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Southern Cannabis Alliance (SCA manifesto)


yep the south has alot of brick. i find it always has a heavy high. i have really seen some good herbs from brick seeds. i would smoke it all the time if they didn't rush the cure. or pack in brick while wet. im just getting into some aaa smoke and its been awhile.
wishbone, thanks for the zeitgeist 2 link, I had no idea there would be a follow up. much better than numero uno imo. how much of their message do you actually believe?


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
La Grasserie said:
wishbone, thanks for the zeitgeist 2 link, I had no idea there would be a follow up. much better than numero uno imo. how much of their message do you actually believe?

I watched Addendum the day it came out and was very impressed with it. Then I went back and re-watched the first one. I think the idea and concept of The Venus Project is cool but I dont think human beings/people are remotely capable of policing ourselves without a true police force. I could be wrong of course.

Thanks again Wishbone!


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
i totally agree - if you would like to see something even more interesting check this out -
There is a documentary called "Why we fight" about the Military Industrial Complex that the USA is under right now. It is based off of warnings that Dwight Eisenhower gave back in 1961. I did some research on him and various things he gave "warnings" about and a lot of them seem to be relevant now.


i think they start wars and try to strike fear in the hearts of the people to keep us in control. and to pass laws that we would never let happen under normal circumstances. now they have the right to barge in and take all we have listen to what we say on phones. ect.... the people are being duped. and mislead.


the Revenant
hahah yall are just catching on now? Come on guys this is old news. Try reading "the Peoples History of the USA" by Howard Zinn, anything by Noam Chomsky. Oh and watch "the Corporation" its a documentary, same with "Loose Change" its about how 9/11 was improvised. Also buy toothpaste without fluoride and dont drink city water it has fluoride as well. Cancer is caused by what we eat especially aspartame(nutrasweet) and MSG which are cytotoxins and other bad habits. Here's a link to some videos that may open a few eyes. I can just keep going.



Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
thanks for the reminder, ive seen the ones you listed with the exception of "The Corporation" was at their webpage one day but didnt have time to watch the film, Ill go look for it now =)



kewl pirate. cab update 2 superskunk 1 ogka 1 sensi star x pimmp females. one ogka male. in another spot of course. i will be getting my girl pregnant with afew beans. im not going to post pics until there is something to really show. peace


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will check them out la-jake

BRNEYDBVR. man keep ya head up. glad to be hearing from ya. yea it worked out im happy so far. they might have alittle nute burn. but im on it. so 2 or 3 weeks i might have something to show. hope to get at least 50 beans too. the beans will be ogka x skunk and ogka x ogka and ogka x ssxpimp. should be winners in my book. thanks for all your help.

edit. i watch both vids today and i realized how blind i really am. :badday:
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Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Can anyone tell me if there is any kind of medical marijuana movement in Louisiana? I know we are in the south and that its probably just a crack pipe dream but... here is to hoping =)

I ask cause the VAST majority of people I have met from the LA area have been way cool with herb and smoking it for medicinal purposes. Seems like the ONE place in the south where people are completely hypocritical about it (like AL...)

BRNEYDBVR - I am truly sorry about the falling of the tree during the storm. I hope that you can get a somewhat speedy claim processed. Ill send good vibes your way bud =)


i haven't heard anything bout a movement. i know ms was the first state to decimalize mj. misdemeanor to carry a zone and under. meaning yous gets a ticket. i wish norml would come down or something seems the south has been left behind in the movement. think the south will be the last place that make a law for mmj users. which sucks


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
wishbone420 said:
i haven't heard anything bout a movement. i know ms was the first state to decimalize mj. misdemeanor to carry a zone and under. meaning yous gets a ticket. i wish norml would come down or something seems the south has been left behind in the movement. think the south will be the last place that make a law for mmj users. which sucks

I didn't know that MS has decriminalized.. that's not MMJ but its a damn good step in that direction!

In my opinion the best way to get NORML down here would start at the local colleges. Have student run NORML chapters start and then you will see actual city chapters start up. If you know anyone in a college in this area - talk to them about it =)


Active member
Soulfly.... I did recieve a quick turn around from FEMA, I was pleasantly surprised when the check showed up! I have since bought a new ride and I'm in the process of finding another place now....living in an RV kinda sucks. (no grow)

Yall keep it green... :joint:

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