are human aint we?!ima hit ur thread up and chat bout 'ice grow chuckers':artist:.peace
I have ZERO first hand knowledge about growing anything farther north than the Dakotas. But i do know for a fact that there have been about a dozen areas up in the Colorado mountains (between 9 and 10 K feet) that have taken off as wild grows from people durring the early 80s planting up there. One of them has had me EXTREMELY puzzled since the mid 90s. That stand was planted by an old man who died after getting busted around 1988-89. It keeps growing back even though the sheriff's department goes out and chops it down every few years. The piglets love to make a big news deal about cutting it down every time they go back. I think it was started from some old Columbian (or Acapulco) gold. It isn't a very high grade but a decent sativa that i don't think i have ever heard of any real buds being allowed to mature from. Kids usually ran-sac about half when the cops don't get to it. But it has spread down stream from the old mans property over time as well.
There are also sporadic stands around Colorado, Kansas and New Mexico(lower elivations) that have probably been going for over a hundred years. You hear about them occasionally getting cut down by cops but they return on their own...i don't know anything else about those.
So i have little doubt that "IF" you can find a strain that grows to maturity on it's own in your area something similar could/would happen in your area by spreading seeds. But i have noticed that this only seems to happen around areas that were fairly heavily planted over several acres...i don't know why that is exactly.


I'm glad you found it, though. I really like what your'e doing up there. Once again I must say I SO look forward to follow your comming thread.

Could you perhaps, in the sake of science, put some extra guerilla grows up? Don't need much attending either...

Thanks for the props, appreciated :yes:

I will try to sow some seeds directly into the ground next year at 69 north and also try to leave some seeded plants to see if any of them will pop the following year. There is some issue with the soil in the far north being not so good also.

The problem will be the ground frost that stays in the ground a while after the snow is gone here im afraid.


You may want to read this post by the moderator of the Finnish subforums..


Quote:Originally Posted by tokatronic
survive by it's own without any tending. Another trait I'm looking for is the ability to survive the winter and spread the genetics like wildfire.[/url]
BadTicket said:
Even if they would survive the winter, i don't think they would do very nicely without any tending, atleast not in the long run. I've tried with pehkus and lowryders, didn't work. (Zero germ)
Thanks for the props, appreciated :yes:

I will try to sow some seeds directly into the ground next year at 69 north and also try to leave some seeded plants to see if any of them will pop the following year. There is some issue with the soil in the far north being not so good also.

The problem will be the ground frost that stays in the ground a while after the snow is gone here im afraid.

have you thought about putting down some black plastic and cutting it so the seeds can come up through but will have the benefit of the plastic warming the soil quicker and helping keep it warmer through out the season?
Also consider planting the seed in the late fall when there is no chance of germinating. with the added warmth of the plastic and the good tolerance to minor frost you will get the longest season possible. IMHO anyways
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Not a bad tip at all CD, only thing i dont like is to leave plastic at a guerilla spot.
yes no garbage is good garbage, how-ever its not just "left" at the site, it is working, just like a stake to hold up the plant is. how-ever to leave it blowing around after your done with it is not a good thing.
If you can try it with one spot with a few seeds under it just below the 'cuts'. and next to it just put the seed in. if your responsible with garbage and you sound like someone who would be it will do your crop good.


So i have little doubt that "IF" you can find a strain that grows to maturity on it's own in your area something similar could/would happen in your area by spreading seeds. But i have noticed that this only seems to happen around areas that were fairly heavily planted over several acres...i don't know why that is exactly.

Thanks for the information, that's good to hear. I guess it's about breeding traits. A lucky surviver will probably have more cold hardy genetic traits in it, so if these seeds would be collected and crossed with a larger genepool with new/other supposedly nordic or cold hardy traits, it probably would be possible to have a nice seed collection after a couple of seasons.

I will try to sow some seeds directly into the ground next year at 69 north and also try to leave some seeded plants to see if any of them will pop the following year.

Well, if you manage to get seeds, pollen or to reveg and keep clones from the experienced cold hardy plants - it would be an amazing starting of point for future experiments.

Why am I not doing it myself? Well, that's because it is impossible for me in the current situation. No need to elaborate. But it would be amazing to get a hand of those genetics when I get going in a couple of years. And then you and me will overgrow the artic! (not just the attic)


Active member
i once left a pollinated plant to do its own thing . i was in new england with snow and cold temps.the plant was small but had lots of seed. the following year i found only 2 seedlings.


Thanks, man. It's good to hear story's like that from north europe.

Personally I'd be happy with two seedlings and probably either brought them home or take cuttings of them for breeding. I'm a firm believer of genetic diversity, so if a project like this would work, I'd bring in a shitload of strains.

Obviously, it would save a lot of time to prepare and breed inside while waiting for the very, very short north outdour season. But it's a space and wife issue. I'm playing with the idea of purchasing several supposedly cold hardy strains, like some of the danish and north american as well as a few others that I've read good things about. It would take time, but it can be fairly easy to collect and store pollen. It can be divided as one sees fit, or it can be mixed into one A Northern Mix v 0.1 pollen bag in the freezer. And then it's just to plant during the season, and collect the survivors to ANM v 0.2.

I don't know much about breeding, but I've read heavily up the latest days on subjects that influence a project like this. It would be awesome to have some genetics to start with when I eventually get out of my chains. (hint hint articsun)