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Spider mites AKA The Borg

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
If You use Chemicals

If You use Chemicals

Make sure you understand how they work and how long before they are completely broken down. Im aware that Plant vitality is not systemic, but it stays on the leaves and takes up to 8 weeks before it is completely undetectable by a gas chromatagraph. The one time I used plant vitality , I allowed for 11 weeks minimum after treatment.

I want You all to keep in mind that the insects can cause serious lung issues in people who are allergic to spiders. Mites are in the Arachna family. We dont want toxins, and we dont want insects either.

Run a clean room. wash the walls and tent walls with mild bleach solution. inspect all clones before bringing them into the room(with an eye loup). Inspect all growing medium. keep pets out of the room.

One last thing...... Dont ever spray buds with anything, besides water mist , in emergencies only.


Active member
Right now I'm leaning towards Floramite, just because it IS systemic for a few weeks and will continue to kill any mites that might show up or hatch.
Floramite is not systemic.
That is why you must make sure you get good coverage. It works in that respect.
I can't remember whether avid and forbid are systemic, but they are translaminar, meaning they'll move around leaf tissue(spray on top of leaf and it works on bottom of leaf).
I have all of them and have used all of them.
I don't have too much of a problem with chemicals if used responsibly but I do wish there were more info available more specific to our uses. I do try to avoid them if possible.
Spray in veg, rotate pesticides, and take appropriate safety cautions(gloves, eyewear, etc.) if deemed necessary.
In winter you might be able to kill them the hippy way but good luck in anything over 70 degrees.


Active member
I'm looking for a good mite prevention routine. I had a mild attack of them one a couple of plants but I have been able to keep them in check by completely removing the leaves or branches they're on and spraying with Liquid Ladybug.

After this cycle I'm going to bomb (good bomb recommendations?) my grow room and since there are rose gardens everywhere I will need a good preventative routine. I was thinking spraying every week or two with Azamax and alternating that with something else. Any ideas here? Money isn't a real issue - the mites left unchecked will cost way more than any preventative measures. I also don't want something that might affect the health of those who smoke my weed.

Whitmore tr. pricey at 25 a pop but better than that dr. doom bullshit, don't waste your money on that. It's pyretherins.


I am ok with any chemical that will not be systemic long enough to be present in the plant at harvest. That said, I strongly prefer something labelled for use with crops intended for human comsumption (food crops), though I haven't found anything that seems worthwhile yet.

Right now I'm leaning towards Floramite, just because it IS systemic for a few weeks and will continue to kill any mites that might show up or hatch.

I still gotta look further into Avid and Forbid. Now that I have time at my comp lemme go check them out in more detail than I have in the past.

This is my first pest problem, EVER. I never want to have to deal with mites or bugs or whatever again. I only had/have a minor infestation, I can't imagine how frustrated those with severe mite problems are.

I as well hate adding chemicals to my herb...try this...take 6 habanero peppers( dry or fresh or bottled) and blend them up in a pint of water...toss into sauce pan and SIMMER for about 20 mins...then let mash cool and filter into a spray bottle...now hit yerr plants with the spray...but be warned...habanero peppers are the main ingredient in most pepper sprays...this will cause coughing tearing/stinging eyes etc...my plant are in my living room window so when I spray them I take the dog and go for a long walk...when I get home the little fukkers are dead all over the place...spray again every 2 days untill you see no more mites( usually around 6-8 days)...totally organic and doesn't hurt the plants...hth


Active member
Sweet finds. Justwhat i was looking for. Already skimmed the toxicology on your second link. So far it looks good all things considered.
"The introduction of spiromesifen will bring many desirable benefits, including: a favorable human safety profile that will reduce risks to human health; a favorable environmental profile that will reduce the environmental burden and the risk for contamination of ground water and surface water; a much needed and efficacious resistance management tool for both mite and whitefly control; an excellent fit in integrated pest management strategies; and compatibility with genetically modified crops."
Gonna read them when I have more time.


New member
i had it with mites! tried soaps sprays nautral and still had mites. Ordered Forbid 4F Just bought 1/2 oz for $22.
was here in 2 days. sprayed my clones 1st 2 days ago
sprayed mothers 1 day ago.
clones after 1st day many still there... some just going in circles day 2 clones have about half as many before i sprayed
seeing dead ones ...
mothers day 1.... all mites out playin after bath last nite ..but like day 1 of clone a few are just running in circles....
Trying to wait 4 to 10 days. then reapply once more.
will let u know how it goes


Active member
You may see mites for awhile after you spray. That's okay. It can take a while for the pesticide to do it's thing. Like you've said, wait about five days and spray again.
When you spray, make sure you get good coverage, mix proper ratios, and ph water before adding forbid if necessary(can't remember if you have to ph with forbid).
I can't emphasize how important being thorough and consistent is.
And remember, once you've got them in check, you need to keep up with maintenance.
Not to freak you out, but mites supposedly can hibernate for a long time-like months.
They're in your room somewhere even when you think they're gone....
So don't look at this as a one time deal, you are going to constantly have to be on the lookout and use preventative measures.
If you're in flower, look into sns217 or do.rights(good for pm, band aid for mites). Something natural there's a few others.
Floramite EARLY on as last resort.
In veg, get a rotation. The more different things(that actually work!) you use against the fuckers, the better.
Good luck!


