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Sour 60 grow

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Dont need to sit here and repeat myself or re type, what I have told him to do and what was going on every other page buddy. Anyone can copy n paste buddy, I am going by Personal exp. But enlighten us with your philosophy sir. I know what I am saying is correct info and exact info. If you think Im lieing then I guess you are calling my whole community bullshit artist and we dont know what we are doing. Im not gunna take over sum1s journal either. I am here to help. if he wants it or not, he can do what he wants.:thank you:
OMG Its you and your ( imaginary community again )
bro look what happend to the last guys plants that listened to you? i thought i embarrassed you enough already but yet you persist to think your the man in the canabis industry, please bro what is wrong with you? do you just want people to screw up there crops because you cant pull off a decent one yourself my man? sorry to come over as harsh but your at it again, i mean really bro enough is enough you obviously dont know what you are talking about, and misleading information is not needed in these forums,

And remember bro ' cough cough '
Like you said buddy cough cough " YOU READ " Do you know how many misleading things you read here on the net? Just about to anything. You cannot go by what others say or someone said.

One person out of how many? One persons grow journal you are going on??

I sit here night after night going thru pages beyond pages, sites beyond sites and READ the Grow Bible to LEARN and keep LEARNING. This is the first time I have ever heard this. I will post this in my other forum. See what others have to say about it. :thanks:



Active member
ICMag Donor
Hey Gene-weaver, dont sit in on these threads looking to rip peoploe for trying to help out someone. I dont like your attititude, or the nasty PM's you left me.


OMG Its you and your ( imaginary community again )
bro look what happend to the last guys plants that listened to you? i thought i embarrassed you enough already but yet you persist to think your the man in the canabis industry, please bro what is wrong with you? do you just want people to screw up there crops because you cant pull off a decent one yourself my man? sorry to come over as harsh but your at it again, i mean really bro enough is enough you obviously dont know what you are talking about, and misleading information is not needed in these forums,


Are you serious or just that stupid?? Please bro you dont know 1/2 of what you talk and no1 here is fucking anything up. Id like to see this persons FUck up too that you say I did. Cuz I didnt grow it, feed it or see it. So yeah Id like to see this. Funny how you talkl all this ish, and smack. Yes I do have a community that I belong to. It is an Invite Only site. Soon We will Be having a seedbay, and more to come. But we keep it enclosed so we dont have BS like this here, and all the youngins. Now you can talk all the shit you want, say what you want and do wat you want. I really dont care, or listen to what you have to say. Like I said I am not going to take over someone elses Journal. Nor should you. Let him grow and do his thing. If he wants to take the advice he does, if not o well. I simply told the kid he was over watering. And that was it, dont feel like repeating day after day. When he is asking the same question over and over. So you do what you want Gene. Still yet to see a grow from you.:jump::jump:


Can we just let the man grow his plants.. This grow has gone off topic for many pages.

You can offer advice till you blue in the face but unless some one wants to listen your only talking to yourself.

Well Roor since your help on telling me they were being overwatered I have given them a complete TLC watching them for signs of recovery and they are no longer drooping. As for temp and Ph. Temp stays around 78-84 thats giving account for the bottles being moved in and out. At last test Ph was at I believe 6.2 or 6.3. Though there is a ph test set to be done today. Day 31 and I've taken several pics not just the normal group shot.

The next set of pics are of the top bud spots hopefully you will be able to see major improvements.


Drac. Lets start here. First They are still frowning. Let them COMPLETELY dry out. SO that they feel super light when you pic them up. Then They will perk up with the next watering.

Now you say that the temps jump that much when the light is on. Now you actually want the light to stay at or around 78F. My buddy likes 75F but 78F is ok. You also want the Temp to drop 10 degrees cooler at night or when the lights are off. I would also always Keep a Fan Blowing Hard on the plants. To strengthen them, And to help with Photosynthesis. If you need help with the Temp. What are you using for Intake? Exhaust? Where is the Grow box located? How are the Room temps the Box are in??

Now Also How many holes do you have on the Bottom of those Pots? It also looks as the Roots are not getting enough Oxygen. I would have about 6 holes around the sides, and about 5-8 on the bottom. Then have the holes on the bottom not covered so the air can get in. This will help also with the drainage of the watering.

When you take pix with your camera, Use the White Balance, and adjust it to the light. To take away that Orange color so we can see your plants and to see if they are healthy or what not.

Now What Nutrients do you have? And the soil you are using is Fox Farms?? So you should have been given them a Light Vegg Feed, since the soil has 3 weeks of feed inside it. If you dont what type of soil or soiless are we using. (I didnt read that far back I do apologize.) What are you using to check the Ph of the Runoff?? or water?? You should be checking the PH of the plant every time you water or feed the plant. Also check the PPM of it if you have a Stick. You should get about 1/8 cup of runoff when watering and 1/4 cup of runoff when Feeding the plant. You want the PH of the water and Feed going in to be 6.3 PH. Try to keep it there at all times. Just my 2 cents of how I was taught.

Keep Up the Good work and the great quality pics. The great journal you have going and great words. You dont have to take my advice or info. I was taught or told. I am here to help you and others. We are all here doing the same thing. and that is growing mj. Dont forget that. =)


Why is it soo scientific? Keep It Simple Stupid.. K.I.S.S They aren't just a band you know. If he was running a hydro setup i'd be more worried about PPM. Read the bottle adjust to what the plant likes, simple!

Doesn't fox farms have dolomite lime mixed in? If So, ph shouldn't be this big of a deal.

You are not wrong with what you are saying but one step at a time. He's got to do it and see it himself for it to sink in. By the 8th page you should have allready known what dirt and nutes he was using, RO water or TAP. The whole nine.
Just let him do his thing the nutes aren't wrong, he just needs a lil less water, they look better allready. Reading 6 pages of the same advice is getting old.

Not trying to stir the pot here but id like to see some of the grow not all this banter and shit slinging and re-hash info. I came to see SOUR60!!!

Yup, Kinda tired of reading straight bickering guys. Back to the topic now.

Day 31 huh? looks like theyve got a ways to go! Hope theyre ready at day 60 for you


Lets start here. First They are still frowning. Let them COMPLETELY dry out. SO that they feel super light when you pic them up. Then They will perk up with the next watering.

Good advice on watering see how light or heavy the bottles feels.

My concern is that you may not have enough nute in the soil to finish them. Let's cross that bridge when we see any deficiencies. Though you may want to read up on IceColdCrickets thread My secrets of success with True AFs. An excellent thread for auto flowers.

Definitely tagging til the end.


Active member
Is there a reason you used such small containers? Was it for sexing and eliminating the males or? I think you'd have much better results in a decent size container..

Just curious, peace


I agree with Nicoli. I would have transplanted long ago or started in larger containers to allow a larger root system to develop.


I agree with Nicoli. I would have transplanted long ago or started in larger containers to allow a larger root system to develop.

There Autos,. They dont need a Big space to Grow. And Most or all Autos you shouldnt transplant. More stress induced will slow the Growth. Thats why we usually plant in there home. I used a 1/2 gallon grow bag. I didnt even touch the bottom. The roots on autos are smaller and dont absorb as much as regular roots. I took a pic of myne to show. Take a look in my journal. :tiphat:
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