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Split from : The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!


Hey Stitch,
Just wanted to let you know the problems havent got any worse and the plants are quite a nice green again! But the older leafs that were worst off have not recovered, so was just wondering if i should remove them with all the dead tips and edge's or should they just be left?
Cheers again m8


New member
My plants are near the month outside and I have the problem with holes on leaves. My plants grow in leaf forest which is infected by the same problem. I suspect that some worms feed on my plants. I do not know what I should use to handle with this problem so I ask for yours advice. The plants grew from seeds, the strain: "Outdoor mix" (the problem appears on all plants without except). I used unieversal soil with a little bit of dolomite. "Canna tera vega"applies to fertilization.

Sorry for my english language I haven't used it for a long time


Hey Stitch,

Just an update on my problems. Looks like I have the nutes and buildup problems fixed, thanks to your help. I have acquired some spider mites but am treating with Neem sprays.

Also finally got your book. Very impressive. Thats part of the reason why I haven't bothered you here. Your book is well laid out.

My plants are about 4 weeks into flowering and I was curious how big the buds should be by now? When do they grow the most and what should I be giving them at this point?

I found that even at .25oz/gal of the PBP Bloom is still too strong so I backed down to 1ml/gal and about 1/2tsp/gal Cal Mag. I set the pH of nutes at around 6.3 and 150ppm. They have had 2 feedings since last flush. I thinned out a lot of the large fan leaves to get better ventillation and light to shorter plants.

Also, I looked through the forums and I can't seem to find anything on different RO systems. I would like to get a whole house system but will settle for a smaller system. Do you have any knowledge on this?

I'll post some current pics soon.

Thanks so much.:joint:


Thank You STITCH

Thank You STITCH

Your Marijuana Garden Saver guide is quite thorough. Thank you for taking the time to share the knowledge and experience that you've acquired.
Here's a toast to Stitch...:joint:

of limber mind,


New member
Need some help before they go

Need some help before they go

does anyone know what is causing the edges of the leaves to curl up almost roll up but stay dark green or no color change at all. I tried lowering the nutes, rasing the light (600w MH), ph 5.8 and it stays 75 degrees at all time.
It' in a areoponitics set-up
If anyone has the answer I'm all ears


I just had to respond to this DUMB ASS Quote....

I just had to respond to this DUMB ASS Quote....

I feel it is my obligation to let all of you know:

Stitch is responsible for more plant deaths that any single person in the world.:moon:

I'm just curious how you came to that conclusion?...... What, did Stitch come visit your garden and/or the gardens of people you know AND chop down all the plants?

OR - Are you saying this because you took advise from this Thread and your plant(s) ended up dying?

Either way, it seems to me that your just talking out your ass here....Cause from what I've read, Stitch seems to be giving some good information/advise (and most of what I read, my advise or answer would have been the same as he gave).

I think that this is a great thread! It has helped me, either by re-assuring me that I diagnosed my plant problem correctly and/or by giving me new or different ideas on how to cure certain problems I've run into.

To me, that's what this thread is for. It is here to help YOU to figure out what is wrong with YOUR plants & to give you ideas + help in figuring out a solution to your plant problems.

So, if you are having problems with plant growth (etc.) and you don't know why there's trouble, what's wrong w/the plant(s) and/or how to correct the problem - then you use this thread along with advise from other members to give you a good "guess" or idea as to whats wrong with your plants & it also gives you some POSSIBLE ideas or steps you can take to remedy the problem.

If you just come on here and try to fix the problem by taking some remedy given to you by someone else, and applying it Word-For-Word then it'd be nobody's fault but your own that the plant died.
I mean if your not smart enough to realize that you have to research your problem (ESPECIALLY when you don't know exactly what your dealing with), use this Website as just 1 source of information. Then take what you learned here and use it to help yourself find more info.
I mean if you are unsure of whats wrong with your plant(s) & they are right in front of you, it seems kind of fuc*ing stupid to just assume that someone trying to help you figure out whats wrong over the internet is going to be able to give a 100% accurate diagnosis of whats wrong - I mean shit, if you can't figure out what the problem is staring at the plant face-to-face, it would be pretty damn stupid to just take someone's advise word-for-word from over the internet on how to get your plant healthy again. Every problem is unique. The same fix that 1 guy used doesn't always work for your situation - even if it sounds like the same problem.

I mean if a plant dies in your own personal GrowRoom, how can you blame anyone but yourself?
If you just jump right into growing without any background knowledge on the basics of growing plants, along with what they need to grow healthy & how to tell when they are not healthy, your going to run into problems (I mean knowing what type of nutrients the plant needs to grow and what the plant looks like when it doesn't have enough of a certain nutrient is all stuff you really should know or at least have a bit of knowledge on before you rush into a grow).

