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If you look at all of the pictures I believe the front item is a fan which are directly fixated on the plants. Give em a break too, he did make notice like 3 posts up of the over-watering by mentioning he would give them "a dry spell" and the post you quote even takes note of that. Chill brah.

GG, continue dracon. Still looks good!


sup dracondirnac? I was wondering how good the ice bottles are? how much do they lower the temperature?


If you look at all of the pictures I believe the front item is a fan which are directly fixated on the plants. Give em a break too, he did make notice like 3 posts up of the over-watering by mentioning he would give them "a dry spell" and the post you quote even takes note of that. Chill brah.

GG, continue dracon. Still looks good!

I am, Giving him help,. Not busting his chops my bro. Just want him to do a good job. If that is a fan I missed it and am sorry. Ran out of popcorn,. You got any more?
The Ice bottles will lower it drastically to minimally depending on size of water bottle I'm using a two 2 liter method which tends to bring it down between 5-8 degrees. As for Roor's comment I know your trying to keep this alive and I do appreciate the help believe me. I do have a pair of fans in there. I can take pics of locations if you would like to see but it's day 26 and I've given the girls a dry spell. Hopefully they are begining to look right. Please feel free to kick my ass till they are perfect.


Let them dry out fully. Then when u water them. Then when you water
pour it little by little. That way you can judge the runoff. U want like 1/8 cup of run off. If u get more your giving too much water. They should perk right up when they are good and ready. What are you using for metering the ph?? Orthe ppm?? And what are your nutes??
They look good for there age. No complaints yet. Got me chair n bong


How long does the ice bottle last and keep the temp down for?? 1hr??
If you are having heat issues what are you using for a exhaust fan?? And intake fan??
As for the fans inside. Have 1 blowing on the stems of the plants. It will make them stronger and thicker. Also helps with the growth of the plant.


Draco, how long does the soil sit wet? Few, days week? Day? It just seems odd they haven't perked up. I've been watching the last while, not much difference in the wilting. If it is a legitimate issue for you go post in the imfermary section with pics. People in that forum diagnose issues all day.

Other than that, you should start to see some bud forming soon, if they aren't too stressed out. You might have added some time to your estimated finish.

weed is not a weed, it's a dioecious flower.

I had a good laugh about this, can you picture asking your provider to score you a bag of dioecious flowers. Ohh The looks you would get from some people. Good to know, the point was to help the man out keeping his ladies in check. But thank you for the scientific name.



I'd let them dry out - a lot. And I'd put less ferts in them... try 75% or even 50%.

I'd even go so far as to recommend using a scale when you water. You couldn't need more than 50 grams per day, even at this stage.
Ok well it's day 28 and I think I might be seeing signs of a nutrient burn I'm posting a pic of one of the affected leaves as well as the group shot. If they are going through a chemical burn I'm hoping I can nurse them back on track. Your criticisms are welcomed.


What temperature and PH do you have in there mate? Something isnt right, thats not a regular nute burn. To me it looks like something is locking out the nutrients, so no matter what you give them they cant get to it anyways..
I believe these leaves are the effect of deficiency of phosphorus and nitrogen due to the over-watering. When over-watered the soil becomes so thick that the roots are strangled and are not able to pull the proper nutrients out of both the water and the soil and therefore deficiencies occur. If continued to be stressed in this manner they will develop root rot and it will most definitely prolong their overall size and grow time.

I would say to follow everyone's advice of letting them dry out completely and then as root mentioned seeing EXACTLY what needs to be put in there and vary accordingly. Given the fact that they still have a lot of green foliage is a good sign, so as long as this is cut off early, it can be controlled.
I think Someguy may be right on this and I'm letting them disperse this water and the green is starting to show up again. iIt's day 29 and I can only keep posting the pics for you all.


I think Someguy may be right on this and I'm letting them disperse this water and the green is starting to show up again. iIt's day 29 and I can only keep posting the pics for you all.

Looking better already my friend, just let the rest and dry up and it will hopefully be back on track in no time.


You cannot Over nute a Plant. We went thru this already. what is Happening is that the PH is off in your medium. Now this is doing Nute Lock Out. So meaning if the PH is Below 6.3 or Above 6.8 PH, the Nutrients will be locked out, thus making the plant do what it is doing. Now you need to listen to me mate, and not these other guys who come in here to look at pictures.

