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Southpaw Does HGF Caramella


Well, first one of these I've done, and I'd be remiss if I didn't thank a ton of people for taking the time out to share and teach what they know. On the organic soil side of things, Suby, Dignan, Jaykush, silverback, on the coco side of things, Grateful H3ad, Rez, Gaiusmarius, on the historical side, zamalito, motaco, Sam, DJ, out there on the envelope, Mr. Alkaline, and so many more. Truly a wealth of knowledge on this site, and all of my plants have benefited greatly from it.

My growing style is small and simple, and frankly the less you see of the space, the better. There's no DIY whiz kid running this show. Veg is done under a bank of T5s, flowering under a 150w HPS with sidelighting from a 105w daylight CFL. My main purpose here is simply to shed some light on this strain, which like so many seems to have flown under the mainstream radar. This is my first run with it, and I like what I'm seeing so far.

First, what's already out there. This straight from Homegrown Fantaseeds:

The Caramella makes big fat buds and produces a lovely fresh smell with a hint of caramel. This is a Indica/Sativa strain that has been back-crossed and selected for taste, quality and high potency. This strain is easy to grow and grows brown/reddish buds with lots of crystals that produce a mellow, relaxing high. Her high calyx to leaf ratio makes her very easy to clean and dry after harvest. Flowering cycle: 8 weeks.

And another site...

Caramella is a stable, mostly indica hybrid with long colas and fresh caramel scent that accounts for her storybook name. Bred for the last 15 years with much success, she was selectively backcrossed for taste and a high calyx-to-leaf ratio. Caramella is a stable strain that ives homogenous results.

Fresh, deep green leaves turn dark in color as she matures, making Caramella the picture perfect plant. The stems on this plant are thick and strong, easily supporting the big fat tops. You can also count on lots of dewy crystal formation scattered like ferie dust along the leaves and buds.

Caramella offers an uplifting and social high, great for a night out with friends. It smells like sweet caramel candy, which also comes through in the flavor. The smooth sweet taste may surprise you - for best results on optimizing the flavor, choose fertilizers carefully and use them modestly. Overfertilization encroaches on the flavor and the smoke is harsher on the lungs.

Caramella is robust and easy to grow, performing equalli well in a hydro or soil system. This strain has the promising yield potential of a solid indica. Homegrown Fantaseeds advises 20 plants per square meter when using a sea of green method.

And some excellent pictures...


Out of ten healthy seeds, nine popped. All nine seedlings suffered a serious issue with Cal/ Mag that was resolved successfully around the end of week 3. Soon after this they showed sex, and I ended up with 3 females, 6 males, and no hermies. This ratio would likely have been better given a smoother veg period.


Here are the ladies after five weeks. All are roughly a foot tall and are in 1 gallon of 60/ 40 coco to perlite. Plants 1 and 3 have been fimmed. All share very similar physical features, and have a subtle, fresh, spicy smell upon close contact. Not exactly stealth. but far from stinky.




#3 went through another Cal/ Mag episode after transplant, but after slightly upping ppms from H3ad's standard 6/ 9 Micro/ Bloom scheme, seems to be doing just fine. As soon as I'm convinced it has recovered, all three will be flipped to 12/ 12.


i love me hfgs love to see this unfold

i have run cheese and original misty and was very happy with both


Welcome aboard guys!

#3 is looking great and they all get their first long evening tonight. I'm real curious to see what kind of stretch these kick out, I saved three males to make some F2s, and they doubled in height outdoors in almost no time.

The digcam will also be tweaked some. I promise better shots in the weeks to come!


Updates coming on the girls tomorrow. Here are two of the three males saved for making F2s.
Check out the purple tips on the flowers!




A little bud porn from the morning of Day 13, right before a High P guano/ kelp/ molasses foliar. Even in coco with GH nutes, I can't quite throw away organics. Already looking like a quick finisher.


I keep trying to take some full length shots, but the lighting here is horrible. Very long stems, all the girls would be 2.5 feet at least if not for some supercropping, which puts the stretch right at about a very uniform 2.5X.

There is definite stealth potential for this strain as far as smell. So far it has been a breeze to keep the odor contained. I need to stick my nose right into them to catch a real whiff. Of course this is a little disappointing in some ways, but I'm kind of looking forward to a low key flowering cycle this time around.


Here we are at Day 16. Baby trichs popping up, sweet, fresh aroma getting stronger with some hints of citrus.





Really nice spice and sweet orange notes appearing in this resin. I'm starting to think they could have also named the strain Grand Marnier. Updates coming tomorrow.


Here is my "yielder" at Day 20, whatever that means under a 150W HPS! The other two aren't really all that far behind. These plants are giving every indication of being done right around 50 days. More kudos to HGF, very accurate strain description thus far, minus the strong orange smell.



And a shot of a lower budsite.



Day 28. These are making my mouth water every time I check in on them.

Bud shot from #2. Nutes right now are at 12ml per gallon of GH Bloom, with a tiny shot of Maxicrop just for the hell of it for the next day or two. Kelp is good stuff.



Day 33... who is up for bud porn? :D

This is probably the keeper of the three, barring the other two beating her out on the high. Really a pretty plant, and I know I could do her even more justice with another run.
