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Spicy peppers



I checked for a thread couldn't find anything

today was at the grocery store, and saw some little thai chili peppers
I had never noticed them

I thought they looked, well I don't know but they sort of got me intrigued. strange little red things. I had seen them in my life of course, but I don't remember eating them. I ate a lot of green bell peppers in my life, the big ones.

Why do people eat this stuff ?

I love spicy food (to a certain degree), I made some amazing pad thai with some powdered chili

do people enjoy eating this on it's own ?

I don't think I ever ate any spicy peppers just by itself, I don't eat too much, I have also eaten jalapenos in guacamole

I googled it, and they say it's very popular and it's said that japanese warriors would eat them, to become stronger.

Are some people more able to eat hot peppers ?

I'm thinking mexicans, or south-american people, or people in asia, I know these people like it spicy.

or maybe some americans down south

I have a feeling that it's entangled in some cultures of the world

I dunno, but if there is a pepper fanatic you could explain to me maybe some others will be interested

those little things make you feel as if your moouth is on fire

are there dangers/benefit to eating them ?


I just googled and apparently hot peppers have Capsaicin in them, which has a lot of medicinal effects


I'm from S. Europe/mediterranean, and I cook with a lot of hot peppers like those. Sometimes after the meal is done cooking, many chefs throw away the peppers or use it only as a garnish.

I eat mine :yummy::yummy: not only are they delicious, they kinda give me an adrenaline rush.

I think i killed my tastebuds when I was a kid, because my siblings can't eat spicy foods without crying. i absolutely love it though...sometimes I'll just eat a pepper if I'm feeling bored.

The food I was raised with was also very very spicy...so that probably explains it on a cultural note.

also, yes, capsaicin is good for arthritis as a topical cream, and a few other things. Thats not why I eat em though.


Dude, those peppers aren't shit. Here's what you do. Buy a REAL man's pepper, a fucking HABANERO. Split that bitch open with a knife. Log onto your favorite porn site. Start jerking off. Right before you are about to cum, stroke that habanero up-and-down your cock.

I guarantee it will be the best orgasm you have ever had. From what I hear, it will be like heroin, but much cheaper and a lot more painful, but on the positive side, not as addictive.

Caveat: you might go into shock and die.


*Stoned User*
I would consider myself a hot pepper fanatic,,, especially thai chili peppers. They are small but carry a lot of flavor and spice. Some hot peppers seem to tilt one way or another but thai peppers are a nice balanced pepper. They work great in asian dishes especially but are also very good in marinades and chilis or anything that needs some extra fiery ooomph.

Hot peppers are dangerous when eaten in large amounts. The capsaicin in the chili blocks certain neurotransmitters in the brain and high levels of capsaicin can destroy these cells. However, hot peppers can be used medicinally too. Capsaicin trigger the nervous system to release endorphins to the bloodstream which can help alleviate pain. :D I am sure there are other medical properties as well.

Weapons were/are made from hot peppers as well. The most common example is hot pepper spray which is used by police officers and our buddies the postal carriers.

Oh and theyre great on wings... ;)

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Dude, those peppers aren't shit. Here's what you do. Buy a REAL man's pepper, a fucking HABANERO. Split that bitch open with a knife. Log onto your favorite porn site. Start jerking off. Right before you are about to cum, stroke that habanero up-and-down your cock.

I guarantee it will be the best orgasm you have ever had. From what I hear, it will be like heroin, but much cheaper and a lot more painful, but on the positive side, not as addictive.

Caveat: you might go into shock and die.

habaneros arent really that hot on the tastebuds though...I've touched my eyes after chopping habs and washing my hands TWICE, and it hurt like hell for 2 hours...but the taste was not all that bad.

the tiny peppers you get from Thailand....now THOSE are hot!!!


Active member
it depends on the type of pepper

like the big long spanish ones with only 7000 scovilles are very nice to just bake in olive oil and eat alongside your spaghetti

one bite of peppers one bite of spaghetti

it really tastes nice and spicy

The hotter ones i just use the amend almost any dish , just adds a special taste to it and of course spicyness

it depends on what you are used to

When i eat for example english(yuck) german(yuck) , dutch or belgian food i often have a feeling it is so watered down , that there is no taste or spice , just because i am used to spicy food

when i only add one small peppers my dutch and belgian friends like it but think it is too hot and start sweating

i have also let other people eat it , like italians greeks and a romanian and they all thought the spicyness was good , not too hot not too euh cold:D

Horselover Fat

Yes there are people who can eat hotter food than others... They can eat hotter things because they eat spicy foods more often than others - it's all about tolerance build up.

Those thai-chilies are actually rated quite low for hotness, but they definately pack a punch. Nothing better than having a nice hot thai meal and a strong thai beer after the meal... feels like having a mild opiate =)

Hot sauces are great to have around too. I like Blair's sauces, especially the original death sauce even though it isn't that hot (hot enuff for most though). I usually have around half a dozen different sauces in the fridge.

Collie Man

those pepper you brought are very good and are very hot!!!!! Usually I'll take out the seeds if I want to eat the pepper, usually i just toss a bunch in a pot of chili to give it flavor. Also I feel like they help clean my system out! If ya know what I mean.


Yes there are people who can eat hotter food than others... They can eat hotter things because they eat spicy foods more often than others - it's all about tolerance build up.

Those thai-chilies are actually rated quite low for hotness, but they definately pack a punch. Nothing better than having a nice hot thai meal and a strong thai beer after the meal... feels like having a mild opiate =)

Hot sauces are great to have around too. I like Blair's sauces, especially the original death sauce even though it isn't that hot (hot enuff for most though). I usually have around half a dozen different sauces in the fridge.

i agree tolerance buildup


does anyone know something about growing them ?

I am in zone 3

can you grow a little bush inside under fluoros ?


Active member
mymagicplant .--- got some tiny ones ready to grow. just add water. i am doing several. plain seeds are cheaper but i liked the container and was interested in how they would do in such a small container