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Spray Dried Fish Hydrolyslate??

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
CC- They do remove most of the oils. I wouldn't suggest using this as a substitute for the liquid, if that's your main source of fungal life in AACT.

For me, my EWC has more than enough fungal activity from mangoes for some weird reason. Mango season makes my EWC amazing for teas. Remember this pic?

I like using the powder mainly for the ability to go with kelp and molasses as a complete fert. Also I use this as a top dressing very lightly for super hungry plants.

I'm still considering buying more fish hydroly just as an experiment under the microscope....I really wanna try the fish bone hydrolysate.

mad librettist

Active member
i've noticed mangoes make mushrooms grow in my bin as well. Some germinating pits have the shrooms right on em.

also germinated a date palm! Just throw it in the bin, and it poops it out germinated a month or so later.


Living with the soil
I'll usually do a combo of things to make certain teas. I've definitely noticed a nice fungal dominated tea using EWC and fish hydrolysate...but I ain'tz got me no microbial-Mcscope.

I can definitely see incorporating it into my topdress mix.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
i think the pits make perfect homes for mushrooms. The fibrous texture and papery rind reminds me of the textures that mushrooms like. The thing about mangoes is they are super nutrious and break down quickly. Azomite and powdered kelp also was in the mix with the mango...

Capt.-I think you'll like the stuff. Ive grown to like it since its pretty fast acting. Plus this allows me to save the good stuff for the teas(well better stuff lol). At least as soon as i get some. The One loves this stuff, shes showing her nice bluish-green color.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I had got 5 lbs for $25 shipped when it was on special. 92 gals.... Thats a lot of water to ship :)

Just a little better than that stuff coming out of Alaska at that price. The only thing that gets me about it is the smell.. you know when you get some on your fingers....Reminds you of highschool....


Living with the soil
Just a little better than that stuff coming out of Alaska at that price. The only thing that gets me about it is the smell.. you know when you get some on your fingers....Reminds you of highschool....

LMFAO...that's great I should put that one in my sig.

CT Guy

Used it before, but picked some up this past weekend. I'll be testing it shortly....


Living with the soil
Got me a sack of it and it looks pretty good...smells exactly as BB88 described. High school flashbacks. Dosed the girls tonight with the recommended amount.

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