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sound-proofing an apartment/fat

Thankyou b00m as well as everybody who has brought positive vibes to this thread. I don't understand why people would come here to tell me not to do something, it just makes me want to do it even more!

b00m i am concerned about the RF frequencies but our neighbour has just mention they don't use the internet so i think we are good to go on the digi ballasts :jump:


well... people tell you not to do something because they believe you are mature enough to take their suggestions with a grain of salt, they want to keep you out of jail, so when your older... you can reflect on stuff like this... from the comfort of your own home.. and not a prison cell.

Having said that... if she really is ok with it.. and your not trying to fool yourself... make sure to toss her an ounce here and there... maybe she won't smoke it.. but might know someone who will appreciate it.



I don't understand why people would come here to tell me not to do something, it just makes me want to do it even more!

Dude I'm trying to help you with experienced advice. But it's all good, we make our own decisions.

P.S. Egg-cartons don't do shit. They disperse a minuscule range of mid frequencies. The air between the egg cartons and the wall is doing more to reduce the sound level that the egg cartons are.

stay safe, good luck.


Active member
Start by using quiet equipment.
Box your ballasts. I used to use a old all metal computer, gut it and pop in the ballast, and then sound proof it(do remember that they will heat up, so you need some kind of ventilation for them i would think). I did this just for fire safety.
Fans: you can get really quiet fans, not cheap, but can be had
Use sono dec:
And when possible inline silencers:
Don't know HOW your growing, dirt/hydro/aero but there are ways to silence hydro setups, but again, "Start by using quiet equipment", in this case a quiet hydro setup, maybe ebb n flow?
But as mentioned above, I would worry about the electric wiring in that house. I have lived in the UK and have to say, sorry for this, but your old houses are shit, and I'd really be afraid to use 4k+fans and shit in a apartment from the 50's.
If you do decide to do it, it might help if you get power for your lights from different sockets? But don't believe me, I still don't totally understand how electricity works:laughing:
If not to hard, just move...


If your gonna run 4k, the smell is gonna stink up your entire NEIGHBORHOOD bro, your gonna need a carbon scrubber with an inline fan, and the fan sounds like a mini plane engine trust me its 10x worse than the sound of 4 1k ballasts buzzing. Growing in the living room is a bad idea too, just find a place where you can grow in a basement, attic, or walk in closet and lock that shit up.
Also, keep in mind, the power company will notice if 4k+ watts turns on every day at the same time and off at the same time, for 18/6 hours a day, then for 12/12 hours a day


a 4000w apartment grow is not happening on a budget. Just construction and electrical load aside, you're looking at needing extra scrubbers to recirculate, so on and so forth. If you can get working and make some money, then it can be done, but if you try and run this as some bare bulb quickie run, you're going to prison. That easy.

I'm running 3000 in a 700sft 3rd floor apartment. Security never stops, it's fucking horrible. Transporting equipment and harvesting are a nightmare, and I'm legal and budget free! Not to mention, that's with w/d hookups taken over, and I can only run my dishwasher after 8, lol. . .
bonsai thanks bro

saba thanks for the links man those fans look within budget, have you seen these running before?

how do i know what power my circuits can take, the plug sockets are brown so i gather its the original wiring .. this is shit lol

pheno i dunno man i heard the times arnt as much of a concern i could be wrong. Is this FACT or a fairytale because right now i'm only listening to facts.

I dont think my friend is going to live there.... bro u r a stealth monster haha ! can the washer take 1k and the dryer take 1k ?


I'm only running 1k + fans on the W/D, but it's a 30 amp circuit, so it should hold plenty more. I'd have that juice working for me, but I'm about to move out, so I can't be bothered expanding any more, or setting up the plugs to get my dishwasher back full time, haha.

You need to examine your circuit breaker to see if you even have the juice to run what you want. At least here stateside, I've been in rundown 60s apartments that only ran a 50amp service, with no W/D. If that's your case, then you are absolutely dead in the water, you seriously have no choice but to move, or steal power. Which will send you to prison in an apt.

You guys run 240 standard, right? That might make a difference, but I've never looked into running 240, so I don't know enough about it to comment with any authority. But definitely check up on those power options before you commit your self with money you don't have.