New member
its been about 15 days ago i sprayed Forbid 4F.
everybug dead havent seen one in 10 days .
gave a gallon to bud in grow shop he ordered him a supply
it worked for me !!!!!!!


Just knocked out a budding mite infestation with some neem & tabasco every cpl of days over about a two week period.

Ive been upping the tabasco in the mix by a cpl of drops every time I spray.
Ive killed off the mites, but now Im between
1) dropping the tabasco & going back to straight neem
2) leveling off the tabasco at about 6 to eight drops per mix
3) pushing the tabasco as far as I can before I see ill effects appear, to get an idea of how far I can take it.
4) checking out the hot pepper wax product down at the hydroshop


Well-known member
I as well hate adding chemicals to my herb...try this...take 6 habanero peppers( dry or fresh or bottled) and blend them up in a pint of water...toss into sauce pan and SIMMER for about 20 mins...then let mash cool and filter into a spray bottle...now hit yerr plants with the spray...but be warned...habanero peppers are the main ingredient in most pepper sprays...this will cause coughing tearing/stinging eyes etc...my plant are in my living room window so when I spray them I take the dog and go for a long walk...when I get home the little fukkers are dead all over the place...spray again every 2 days untill you see no more mites( usually around 6-8 days)...totally organic and doesn't hurt the plants...hth

i getting a hankerin for some salsa....:wave::wave:


Active member
I as well hate adding chemicals to my herb...try this...take 6 habanero peppers( dry or fresh or bottled) and blend them up in a pint of water...toss into sauce pan and SIMMER for about 20 mins...then let mash cool and filter into a spray bottle...now hit yerr plants with the spray...but be warned...habanero peppers are the main ingredient in most pepper sprays...this will cause coughing tearing/stinging eyes etc...my plant are in my living room window so when I spray them I take the dog and go for a long walk...when I get home the little fukkers are dead all over the place...spray again every 2 days untill you see no more mites( usually around 6-8 days)...totally organic and doesn't hurt the plants...hth

I did this a couple months ago and it worked really well. They started coming back 6 weeks into flower, but I kept them at bay really well. It is really difficult to do though, since the spray has you coughing and hacking for a few minutes. Usually I have to hold my breath, then run in and spray, then run out!


Active member
Oh, does anyone know how long the plants look stunted for after dosing them with Azamax? I realize there's probably not a standard answer, but I'm just looking for all of your experiences with it...
New member old grower. from my oodles of experience I've found that a good vacuum cleaner/hoover preferably one that can be turned up or down and suck as much of them off as possible. Then humidify your growroom to the 90's. i'e spray the fuck outta your plants and leave the lights off for 2 days and keep them damp. Spider mites that were not hoovered up will flee this cold wet dark nightmare hell and head for the outdoors. If u still get the odd mite send in Phytoseiulus persimilis which can be bought from any grow shop. My best results were the release of a ladybird colony that ended my spider mite problem forever. They always (the ladybugs) come back now too each season and find thier ways through the ducting when fans are off....


Sativa Tamer
Oh, does anyone know how long the plants look stunted for after dosing them with Azamax? I realize there's probably not a standard answer, but I'm just looking for all of your experiences with it...

A foliar spray, which should not set your plants back at all, is all you should need for spider mites. You don't need to drench the soil; mites don't live and eat there.



I just realized i never came back to update my mite situation. Got bayer forbid sample size on eBay and it worked like a charm. They seemed gone after first spray but i did 2 to be safe ;)


New member
Spunion I posted about Forbid a couple of weeks ago. Thats stuffs badass. Guy lived here before me had mites always. So i got em. No more though. i mixed a few gallons and gave them to some friends. Wiped everyones out. i spray 2nd time right before flowering. so far no problems.


Active member
The nice thing about forbid is *supposedly* mites can't develop resistance to it like avid or floramite because of it's method of action.
I would still rotate though.


Well it has been well over a month since I last saw any mite damage to my plants, I doubt they could have made it that long without showing signs.

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