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Sour Bubble 3


Active member
Courtesy Gypsy, thanks.

Well OG is gone for now and I am starting my 3rd grow so here it is. I'm going to search for a Sour Bubble mom or 2 and also try for a decent yield. I also have 3 Ice clones on standby if I need some extra plants to fill in come flowering time.

I will be using the full Fox Farm plan - Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching. I will also be trying some Liquid Karma for the first time.

Grow cab is 24 x 20 x 47 inside and so far I've been using a 150 hps, however today UPS man came and brought me a Hydrofarm Sunburst 250. It fits in the cab very nicely and at 75 watts per square foot boy does it light it up! Temps are around low 80s a little warm but not bad.

Here they are at about 9 days, 2 of them are a few days behind because they didn't sprout so I decided to pop a couple more seeds. They just went under the 250 today. The plan is to veg for about 5 weeks (total) or until I can get a couple clones off each plant. Then flower and enjoy some of nature's finest work.

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Hi :wave:
I've smoked sb a few days ago, it was really wet.
But i can tell you, the taste was great, something special, and the buzz was also very nice.
Good luck and keep me posted :D
Ab. :joint:


Active member
I can't wait to taste it. Small update 1 of the plants looked ok but had a real weak stem and refused to hold itself up so I got rid of it.

One of them is growing strangely, the new growth is growing inside the stem I don't know if it's going triploid or what. You can see how the stem is split and the growth is showing lengthwise and starting to come out a little. The opposite side of the stem is closed.

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big mike

Active member
hello groer..
I see you are useing the fox farm soluble tri-pack.. Have you used it before or is this your first run? how do you like it? pro's/con's?


Active member
You will get a few mutations in the SB. The more you inbreed a strain, 3x is a lot of inbreeding, you tend to get genetic mutations. Kind of like when you fuck your sister and get a retard for a kid. The thing with plants especially mj is they will eventually grow out of the mutations and could be great plants. I have some bx3 SB growing now and I got a few mutations early in veg but have since grown out of the mutations and are growing very normal and robust. SB is a great strain!! Best indica in my garden!


I have 4 Sour Bubbles going right now and I have to agree with NickCorp on the mutations... 2 of the 4 are mutants, but I didnt want to waste my time with them so just dumped them into the flower room, and I have to say that they still look mutant and look to be male so thats makes me feel a little better. Now the other 2 are doing great! They have the same exact leaf structure as BOG's SB clones so I keep them going. I am about to flower the 2 that I have been vegging next week... one is a lot about 6'' bigger, but that is becuase it was under the HID for a week longer, other than that they are completely indentical. I am having some trouble uploading pics on IC so when I do I can post some up to show what your in store for... I am too using some Fox Farm products but not all of those. :D

Peace... NorCalRasta


Active member
Big Mike I used just the Cha Ching last time, I couldn't say if there was a difference because i grew new strains with it.

Well we'll see how the mutant does. NorCal I was watching your thread on OG those are some nice looking plants.


Active member
For some reason the leaves are curling down, they look healthy but are curled. It started when I put them under the HPS could there be too much light for them? The 250 is sitting about 10-11 inches above them and it is really bright in there. The temp stays between 79-85 and they've been on just water.

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Active member
I don't think it's overwatering. I went back to the 150 hps for now to see if it helps and I'll switch back to the 250 for flowering.


Official Tree Taster
only water? no nutes? if so that would be the prob (mine start to do that when they get hungry, once fed they stiffer right back up again)

probably isn't root bound being so little, and i don't imagine if it is your 3rd grow that you would be overwatering enough to make em droop...


Active member
They are a day past 2 weeks now. I transplanted yesterday, although the plants were small there were a lot of roots on the bottom so they are much happier now.

One of the small ones had a very weak stem so I got rid of it. The other one I figured was too far back so it's in the veg chamber now, that leaves 6. I cut a few more Ice clones because I want to have a full chamber, I can fit 9 1 gallon pots in there.

The mutant is doing ok, the new growth will take a few days to iron itself out.




Active member
Well what a difference a week makes. I gave them 2 tsp Liquid Karma right after my last post, seems they like it. They got a little nute burn from the Ocean Forrest but have shrugged it off and are doing great. I switched back to the 250 a couple days ago.

The mutant is looking weirder than ever, it's pretty small compared to the rest.





groer said:
They got a little nute burn from the Ocean Forrest

:chin: Interesting... I dont think that it was the soil... I use the OF start my seedlings in and I usually am giving them nute by day 10 so I dont think its the OF burning your plants. Looking much better though :yes:! They look pretty consisant with what I have going right now and look a lot like the Sour Bubble clone. :D

Peace.. NorCalRasta :rasta:
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