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spider mites control in the uk


hey guys

i want to know what you lot are using to fight the borg

list the product, and the place you get it from

also, how effective you think it is

i hear alot about sulphur burners, but have no experience with it myself

i also hear about floramite, but dont think you can get it in the uk

neem is not the best stuff to use in my opinion, but if you have had good results, then post away. add where you get it from, and the concentration you use.

i havent got mites, but i think this thread would be a good source for information and a plan of action if your unlucky enough to find them in your room

i personally use a cheap spray from b and q or homebase, but i just spray it as precaution. and it works, but doesnt kill eggs, and if you have a larger set-up then its just not good enough. i dont think it would help with a big infestation either.


ICMag Donor
The BEST way to totally eradicate spider-mites is to start again. Remove everything,, spray everything with disinfectant and sow a fresh batch of plants from seed.

Otherwise mother plants and clones can be kept in quarantine / isolation, alongside a program of spraying insecticide every 3-6 days for a 30 day period. Spider mites also dislike cooler environments with a strong air-flow.

Mites can also be removed by hand using cotton bud sticks and lemon juice. Heavily webbed areas can be cleaned with a sponge in veg. Effective organic sprays include solutions of crushed chili pepper, crushed garlic, tobacco, and water mixed together for 24hours. Make sure to ALWAYS spray the undersides of the leaves !!

Remember to remove any dead or decaying mater and any heavily infected leafs , and despose of themwell away from your garden. Keep sources that host spidermites,, like house plants, compost, and trim material,, well away from your ganja plants!

Hope this helps

N.B. In the UK many shops stock products under the counter for mites... the health risk of which are often unknown,, and shouldnt be sprayed on plants IMO :no:


ICMag Donor
Some of the chems the sheds sell are useable , some useless for mites.

Anything Pyrethrum based or touted as safe or organic is unlikely to do anything to mites other than increase their resistance.

Albamectin has proven the best if Floramite is unavailable , Bug Attack ready mixed is one source , check if the concentrate contains this , two applications a week apart in veg and clean everything to a high standard.



Floramite is popular with rose and other ornamental growers and enthusiasts , a polite enquiry at the allotments will often get you this and other usefull chems in small amounts off ticket.


Man if you spray that stuff on your plants and then consume them you are alot braver than i am.
I can see the point of using sprays like SNS-17 , SB plant invigorator or majestik cos they are all natural ingredients and are supposed to be quite effective ,unlike your typical B&Q or homebase rubbish. But using those chemicals on consumables is just crazy IMO.


i like theese

Just get some spider mite predators ,apply to your plants and the job is done. No need for nasty sprays or burners . If you have a really bad infestation it's best to hit them with 2 waves of predators , first wave then another a couple of weeks later .


this is what i use, but ready diluted

Some of the chems the sheds sell are useable , some useless for mites.

Anything Pyrethrum based or touted as safe or organic is unlikely to do anything to mites other than increase their resistance.

Albamectin has proven the best if Floramite is unavailable , Bug Attack ready mixed is one source , check if the concentrate contains this , two applications a week apart in veg and clean everything to a high standard.



Floramite is popular with rose and other ornamental growers and enthusiasts , a polite enquiry at the allotments will often get you this and other usefull chems in small amounts off ticket.

nice :)

any 1 else? wheres cannaboy to tell us about the sulphur burners?

anything else out there to deal with mites?

thanks for the replies guys

im sure some will find this thread a great help fighting the borg

something ive noticed, alot of people have mites, and they dont even know it. people just pop in to their room, water/feed, check on temps and rh and leave. note to the newbies, check your leaves, and both sides. buy a magnifying glass. best £6 i ever spent :)


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
"Torque" [a.k.a Talstar for some around funny bits of Europe...] is available under the counter in some UK shops, nasty stuff, you need latex gloves and breathing filters, but it does kill Spider Mites, Eggs and all, in just one application. I have heard talk of Mitex doing the same, also being an Ovicide [kills the eggs too] but have not run it myself.

If you do not like or want to spray, dunking clones in a bucket is very effective.

