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Sour60 Indoor vs outdoor potency?


Had some sour60 outdoor last sommer, but then i was wondering how will the potency be if i grew it indoor?

Would it be stronger and more smelly or how is it?




Marijuana Enthusiast
Ive only grown sour60 indoor, and it was very powerful, very smell, and very tasty... id still rank it in the top 3 most potent ive grown...

No idea how it performs outdoors though so i cant really compare...

If you read through my thread, you will see only like page 15 (GIVE OR TAKE 10 pages) you will see where i ran sour60 with my 150watt hps and it preformed brilliant!


i wouldnt say its the most powerfull smelling palnt i have ever grown in fact its barely noticable very good for stealth grow

the 1 ive just chopped smells a lot like mi5 in terms of fruityness not much in the way of blueberry but defiantly a fruit pastels kinda smell (dont know if you get them sweets where you are lol)

im yet to sample her smoke so cant comment any further


Active member
I think (?) it's just an old myth that weed grown outdoors would be weaker than grown indoors, unless you have like a really, again REALLY hightec room with optimal levels.. Some people still think rain washes away some of the trics.. man I'd say outdoors would be stronger, they can really grow out to max if they are given the chance
I ran my 12 pack last summer. Grown inside until week 5. 8 females. 6 were the larger branchy phenos, so those were finished outside. Got 2 that were the shorter more compact pheno. Those remained inside under a 150hps.

I should have mixed phenos inside for comparison.

What I did note was that the outdoor plants provided slightly smaller yield than the indoor, but the outdoor smelled much much stronger.

Overall, potency differences were unnoticed. However, the outdoor simply provided a better taste and smell. This could be due to the different phenos, the fact that the indoor plants were slightly seeded or the difference in growing environment.

S60 will perform both indoor and outdoor.

EDIT: Oh yea and if you do grow outside, watch out for bud rot. These buds are dense. A mid June thunderstorm hit some of my plants hard late in flower. Caught me off guard. Combined with humid drying conditions, I lost quite a bit.


Marijuana Enthusiast
i wouldnt say its the most powerfull smelling palnt i have ever grown in fact its barely noticable very good for stealth grow

the 1 ive just chopped smells a lot like mi5 in terms of fruityness not much in the way of blueberry but defiantly a fruit pastels kinda smell (dont know if you get them sweets where you are lol)

im yet to sample her smoke so cant comment any further

mmm, i dunno if i would reccomend sour60 to anyone as a STEALTH strain, thats a no no, i had only 5 of them and they reaked from the front door, and in my place thats LONG WAYS...this strain made me have to go get a carbon filter and inline fan, i could smell the berries everyday when i got home from work right when the front door open..

No offense meant at all mate but I think yours just arent putting out as powerful of a smell as they should be since they didnt get proper nutrients throughout there wholelife cycle... My onyx was actually much much lower odor when compared to my sour60 and i did those grows back to back.no carbon scrub for the onyx... yield was close to the same as well...


Soul Feeder
Outdoor buds taste richer and better imho and growing under the sun is pure joy!
Give it a try and make your comparison bro :yes:




mmm, i dunno if i would reccomend sour60 to anyone as a STEALTH strain, thats a no no, i had only 5 of them and they reaked from the front door, and in my place thats LONG WAYS...this strain made me have to go get a carbon filter and inline fan, i could smell the berries everyday when i got home from work right when the front door open..

No offense meant at all mate but I think yours just arent putting out as powerful of a smell as they should be since they didnt get proper nutrients throughout there wholelife cycle... My onyx was actually much much lower odor when compared to my sour60 and i did those grows back to back.no carbon scrub for the onyx... yield was close to the same as well...

no offence taken but i was reffering to the ak 47 strain x critical i just grew out and also the blue cheese strain from previous which had the proper gorgeous blueberry aroma, in comparsion to those she is very subtle from what im used to growing

im not to sure where you get the berry aroma from mate as my plants smelt nothing like berries, its deffo got a fruity zesty smell but nothing like proper blueberry, trust me once you have had a whiff of the proper plant in flower you can distinguish that aroma anywhere, i was hoping to see dj shorts aroma dominate this plant

maybe its pheno related i dunno ???

as soon as the buds dry out ill post a smoke report and again i do say she smells very very similar to mi5 with her fruity fragrance


Marijuana Enthusiast
no offence taken but i was reffering to the ak 47 strain x critical i just grew out and also the blue cheese strain from previous which had the proper gorgeous blueberry aroma, in comparsion to those she is very subtle from what im used to growing

im not to sure where you get the berry aroma from mate as my plants smelt nothing like berries, its deffo got a fruity zesty smell but nothing like proper blueberry, trust me once you have had a whiff of the proper plant in flower you can distinguish that aroma anywhere, i was hoping to see dj shorts aroma dominate this plant

maybe its pheno related i dunno ???

as soon as the buds dry out ill post a smoke report and again i do say she smells very very similar to mi5 with her fruity fragrance

Oh i didnt know you were comparing them to the ones you did before, like i said they didnt get the proper nutes and didnt yield anywhere near what they should, so of course the smell isnt going to be the same, nutrients effect smell most of all...

I deff got alot of berry smelling phenos with my sour60, my favorite sour60 however, was one with HEAVY BOG sour bubble like influance, IMO this is the Sour60 pheno you WANT... Most resin, and it smells like a bubble gum factory, with a wonderful sour zest...

Gosh all this talk, i need to run some new plants/strains!


Oh i didnt know you were comparing them to the ones you did before, like i said they didnt get the proper nutes and didnt yield anywhere near what they should, so of course the smell isnt going to be the same, nutrients effect smell most of all...

I deff got alot of berry smelling phenos with my sour60, my favorite sour60 however, was one with HEAVY BOG sour bubble like influance, IMO this is the Sour60 pheno you WANT... Most resin, and it smells like a bubble gum factory, with a wonderful sour zest...

Gosh all this talk, i need to run some new plants/strains!

i have no idea what your chatting about when you say nutes effect the smell ??

do you mean that if i use canna instead of vitalink max im gonna create a different smell from the plant or is the plant still gonna grow and smell the same, thats an experiment id like to see where some 1 takes a cutting from a mother plant and grows 1 in canna and 1 in vitalink max and see if they smell different

i can say that a different stages of the grow the plant does change aroma from when its in veg right untill she buds but then the smell stays pretty constant and it is what it is regardless of bud size plant size etc

i know from experience adding carboload magnifies the aroma and gets the plants juices going but it doesnt change a plants smell

how many phenos is in sour 60 and how many grows do i have to do untill i find the 1 that matched yours???

i do agree about the zesty smell though

also i was growing mdanzigs latest offerings which he says that their his best he has to offer as far as this strain goes and they were sent direct straight from him, ill have to try again at some point and see if i can find this mysterous pheno of which you speak

its a bit llike hunting the lochness monster, we all know its there but it could be a bastard trying to find it
