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Southern Cannabis Alliance (SCA manifesto)



Picked up some new stuff. My friend might be able to get some Purple Cheese =Purple Kush x Cheese


Well I made a bubble cloner. I got a question. Can I soak the clone in Liquid Karma before I put them in the bubble cloner?


Active member
I never soaked clones before putting them in a bubble cloner. I had the LK...just never did it.

Maybe you can do a side by side with some soaked in LK and the others not. Find out which roots faster, if either do.

I have found from my experiences that some warmth tends to help when trying to root clones.


I got so many places where i can take perfect clones. What temp do you think i should keep the water?


Active member
Just warm....not hot. 78 or so.

But it's also strain dependent as to how fast they want to root....some do it in a few days, and some take alot longer.


I found out what I'm gonna do. For the next grow.
10 DWC 1gallon
Nutes will be Pure Blend Pro Grow & Bloom, Cal-Mag, Silica Blast, & Sweet. :)
Start out with rockwool.
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Active member
That's cool.....

Just remember.....the smaller the container is with DWC, the higher the chance is that you will have extreme PH swings. It won't be very easy to keep your PH stable with a small container.

Also, with rockwool....make sure to soak the cubes in PH adjusted water BEFORE you use it.


Hey guys.I'm sorry if ya'll have already discussed this,but has anyone here tried any of Mandallas genetics outdoors here (32N)in the south?He states on his website that his south Indian/Asian plants are very good for hot temperate zones like ours.I'm digging through his Safari Mix now and have a very promising Kalikachra-looking male to use on a Mexican I have in re-veg.His potency is great though not as strong as the bagseed,and it's a totally different type of sativa buzz,narcotic-like.I love it,though it does have a little body to it.Now if I can just work that hollow stem out of the Mandalla genes,and get it stabalised,I think I'll have a nice cross that can handle our weather and really produce.Heh,I can't see a hollow stemmed plant surviving 2 tornado seasons in the same year.:D
On a side note;I just cracked a thai/haze X skunk1 and am really enthused.Just like growing out equatorial bagseed.Months and months of salivation.:D


Hope your experiment works out. I wanna do an outside grow so bad. The only thing is my back yard is wide open to my neighbors. Plus theres like a 10ft ditch then a golf course.


Ahh I see all these people setting up rooms. God I can't wait till I can do something like that. If I was gonna setup a room nothing bigger then 8x6. How many watts could I put in there without being watched? Split the room so 1/4 veg, 3/4 flower.


My little experiment is looking good so far.Long way to go though.Due to a med problem I'm having to put off any outdoors gardening this year so I'm severely limited to a little 3'x3' area under a 150w.Can only grow out so many phenos that way,and I really need a large succession to do it properly.
If you're as paranoid as I am you can start off slowly,using cfls for veg,which works well for me.Some have had better results flowering under them than I do with my 150.
I'm paranoid of the light usage thing and have tried to keep mine at an even keel.Even when I take my yearly break,I let the lights run.Wasteful,I know,but they are looking for drastic fluctuations.I saw an episode of cops where they served a warrant on a teacher in Florida.They went to the school and asked her to go home and let them in and they searched for a "marijuana lab".As it turned out,she had recently purchased a clothes dryer and had someone move in with them which caused a spike in usage which flagged the computer program.Of course it could just be propaganda,I don't know.Scary shit goin on out there.Stay safe


I plan on doing a small walk in closet grow when I get my own house. Just enough to produce a qp a month. probley do 2 600 watt or 2 400 watt. I would us a couple solar panels to suck off some of the energy those lights would be sucking up. :)

I think after this grow I'm going to make a some what permanent grow box. I'm going to building a long 4ft long 2 ft wide cabinet. But when I'm done an move out. I will change it to a regular cabinet where you can put your clothes in. I wanna go with a 250hps. I thought of an idea to keep my room cold. Get a window unit do the box thing that they have in the Growdesign forum. Put it in the attic an just hook it up to where the cab is.(So you don't spend lots of money on a/c, just very little because its only for one room of the house.) Like run a vent. Just use a remote control to turn it on off and the speeds. :)
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Active member
TheOneWill said:
Is it okay to cut away some fan leaves so the side shoots can grow?

A light pruning won't hurt anything....just don't scalp it. The leaves are there for a purpose, so leave a few on there. Try to bend/tie them out the way if it's possible.

Now that you have covered that window....the temps in that room should be much more comfortable. Should help out quite a bit. Keep us posted.



82.6 outside the cab 83.0 inside the cab
It feels cool.
I'm gonna go work on the plants.


i have fallin off the train fellas. its just to damn hot for the setup ive got. rethinking it as we speak. move the girls outside they went back to veg..but i shall be hoppin back on the band wagon before long. waiting to get a good cab out my boss warehouse. peace for now


I have this not so well bag seed. An if it's a female I'm gonna stick it outside by another house.(Family member)
She has a huge garden, I tried starting seedlings outside but they kept dieing because she kept over watering them.