As with any spraying treatments, whatever you use, always always always use a wetting agent, soap, surfactant [detergents, wetting agents or emulsifier] whatever yours is called. This stops the surface tension that keeps your spray "in balls" and lets it actually wet 100% of the leaf, delivering 100% of the potion to 100% of the mites. Failing to add this turns any treatment, no matter how good, into a crapshoot lottery.

Just spraying with water and wetting agent will kill a large portion of adults, the soapy water drying out dessicates them.

Growrooms lying idle between crops will just let SM lie dormant, if you switch the fans off, but leave a light on, the temps will cause them to hatch and seek food. Leave them something to eat in there and spray the hell out of it.


i use neem routinely, 5ml/L with a drop of wetting agent in foliar sprays and nutes (occasionally)

if something goes wrong (an infected cut etc) i use the Westlands Bug Attack, as Foomar mentioned.



ICMag Donor
Canadian express seem to be no better than AN , repackageing existing products at high profit and targetting the most gullible sector of the market.

These two have given good results on ordinary mites , if you have the nastier greenhouse type they will control numbers but unlikely to permanently remove them.





Always check the active ingredient , these products change in name , composition and packageing quite often.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

My method is that I release a WHOLE canister of co2 into the grow room. Lights out fans off for 12 hours...in their night period if flowering. Still do it if in veg. Get the fuck out or you'll suffocate and die....as do any bugs and eggs.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
right, a few things.

predator mites do NOT work in flower as they stop breeding and hibernate in day lengths under 14 hours. i found this out the expensive way.

provado ultimate bug killer has no effect on spider mites - i spoke to their people personally about this and that is what they told me. mites are genetically different to most other pests.

i use neem regularly - 1 tsp/litre, drop of liquid soap and wizz it up in the blender. use this weekly whether you see mites or not. you can buy cold pressed neem off ebay. keep it in the fridge, then put the bottle in warm water for a few minutes to liquify it before use

also a product called 'pest off' (blue bottle) which is starch based and natural. always use more than 1 method or the mites will get resistant. most hydro stores and ebay sell it.

also keep your humidity up as it slows down their breeding




right, a few things.

predator mites do NOT work in flower as they stop breeding and hibernate in day lengths under 14 hours. i found this out the expensive way.


Really? never had that problem myself and all predators i have used have worked 100% .
Then again i rarely get problems in flower because i always take preventative measures from day one ,which is the best way really instead of getting to week 4 of flower and suddenly realizing your plants are infested .

prevention is usually easier than curing the problem.

neem oil is OK but the smell is repulsive and stays around for a good while , it also leaves greasy/ oily deposits around the grow room ,and not good in your hydro res.


Active member
foomar, those are systemic, meaning they are absorbed by the plant. i was advised against using them on consumables (poisioning yaself isnt good) and its not as effective as "bug clear fruit & veg" which is not absorbed by the plant and is safe to consume same day.
when using neem or rapeseed sprays, it can leave a slight oily residue, so after spraying,its not a bad idea to mist with plain water. having good ventilation will dry up any moisture, so you dont get mould.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Really? never had that problem myself and all predators i have used have worked 100% .
Then again i rarely get problems in flower because i always take preventative measures from day one ,which is the best way really instead of getting to week 4 of flower and suddenly realizing your plants are infested .

prevention is usually easier than curing the problem.

neem oil is OK but the smell is repulsive and stays around for a good while , it also leaves greasy/ oily deposits around the grow room ,and not good in your hydro res.

yes sure about the mites, but you are absolutely right about prevention being better, doing nothing when you dont see mites is the best way to get mites!

neem shouldnt leave too much residue, you really need very little as it works at low concs. 1tsp/litre is plenty - more wont be any better but worse. the revelation for me was using a blender to mix it - much better emulsification...


Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Mite Rid is brilliant, it's the active ingredient from Neem ..... you can't buy it here yet but soon, these folks are pretty quick at sending it http://mite-rid.com/

Or there is the Growell 'Pyrethrum 5C' that they've just launched


anyone use plant vitality i've had good results with that £15 for 50ml makes 2l up, what about lady birds bugs can u buy these in amounts in the uk