So, to me, once you make the decision to setup an indoor grow-room it is your responsibility to at least have enough knowledge to be able to get thru it from beginning to end.
If you don't even have enough background knowledge on growing to know whether or not the advise given to you on this site is decent advise - then it's pretty damn stupid to follow some advise blindly, end up killing the plant because of that & then after all that to try and put the blame on someone else is kinda ass-backward ain't it??

Anyway, sorry for rambling on there....

Good thread though! It has helped me diagnose(or confirm my own diagnosis) with a couple problems so far.

By the way, I left some clones in the tray (with HIGH humidity) for too long before I transplanted them. Towards the end, the RockWool was totally covered in dark green slime and I started seeing these little bugs hopping around (I almost thought they were fruit-flies at first but I've only seen a couple bugs flying - most crawl/hop around by the Rockwool cubes - they don't seem to be on the leaves of the plant.
Ever since I transplanted them into my special Coco/ProMix/Soil blend, I havn't really seen the little bugs anymore - and the clones have really taken off in growth since the transplant so all seems well now - But I don't want to find out down the road that I had a small pest problem that I let turn into a BIG pest problem. That and I don't want something eating my plants roots (especially if I don't know about it....)

So any ideas? What would your best guess be as to what those bugs are (or) were? As well as whether or not you think I need to take further action.

Thanks for your time (especially if you read this whole post LOL),



Dr. Doolittle
the dude: If they are near falling off then remove them, you don't want dead tissue leaves to remain cause they can cause problems.

Great to hear they are recovering dude! Always glad to hear that!!!!

ciacho: sorry I did not see your post, I forgot to check back with this thread in some time due to being so busy with they yard work and so forth.

Do you still need help? If so I will be glad to give you some asistance!

Mydnytetoker: Great to hear, but not so good with the mites! Sounds like you got them early, the earlier the treatment the better and quicker they die!

Thank you so much for the kind comment, I am glad you like the book! I was worried there would not be enough info, but I went really overboard in the end!

AS for your questions, you are no bother at all, if you need something always feel free to ask anytime!

Your flowering plants, there are many factors in determining how big your buds are at certain weeks intervals, lights, strain and nutrients can all play a role, and the list gets bigger depending on what you have your plants in....soil.. hydro and system type.

If your plants are mostly indica or half they grow the most in the first 2 weeks to 3 weeks.

MOstly sativa there growth spurt will last longer depending on the % of them.

Ya, after the plants have gotten a flush, the first feeding should always be half of what the new dosage should be, it takes a little time for them to recover and the nutes should be weaked while the roots recover, once they do you can use the new dosage they should of been put on from then on until they get bigger.

Whole house system RO is a waste, just settle for a system that is big enough for your needs.

Your looking at a huge amount of money for a whole house system and a higher water bill, cause it takes a lot of water to make small amounts of RO water......

Shangri-la Thank you for purchasing my book; I Am glad you like it and the kind comments are very appreciated!!!

Chuck: I would need to know more information, because without as much info as possible you can't get the right diagnosis. There could be a multitude of problems that could cause that, so in order to narrow it down to find the problem, since I am not the grower more questions answered the better, the questions you need to answer are in the sticky complete guide to sick plants at the top of this forum.

Hey there teddy, man bro you know how to stick up for someone!


New member
no thanks, i do not need your help anymore Stitch, i handled it by myself, but it's nice of you to ask.

No worries about getting back late, I fully understand. Soon I will have enough posts to PM and that will be easier. I harvested my crop and was pleased with a couple of the strains: Flo and Deep Chunk x Strawberry Cough. Very potent. My Super Silver Haze didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. The Purple Urkel looks nice but was disappointed with the smell. But I'm not all that bummed because this was my very first garden and I learned a LOT. I had a thought that I'd like to throw at ya before I invest more $. I can see that when you grow in soil, and if you make a mistake like I did, it takes so much longer to repair the damage and more time for your plants to recover. I am considering switching to an Ebb & Flow system. I kinda like the CAP model. What are your thoughts? I have seen a new media other than the Hygromite or Hydroton, I think it's the Sure to Grow cubes and blocks. Have an opinion on that? Looks promising. Anyways, thanks for all your help. I'll probably be starting a new garden in the next month after I tear the current room down and rebuild it. I am going to build a separate veg and bloom room, add a dehumidifier, epoxy the floor white and improve the ventillation as well as add CO2. This has been a very fun, yet frustrating, experience and I hope my next one will go smoother after learning what I have so far. Hope all is well. By the way, you mentioned in other posts that you had considered moving to Cali, did you ever make that move?


New member
just one of the best things i found around, if any problems occure with the flowers.
you can just compare the pics with the live plants and ... its all written. helped me...

nice done


New member
Help Please!

