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Spider mites help


Well-known member
Mix 1 ounce of 91% isopropyl alcohol in a gallon of water and a surfactant.
Protect the root zone from runoff/dripping.
Completely spray every plant until dripping, then shake and let dry in a breeze. (keep from breathing)

Do this every 3 days for 5 treatments.

Your mites will be gone, regardless if they're 'resistant' or not. You're welcome. :tiphat:
yep i tried the alcohol ... also neem, rosemary oil, and a host of other remedies ... like lost coast...etc... if u do get em, the key is to find em early and kill the Mo-Fo's ... and thank you


Autistic Diplomat in Training
AFTER ... finding and eliminating the original source of infection.

If you have a constant source reinfecting your grow, there is nothing safe you can do other than find resistant strains or go full nutrition with the UV plants need to produce proper levels of proteins.


Well-known member
Premium user
There is a reason they call mites, "The Borg". In 50 years of growing, I only had them a handful of times but I never ever found a way to kill the cycle other than shutting down and starting over after a full sanitize.

Depending on where I was in the grow, I usually tried to finish the grow first.

However, on my last round with mites about 5 years ago, I tried various electronic methods. Nothing really worked well but one thing was, at least, fulfilling for me..........

I used one of those electronic fly swatters you get at Harbor Freight for $2.59 (or on Amazon for 15 bux. LOL). Since the mites generally gathered at the top of the plant, I simply zapped the shit out of them. LOL It worked like a charm and super killed the sunbathers sitting on the top buds. I could see their dead, twisted, electrocuted corpses scattered across the buds. Ahhh, how satisfying. LOL Then, I used a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush to suck their dead little corpses off to mite vacuum hell. Surprisingly, it did little to no damage to the buds.

Like I said, it didn't get rid of the infestation but it did provide a certain satisfaction. :)

Good luck. And, that is a beautiful setup. Awesome little greenhouse.

Again, good luck.



Well-known member
If you're infested no spray will kill them all. You're better off chopping everything and bombing the room and starting over. Or simply hang a no pest strip for a couple days...everything gone. Doesn't touch the plant. Sprays and oils coat the plant then u smoke it.


Well-known member
I have seen numerous suggestions (here and other threads) for the No Pest Strip. Don't I recall reading that those were exclusively verboten as damn near poisonous to us.

yep... thats what i have heard.... i have used them after spraying and bombing my tent... then i hung them in the tent for 5days- borgs seemed to be gone- these measures were taken in an 'empty' tent- afterwards i exhausted the room for some days b4 adding the plants.... not sure if it was the bomb,spray,no pest which did the trick, but i didn't have mites in the next grow/s

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I was also interested in what temperature might kill the bacteria since using fogger. The info is very vague, so e-mailed a manufacturer and should have answer Monday.
Got a BS answer from Bonide today, to use it as described on label. Had mentioned wanted to use with fogger and worried it might heat to the point of killing bacteria. Sent new message asking what temperature ruins the product.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Doesn't hurt a thing only takes a couple days. You know neem oil has trace amounts of toxins in it too right?
People ingest small amounts of Neem for homeopathic reasons. Its half life after exposed to water or light is 24 - 48 hours, so every day or 2 active ingredient is halfed. Lethal dose is 5 grams per kilogram of body weight. Spraying plants is organic till day of harvest. When burned turns to hydrogen and carbon monoxide in negligible amounts, less than cleanest air in world. Someone wasted tons of my time claiming it was harmful. Claimed it killed and harmed more people than covid, while no one has ever been hurt by it. Who would drink 500 grams of it, and from smell would probably puke it up after 5 grams.
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Well-known member
Far more toxic than any other cure. Read label. Not to be used in inhabited building.
Don't have lunch in your grow room! Obviously stay out for the 2 days the strip is hanging. Then let air out before u enter. A little common sense goes a long ways. Lol

St. Phatty

Active member
Don't chew on them and you'll be fine

Maybe the Spider mites can help with Tooth Decay.

Unless they're vegetarians.

I had a serious case of Spider Mites once in a 2 bedroom apartment, in the bedroom allocated for growing.

Fixed it with Safer's Dunks. i.e. a 20 gallon container and Safer's Concentrate mixed with water.

I was transitioning from 6 inch rockwool to soil. I made a round thing to cover the dirt and still ended up with dirt in the Safer's solution.

Had to dunk every plant, every 2 or 3 days, for a few weeks.

Also sprayed the walls with Safer's Soap, and everything the plants came in contact with.
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Well-known member
Got a BS answer from Bonide today, to use it as described on label. Had mentioned wanted to use with fogger and worried it might heat to the point of killing bacteria. Sent new message asking what temperature ruins the product.
Over 60c and the clock is ticking for almost everything.
Must you use heat? I thought that tech was outdated.


Well-known member
three things I know

Predatory Mites
Predatory Nematodes
Predatory LadyBugs

Feeds on Two-Spotted Spider Mites, Broad Mites, Rust Mites, Russet Hemp Mites, Cyclamen Mites, Southern Red Mites, and many other species of mites.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Over 60c and the clock is ticking for almost everything.
Must you use heat? I thought that tech was outdated.
I do not think my fogger heats. It is the thread creator that listed 1500 watt fogger that must heat with that wattage.