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sour diesel ibl



Hey upgrade/littlebud/mastersenseigrowerofthedank.

I've read through your thread about four times and it's quite inspiring. My first grow was soil, turned out quite well... but this thread inspired me to try my hand at hydro. I I have a good understanding of everything, but have a couple questions regarding your methods.

1. I'm quite curious about the way you have seedlings/youngins in clay pots with hydroton sitting inside the plasitc tupperwares with nutes in the bottom. And I'm wondering... how high up the hydroton do you let the water level get? And I'm new to hydro... so to me when the hydroton dries out I feel like the plants roots are dried out? Or is the water from the bottom container evaporating up into the roots? Do you take the water from the bottom container and pour it through the hydroton frequently to keep it moist?

... really sorry about the line of questioning. I tried to do the same setup as you once I got some nice roots growing through my peat pellet(is this alright for now... or are rapid rooters a necessity?)...and I'm just worried the hydroton drying out so fast means the roots arent getting what they need. Would you be so kind to enlighten me with your methods? I know you mentioned you welcomed questions regarding your growing style earlier in the thread and well... here's mine. I really appreciate the feedback. And of course.... nice plants man. SERIOUSLY nice plants.


1)hello my friend i spend lots of time in my space and always start seeds different ways in my quest for knowledge..in the clay pot method i only but a liitl nute water in the plastic under the clay pot..but i poor that water over the top of the clay pot 3-4 times per day(hold finger over clay pot bottom hole and poor over the top) untill roots touch down through hole in clay pot bottom and i have sexed the seedlings(yes roots have to stay moist if the plants droop you know you need to water using said method)...then i transfer the girls to waterfarms and but the boys in a separate space with a fluorescent bulb for pollen collection in thier stunted little clay pot home lol

2)i like rapid rooters but peat pellet or anyother medium you choose is fine

on a side not that is just one way...the easyiest way i have found is to make a dwc bubbler with three in net pots grow seedlings in the bubbler untill sexed then transfer to farm and flower


New member
Fantastic information in this thread. I am blown away at the understanding of how these plants want to be treated.

Great information and a true asset to growing and cannabis everywhere.


Hey Upgrade, Thanks for answering my questions about your seedlings. I can see that you really understand plants and their needs... your plants look absolutely stunning. I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me pick your brain once more...

well well....i use the lucas formula with cal-mag plus supplement....they are getting 5/10...2mill calmag plus per gallon..but i wont change the nutes for a week....water and nutrient top offs depending on her...i know it is time to change the nutes because the last hour of lights on they will start to droop if they are not getting all that they need in the rite proportions...any more clarity needed and i will try...peace

I'm having issues understanding the ins and outs of growing by pH. If you notice the pH rising from 5.6-6.2 in just 24 hours... does that mean the plant is eating more than its drinking... therefore it wants a higher nute level?

I'm fascinated by your technique and am trying it myself. However I'm having trouble finding my plants 'sweet spot'. Do you always stick to the lucas 0-1-2 ratio or do you adjust slightly according to your plants needs?

If sagging before lights off means they arent getting enough... what means moo much? tip burning or leaf curling?

Sorry if that was an overwhelming line of questioning. I just can;t seem to find info on your method of growing by pH anywhere else. It really seems like you know something everyone doesn't... and I'd love to be able to sit down over a fatty and dig through the archive of knowledge and experience in your brain but this thread will have to do!

I really sincerely appreciate the time you take to answer my questions. I hope one day I'll reach the level of intimacy you have with your plants. It really shines through in the quality of your foliage. Well done.

Thanks for sharing the knowledge Upgrade. I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates it...


yeah homie lol I still cant get my head around the ph growing, surewould like to tho. guess till then ill keep roughin it with the tds pen lol


ok guys i will explain one more time..it is really so so simple..pay attention...let say i have some water it is ph 7.0...i add my nutrients(acid) at what ever strength..who cares..it drops the ph to 6.0..follow me?..then i fill the system with the nutrients..in 24 hrs i come back and check the ph..if the ph dropped they are drinking more water than nutrients causing the solution to become more acidic...so add back some of that 7.0 water..follow...nutrients(acid) are acidic if a plant drinks more water than nutrients the nutrient solution becomes more acidic..if they drink more nutrients than water than ph goes up


growing hydro is that simple..get a proven nutrient recipe mix..watch the plants just add back water or nutrients according to what ph is doing..watch plants 2 hrs before lights out if you see drooping they are not getting all they need in the proper proportions and you need a nutrient change..in a five gallon system i dont change nutrients for 3 or more weeks ointo flowering..i dont make a lot of changes for my plants i let them change and use and follow my simple method..please try it with 1 plant then come back and tell me what you think..it is real and works better than any other method i have tried


Wow man, great thread and an amazing grow! I have never grown sour diesel but a guy I get my nugs from grows em a lot and it is one of my favorites tase wise....though he cuts em a lil early cuz they are never that frosty but still kick ass none the less...


Active member
Damn I don't know how I never saw this thread but it's 1 of the best Sd ibl threads I've seen. Upgradeshafted...Littlebud I hope you are still posting here