I have been telling you, that you have been OVER WATERING since day one. Now I dont see anything for Temp, Humidity, PH, or even PPM. So how do you know what is going into the plant? What the Plant is Eating? What the Plant needs? I can go on but there are alot of things you need to learn.

I have a 99 Page Journal on my 1 Plant. On another site. I have learned pretty much all the basics and Intermediate things you need to know, learn and use when growing. So if you still want the help and want your plant fixed we need to catch up on a few things and work from there.

Im not gunna sit here and type everyday bro, and leave a good answer if your just gunna ignore it and listen to people who read online and think they got all the answers. Just my 2 cents =)

Flying Goat


I must agree with Mr. Meds. I have a PPP in flower & she has a bit of tip burn as I gave her extra Schultz 10-15-10 altho she was in my special goat shit mix... Result: tip burn & downward curl on fan leaves, not bud leaves... Have limited her diet to rainwater & molasses for the past 10 days & voila! Recovery!

Nute burn IS possible, I don't care who ya are...


Well we all have our Feelings, and Words. But our community that I am, Concour with its not over fertilization, Its just Lock-out.
So... idk where you learned your materials, but I would imagine a lot of us probably follow the fabled Jorge Cervantes who is known to be one of the greatest of all time growers and was the main resource for grow facts for the leading publication: High Times.


but just to get the highlights... "General signs of over-fertilization or toxic salt buildup include burned leaf tips, discolored leaves, and slow growth." Which just so happens to be some of the symptoms that are showing up here!

I believe Dracon mentioned he was using FoxFarm Ocean, which is a relatively GREAT soil for anything, and BigBloom which is another great product.

These plants are suffering from over-watering, as I said before, and nutrient burn from too much of the nutrient solution.

Simple... little to no water, less nutes. Done.

As far as the whole theory of PH under 6.3 locking out nutes... you are also wrong. Nutrients in soil can assimilate within a pH range of 5.5-6.5 with about 5.8-6.0 being ideal. -Indoor Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes.

Idk where you are getting all of your information but with such a condescending tone that you have upheld throughout this grow, Roor, it seems that maybe you need to start referencing what you say with some RELIABLE sources... and not what you just googled on your computer. And! The next time you post, maybe you should scrutinize what has been said so that you are not wasting peoples time asking for information that is in front of your face. Like the temp is around 84 degrees... he slowed down watering... humidity is around 16%... and ph is around 6 (pm).

and as Roor would say... don't "listen to people who read online and think they got all the answers.". Oh wait...

(Given that was just a quote... I do not advocate such bad grammar)


So... idk where you learned your materials, but I would imagine a lot of us probably follow the fabled Jorge Cervantes who is known to be one of the greatest of all time growers and was the main resource for grow facts for the leading publication: High Times.


but just to get the highlights... "General signs of over-fertilization or toxic salt buildup include burned leaf tips, discolored leaves, and slow growth." Which just so happens to be some of the symptoms that are showing up here!

I believe Dracon mentioned he was using FoxFarm Ocean, which is a relatively GREAT soil for anything, and BigBloom which is another great product.

These plants are suffering from over-watering, as I said before, and nutrient burn from too much of the nutrient solution.

Simple... little to no water, less nutes. Done.

As far as the whole theory of PH under 6.3 locking out nutes... you are also wrong. Nutrients in soil can assimilate within a pH range of 5.5-6.5 with about 5.8-6.0 being ideal. -Indoor Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes.

Idk where you are getting all of your information but with such a condescending tone that you have upheld throughout this grow, Roor, it seems that maybe you need to start referencing what you say with some RELIABLE sources... and not what you just googled on your computer. And! The next time you post, maybe you should scrutinize what has been said so that you are not wasting peoples time asking for information that is in front of your face. Like the temp is around 84 degrees... he slowed down watering... humidity is around 16%... and ph is around 6 (pm).

and as Roor would say... don't "listen to people who read online and think they got all the answers.". Oh wait...

(Given that was just a quote... I do not advocate such bad grammar)

Dont need to sit here and repeat myself or re type, what I have told him to do and what was going on every other page buddy. Anyone can copy n paste buddy, I am going by Personal exp. But enlighten us with your philosophy sir. I know what I am saying is correct info and exact info. If you think Im lieing then I guess you are calling my whole community bullshit artist and we dont know what we are doing. Im not gunna take over sum1s journal either. I am here to help. if he wants it or not, he can do what he wants.:thank you:
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