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Spam Bot Countermeasures


ICMag Donor
A fund raiser - yes - exactly...but not in the way that you think.

Before the server fund started - people would send in FREEBIES. You bought Dutch gear, with the hopes of getting the seeds from the threads you've been following as your freebie. It was ALL about the freebies. Order something...anything at all - to get that rare gem so and so just sent in.

What needs to happen and what I'm planning on doing, as I've already discussed in my thread...

I will send in exclusive seeds to Real Gorilla Seeds - that can only be given out as freebies with purchases of $_______ or more of old seedbay/seed boutique stock.

This ensures - old seeds are sold and distributed as was always intended and the $$$ goes back to Gypsy where it should - and if the stock doesn't germinate - well, guess what, you still have this fresh, FIRE freebie that you can't get anywhere else.

This is how I plan to help...It can all start with a seed. Let's be real.



ICMag Donor
Chem Sis/Topanga Pure Kush x [GG4 x (GROM/Digi Bx1)] will be the first freebie I send in. 2020 IC is making a come back. Time for the real to reunite.

Ottoman's ChemKush x Genetic Freaked's Snow Monkey - these are MEMBER genetics. Not seed shop, mass produced, widely circulated packs. These are what heads smoke when they put the best of their best together in a vain attempt to find something...better.

It's what we do. It's what Phylos mocked us for. We'll keep doing it and we'll keep discovering better cannabis, just like we always have over the last 30 years.

Grow what your friends grow. Create TRUE regionally acclimated varietals. Time to change the game again.

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Good ideas, Frank. Anything that bucks recreational big agro/canna is something I think lots of ICers would be all about. Is RealGorilla the new 'Bay? I've browsed it a few times but didn't really pick up on the connection. I had read the thread where folks are talking about a replacement but was under the impression Real Gorilla was a bit of an intermediate solution. Maybe my reading comprehension needs work. Your idea of how to do freebies is really the golden ticket I think, it wouldn't antagonize the longer supporting big name merchants here, I think it would actually incentivize people to buy more of their gear to get freebies.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
It's not just driving us mad. Imagine how the mods feel constantly playing clean up...


Fucking fantastic, mang! We have an office pool thing where the mod with the most bans at the end of the month gets a free Ferrari.
So you know, driving mad for sure. Driving us mad? Not really, no. I mean it's hard to be mad when you're driving a Ferrari..

I feel sorry for the guy tho, and time he's wasting for everyone reporting, cleaning up the crap and swinging the ban hammer. But a ban with clean up on the side takes about 2 minutes. So not a big deal. The stuff this poor SOB writes tho, dono how long it takes for him. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, ½ an hour..? It's all time wasted on useless crap. Dude should use those precious moments of his life talking to a shrink, or getting his 3rd lobotomy.. Or trying to get his imaginary girlfriend back from the rappers or something.

I suggested the CAPTCHA or whatever thing, too. And for a longer wait period after a new member gets validated after registering, and putting a limit to the number of posts any new member can make in his first 48hrs as a member and stuff like that. Dono if anyone read em tho, so..

That said, some people who report these posts/threads seem to think IP ban will solve the problem and/or an IP ban hasn't been used on the poor bugger.. If it was that simple, I wouldn't be writing this 'cause this thread wouldn't exist. So yea..

Anyways, don't let this weirdo get to ya. Just report and forget about it. We'll ban, clean up and forget about it.. Then do it all over again tomorrow.

It's the IC circle of poo.



Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah - good post BT - and that about sums it up <sans Ferrari> - just do us a favour and report it whenever you see a troll - then we can pull it off the site like some unwanted leach in this internet swamp ASAP -

Trying to work out some way around it that will make the site less accessible to newbies is not a good idea -


Right on guys, I guess it just bothers me a lot because I hate spam. Every time he shows up I try to report it then just go detail my motorcycle and come back later. I thought it was a bot honest to god, and once you've been concentrated by one as seemingly sophisticated as your above-average level of wackadoodle there's really no other recourse other than shutting down registration for awhile. Yall have bigger hearts than I, in any case.


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Best is to just ignore him and hit the report button. One day he'll get bored of it.
The mods here are also clear about it, it only takes 2 min of their time to clean up.

I feel pitty for him, I think he's in urgent need of help.


Active member
The hole is probably that it's using an IP randomizer, which is not something you can patch at all.

CAPTCHA would go a long way, good idea. Email verification would be good on top of that as well, not sure if we have that already though.

Pick one


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Easiest for the mods to clean up if you dont post behind him ...makes the deletions easy peasy .... thanks for all the great reports . Its what really makes it easy . Everyone working towards the same goal.


Pick one

Why would a CAPTCHA not be needed if email confirmation is needed? They don't have to be mutually exclusive even in the reverse case. I have so many email accounts between Gmail, Yahoo, Proton, Venom, Hush, and about five more with probably about twenty in all that I use only for signing up for random stuff like sweepstakes and forums.