Help Please!

Stitch please help me. I am growing in soil. 2 Sour D clones and 4 Grapefruit kush from seed. All at 12/12 now under 400 HPS. I am having some weird stuff going on with the leaves that I cant seem to find on line. I think Its pH related but cant seem to figure it out for sure. I have been balancing the pH of my watering solution to 6.5-7. They are all in happy frog. Occasionally getting a drop or two of super thrive in the water. I cant figure out whether the soil is too acidic or basic? I've tried testing the soil with inconsistent results. I have pics. The first set is from 2 days ago and the last are from today. they appear to be getting worse. The weird part is that there are two of the GK's that are looking totally healthy and flowering fine? I am confused right now. the pics may be a little out of order but they are all in my album and labeled. Please help me with any info it would be greatly appreciated.


New member
Additional info

Additional info

How long has this problem been going on? approx 2 weeks or so but worsening
What STRAIN are you growing? Sour Diesel from clone and Grapefruit kush from seed
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) see above
What is the age of your plants? a little over 2 months. I cant remember exact date i started. (short term memory loss?)
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? Since the beginning
How Tall are the plants? sour d's about 3 feet, gk's all over 2
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? flower
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) 2 gallon
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) happy frog
What Nutrient's are you using? forget brand but it is a flowering nute with micros in it. also using a drop or two of super thrive. and have been using a phospho load fert.
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* without being vague I am using the amount suggested per gallon on the container. usally a teaspoon etc.
How often are you feeding? Up until this week had been feeding every time i water which usually only ended up being around every 6 days to a week or when the soil needed it.
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients? When I made the light switch to HPS from MH and switched to 12/12
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect) Everything has been going into the water pot and mixed together then pH balanced. pH down with GH pH down solution. pH up with baking soda if need be.
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? ?
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"? When I test the pH of my runoff it is very acidic usually 5 or below because its red with the solution drop tester.
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? pH test solution, as well as trying a couple soil testers. One expensive and one not so expensive.
How often are you watering? Refer to above. was every six days or so but as they have gotten bigger they may need water a little sooner.
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? about a week ago since problems have started to get bad. but I tried to foliar feed in case they were locked out due to pH and the leaves look crispy after. I may have mixed the foliar too hot.
What size bulb are you using? 400 HPS
What is the distance to the canopy? 18 inches or maybe a little less.
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) usually high 40's to low 50's
What is the canopy temperature? 69 to 70 at night the warmest during the day is usually 78. May get colder at night sometimes. we have some cold nights here in the foggy city
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) see above
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) 4 inch high output fan i think 250 cfm. Hooked to vent tubing to the outdoors with a tube drawing fresh air in from the out back into the tent as well.
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? Since starting flower I have left the fan on for 24 straight prior to that it was 18/6 with the lights
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? NO. the intake is in the above right corner near the light and the fresh air tube from outside coming in snakes down the side and vents near the floor
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? I try to let it dry before I water.
Is your water HARD or SOFT? pH is usually 8 or more when using test solution on tap water.
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? Tap
Are you using water from a water softener? NO
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? yes I took some of the really bad looking fan leaves off because they were looking sickly
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? Tried neem oil 2 days in a row. 3 days ago because I thought I could have pest problem. the leaves got way bad after that. sprayed when the lights were off not on
Are plant's infected with pest's? Cant say for sure. Haven't seen any but I am having a doozie of a time with these stubborn little girls right now.


New member
Great post man!! KUDOS! and I'll def. take you up on that offer for help

Great post man!! KUDOS! and I'll def. take you up on that offer for help

So this problem has just started as oftoday, was not like this this morning.

it is purple kush.

i have two others.

all my plants have been on the same schedule.

this one is furthest into flowering. about two weeks now.

the one pic that looks different from all the others (difference is that it is sunny outside and the leaves are much darker green then all the other pics) was taken one week into flowering.

I have been giving the plants fox farm tiger bloom 2-8-4 at 2 tsp/gallon since the entire garden pretty much started showing signs of flowering. (thats the recommended dosage)

Some of the big (like the biggest on the plant) fan leaves on the lower half actually look more blotched vs. the other discoloration pattern that seems to be present throughout the whole plant. from the naked eye the entire plant is def. bluish green with yellowing edges that feel like paper, and purple veins. the lowest new leaves are completely yellowing... sounds like a lot of deficiencies to me lol......

but this hole has the same things put into as all the others, and has been on the same schedule the past two weeks and just now started this.

