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Southern Cannabis Alliance (SCA manifesto)


know the feeling man.

edit: i like my breakfast,lunch and diner bowl. everyday. which im trying to cut back. the luster seems to disapear when u have smoked everyday for 10 years. of course theres afew days im out. but never more than a day. and all that = lots money gone.but on a good note got some high grade regs. its not mexi brick. just seeded indoor commercial i suspect. anyways 50 a half and its goood wish i had a tellaport machine onewill .he he :rant: :joint:
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I just need to paint the cab flat white. All I got in there right now is white. Thats what it says on the primer can.


pin up some poster board so after few runs you can swap for new. its going to get dirty in there no matter what and paint will fade stain etc....


I still need to get some clones. Fucking plants are like dead slow. Probley because the heat.

The cab ranges from most of the day 80-90f,


When flowering time comes around I might make a new batch of soil. 5 out of 7 are doing fine.
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:ugh: today was the worst of all smoked all my weed thinking hey tonight I'm gonna be getting some. Well turn out it has to be tomorrow. :( Fuck me. Been scraping all kinds of stuff for kief and resin.


i find the third day of being out is the killa. i do a day between sacks. clear the lungs out a bit. and it will make it that much sweeter when u smoke a fresh bowl of the high dolla shit man.peace

edit: nothing to see a my place. bunch of sick girls. ph problem from week and half. take longer to get better in soil.next round is some kind of simple hydro. got it worked ooutt.peace
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Mine are growing really

s l o w l y
I mean there healthy,
could it be there not close enough to the lights? ( there about a foot from the lights.)
Could it be the temps? (useually stay inbetween 80-90 most of the day its 80-85f.)


the Revenant
Yes high temps will cause slow growth. Im out of smoke as well so i chopped a small blockberry branch at 43 days. Its drying now. I cant go back to mexi-brick. Yuck.


If I lower the temps and move them closer to the lights it should grow faster. I just been lazy to get something to put under them.


Everything is fine in the cab its just the temps down here are fucking insane.
My room stays at 80-90 all day. The reason why I can't turn the ac up because of the heat coming through the front window. It's a huge fucking window because my room use to be the dinning room. So I got this 6ft wide 4ft tall window right in the middle of the room. So that thing lets ALLOT of heat through.
What I plan to do is tent the window (darkest I can)
Get curtains and shades.
Also we got shitty installation. So I might clean the shitty installation on top of my room and put the new stuff in.

Also to mention why I don't turn up the a/c because my room is the hottest in the house. An I don't want to waste electricity to cool one room and make the other ones ice cold.
So I fixed the ac because whoever setup the a/c in the house did a real shitty job hooking up the ducting to the a/c. One of the ducts looks like someone stepped on it an made a hole on accident then tried just wrapping tap around it. So I got to get a tube of ducting. To fix that.

All these problems are making the heat. I just need to fix them. the only problem it cost money and I don't wanna spend it. :( But will save money in the long run.
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do a short smoke free period in few weeks ull have enough to do whatever. i would just add another duct run and vent. being u have to fix one anyways. supply's, vent box ,vent cover, duct, silver ac tape,hole saw or razor blade. i need a whole new unit. 2000g's . i have 2 window units. big ones but its just hot at the end of my house.where the closet is. but im going to keep on movin forward. fixing to move my whole room outside.peace

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