Not saying it's something people shouldn't consider, I'm saying I didn't consider that someone concerned with anonymity simply couldn't find an anonymous way to validate their account.

Edit: Keep in mind, those are ideas proposed to counter a bot. Since it seems to be a person neither would be effective. Kinda pointless to discuss it anymore tbh.
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Just this guy, ya know?
Email confirmation doesn't do anything? Bots can easily confirm an email. Captcha are the only wall we currently have, which is ironic, because captcha are literally used to train the bots for visual recognition, so by using the captchas to protect against bots, we are making a future where bots can read captchas all the more likely. I, for one, welcome our new robotic overlords.


Email confirmation is another step of complexity, it's a countermeasure not a foolproof solution. It would cost them time, which is a step in the right direction. You make a good point as far as CAPTCHA in an effort to avoid their adaptive capabilities, but I think that's like saying we shouldn't use antibiotics because it gives bacteria more opportunities to evolve resistance. I mean it is true conceptually, but in reality it's the only viable avenue we have to solve the issue of infection.

I'm under no false impression that if someone wants to send a hoarde of modern bots our way that we could do anything to stop it. The only thing we have going for us is that we don't warrant such ire and people like that tend to concern themselves with more advanced endgames. I see no wisdom in making it easy for them at any rate, but since it's probably a person all this is kind of meaningless to chin wag over.


Just this guy, ya know?
I really haven't seen a ton of bots on here to be honest. There were some obvious chinese spam bots, but those got grabbed pretty quick. The main guy I think you are noticing is like dank.frank said, a sad lost individual who needs help more than disdain, but you can't help somebody who doesn't want to be helped.


I think he's just using the auto suggest.

Like this:

"What do you think about you all the time I will be there in a few minutes to you and your family are doing well and that you are not feeling well and will be back in the office tomorrow and will let you give me a ride"

Which means the words in his posts are probably the most common words he types on his keypad.
Stuff about fucking his sister, doing coke and meth, he's definitely disturbed.


Yea, I don't know the backstory at all, but I believe the old salt around here are probably correct to take a sympathetic heading. Personally I kind of wonder if he's not just some tweaker who comes here to shitpost because he's always so spun he can't interact with other people in any other way at all. I've seen a few folks in my life who lost everything forever and then destroyed themselves in either guilt or sadness, turned to hard drugs or suicide and poured themselves out like muffin mix into a smelter. I don't think it's a good excuse to act like a bastard though, and I don't think it's any responsibility of our own to sort him out. Maybe I'm wrong and it's some sort of CTE or stroke induced mental ailment, and in that case it's genuinely sad. We'll probably never know, but it would obviously be best for everyone if he got some help.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
yeah - it is kinda sad - but we have been lumbered with this entity for years now it seems - no point getting all angry about it - just deal with it - bin and ban - rinse and repeat.


Well-known member
Premium user
I enjoy his posts. Reminds me that I'm not the most fucked up person in the universe. Like Rodney says, "You wanna look skinny? Hang out with fat people". LMAO

As for this forum and it's administration.... don't underestimate what's going on in the background around here. LOL When I first came here, it looked a lot like a neglected forum to me also. I am an old school hacker from the 80's and it's just old habit for me to look for exploits and weaknesses in forums and web sites when I join them. Never know when you might want to make yourself an admin somewhere. LOL One of my first posts here was about how the forum seemed neglected without an admin or mods and once I got into the forum and looked around, I realized that the mods and admins are all in plain clothes. LOL Fuckers... nothing worse than a plain clothes cop. LMAO j/k

This site seems to be administered by a professional..... and, that's a shame. As a novice and hobby site administrator, one generally uses a bunch of add-ons and features. Why, because it's fun and a great way to learn.

However, a professional says, "Fuck all those add-ons, they're a pain in the ass every time we have to update". LMAO And, they are. And, more forum exploits are found in add-ons than in the actual forum software.

So, the forum stays white bread.

Xenforo has a ton of super features but switching software would be a nightmare as all the data here would never migrate properly. So, much would be lost in the transition. And, since this forum is so old with so many threads that are still active after many years, those threads would be dead.

There's really not much choice. The only reason this will all change is is something catastrophic happens.

If something forced a change like vBull ending support or something, the most practical and easiest way to do it would be to archive this one and start from scratch with a new database and software.

I must admit, there are a couple features that would be nice. the @Username feature is cool in that it notifies you when someone quotes or @'s you. Couple other cool features might be nice.

Still, big kudos to the people who take care of things around here. They do a better job than most can see because they just do their job in the background and don't brag about it.

Peace and kudos the the peeps in charge.


Boreal Curing
I've used honey pots and a country database to deny access and send bad actors to the NSA. lol

But there's little you can do about a lone actor on a vpn or proxy. There was a time when I'd drop a file on their hd to control them and send them to a mirror but.... that's frowned upon and harder to do today.

I've yet to see icmag database overwritten though. Was probably common at one time.


Well-known member
speaking of the NSA..... i wonder how many are here on this forum after this deranged person continues to talk about his "12yo wife"