I will say all of my purple kush's have a bit of that bluish green tint with the purple viens. so that i'll assume is strain.

there is neptune's harvest (found at www.neptuneshavest.com) fish/seaweed fertilizer in it at 1/8 cup per gallon. last used as of last weekend. home made worm juice, last used a couple days ago. i don't know the ratio, a good full second poor into a two gallon. neptune's harvest crab mixture, has lots of calcium (they say) spread a good amount in at beginning of planting (little over a month ago). watered with hose water that is a balanced ph....umm i think that's about all i've been giving them.

so why the sudden change in appearance??

as of tomorow im going to start using dolomite lime in the soil, and brer rabbit's full flavor molasses but those obviously arent' factors in the current conditions.

Thank you sir.


I was wondering how much water do I use with the tobacco recepie in the guide? I've put 3 marlboro red cigs into a 2dcl cup. Do I dilute this?
i have just germinated a big bang seed & it has cast its shell but ive noticed the very end of the root has snapped off! is this the end of the line for this baby or will it survive??


Active member
How long has this problem been going on? not all that long. week maybe.
Are you growing in a PVC grow tent? (example: Hydrohut or any other non brand tents) i'm growing in a mylar silver tent, apparently this one is ok
What system are you running? (DWC? Ebb flow? Aero? Water Farm? Flood Tables? and so on...) 3 bucket recirculating dwc - blazeonup
What STRAIN are you growing? green house seeds white widow, clone
What is the age of your plants? 3 weeks
How long have they been in there mixture they are in now?(coco,soiless etc..) done two nutrient changes in the past two weeks (one yesterday)
How tall are the plants? just under 1ft
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Vegetative
What Technique are you using? Techniques technique!!
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.) 1inch wool with hydroton
What is the Water temperature? 64f,18c - 72f/22c
What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy? pale brownish/white. dont look too bad
What Nutrient's are you using?(If growing soiless) Canna classic(aqua) Vega, rhizonotonic
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* 125ml of a and b, 80ml rhinzotonic res is about 45L

What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using?
1.5ec and 711ppm
What is the pH of the "Tank"? 5.5
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? yes
When was your last watering? currently always watering.. dwc..
What is your water temps? 64f,18c - 72f/22c

What size bulb are you using? 1000w digital balast
What is the distance to the canopy? 15cm (cool tube)
What is your RH Factor(Relative Humidity)? 20%
What is the canopy temperature? 86f 30c
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) 86f 30c- 60f 16c
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) not sure, but the inlet out flows the outlet
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? on 15m before lights on, off 15m later
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? airflows just skimming past them.

I can add i had a alge problem about one and a half weeks ago, buckets werent light proof, problems been fixed and no more alge forming, washed the system out and rinsed the roots in ph adjusted water for a little while..

ph was affected in this time as it was a bit green, ph was at about 4.5 in this time.. tho it could have been lower. (meters now calibrated after)

i've also done another flush yesterday. and changed to new nutrients with rhizotonic added, am waiting on another bottle of cannazym

thanks in advance.. possibly i am on the recover from this problem but thought i'd just post anyway.. also couldnt find a smilar photo in the thread... so i was a bit concerned


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New member
can someone tell me what causes just the very tip of my plant leaves to turn brown? Im thinking a deficiency of some kind its all the way top to bottom of the plant. Im 5weeks into flowering under 400watts hydro continuous drip. I also recently added a UVB 10.0 light for increased trichromes. im using bcgrow products with a cal mag supplement. thanks.

Sorry for the crappy picture quality. its unfortunately the best i've got.

What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) ONE FROM SEED BB FROM CLONES
What is the age of your plants? 2-3 MONTHS
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? FLOWER, 5WEEKS
What Technique are you using? HYDO, CONSTANT DRIP
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.) ROCKWOOL IN HYDROTON IN A BASKET
What is the Nutrient temperature? 74F
What Nutrient's are you using? BC GROW/BC BOOST, MAGICAL, AND A LITTLE SHOT OF ALASKA BLOOM 0-10-10
What is the pH of the "Tank"? 6.23
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? FAIRLY CERTAIN. I CALIBRATED WITH AQUARIM PH8.2.
When was your last watering? CHANGED ON FRIDAY
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional) FRIDAY
What size bulb are you using? 400WATT HPS/26WATT UVB
What is the distance to the canopy?15-20INCHES
What is your RH Factor? 60ISH I THINK. GAUGE IS CRAP.
What is the canopy temperature?86
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) UNKNOWN
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)500CFM THROUGH CARBON FILTER
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? A LITTLE OFFSET
Is your water HARD or SOFT? HARD
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned of of or pinched NO
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? NO
Are plant's infected with pest's? NO



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Dr. Doolittle
Hey everyone who else needs help now, sorry I have been away for a long time, was on vacation for a while.

So if you still need help for those who have posted previous to mine, I don't want to help unless you are still having the problems since some of the posts were a ittle bit ago.

So I am back and any new peeps feel free to post if you have questions or need asistance!