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BUSTED, no ryme or reason


New member
in the court room blowin dro who gives a fuck about the judge thats what gucci whould do ha lol dont let em get the best of you i went threw the same shit fuck them popos


Active member
under an oz? are you kidding thats a joke. without baggies ,scale and pay owe sheets prob a drug program and probation if you aint got priors.

Flower Felon

New member
Good luck, bro! I hope things work out well for you. It's gotta be tough to look at the snitch that lives next door and not be able to do anything about it, I've felt your pain. Keep your head up and remember that despite this terrible setback, your on the right side of the fight.



under an oz? are you kidding thats a joke. without baggies ,scale and pay owe sheets prob a drug program and probation if you aint got priors.

One would think.
The thing that's screwing me is the plant count. I probably would have been alright if it stayed at a state level, but now I'm dealing with the feds.


Good luck, bro! I hope things work out well for you. It's gotta be tough to look at the snitch that lives next door and not be able to do anything about it, I've felt your pain. Keep your head up and remember that despite this terrible setback, your on the right side of the fight.


Thanks buddy, i appreciate the support. This ordeal will definitely make more of an activist out of me when i get out. Unless things drastically change while I'm still locked up, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.


Cannabis 101
sorry that happen man... this will be over sooner or later and you'll be growing better and stronger than before wish you the very best.


I finally got some medical insc., recently
I've been dealing w/ insane anxiety for years, but was always able to keep it in check by self med. w/ cannabis. Cince i havent been able to smoke, the anxiety came to the surface w/ a vengence, and my current situation hasnt helped the cause either.
Luckily, i was able to find a Md who's taking me seriously, and prescribing me something for it. It sucks i had to resort to anti-anxiety meds, when for years i was able to keep it in check w/out side effects, but thats the world we live in.
Anyway, it should be a little easier for me to deal w/ all this w/out the added pain in the ass anxiety. It should make my time a little easier to deal w/ as well, so i guess that's one good thing.


sorry that happen man... this will be over sooner or later and you'll be growing better and stronger than before wish you the very best.

Thanks for all the support guys, it really does help out allot.
Thanks for the well wishes Dr.Dank.


Things are gonna be alright have faith! This is going to be the worst time of your life for a little while and it's going to get worse before it gets better. Hang in there though because it's not the end of the world.
I was busted for cultivation in 07' in the Southwest. I was indicted on four felonies and was facing over seven years presumptive. After all the legal wrangling (I never went to trial) I served 30 days in max security and 1 year probation. I got ZERO felonies and that was in one of the worst states in the country for cultivation. You have to be strong, realize that the first plea deal they're going to give you is going to be weak. My first plea deal was for two class 4 felonies and 48 month in state prison. Obviously I rejected that deal and my attorney's got me such a better deal in the end. I can't tell you enough how important it is to get a good lawyer. Whatever you do don't take a public defender!!! Seriously, get on Normal's website and checkout what lawyers are listed in your area. If you don't have a lot of cash, still call them and let them know your situation.
If you're facing 5, I would seriously consider getting the best lawyer possible. You can bring another one on at any point in the proceedings. When I didn't think my first attorney was doing a good job, I fired him and got the best narcotics lawyer around. It's so ridiculous how the system works, it's not about right and wrong. Try and detach any personal feelings you have about the situation and look at it as a chess game. It's all about positioning. As soon as I hired the best attorney around, I had a better plea deal that same week. Why? Because my crime was somehow less severe all of a sudden? Of course not, the prosecution just didn't want to deal with him. The prosecution had a weak case, they knew it and as soon as I had a good lawyer they didn't really want the case anymore. It's always easier and cheaper for them to offer a plea deal rather than taking it to trial.
I hope I can offer you some hope, my story has a happy ending. I served my time in jail, did a years probabtion, 55 drug test (Yes, I actually didn't smoke for an entire year) and 200 hours of community service. As soon as I was done with all that DRAMA I moved to the Pacific North West, got my medical card and I'm currently doing my first legal grow.
I know it seems bleak, but keep your head up. If you have any questions or anything pm me. Sending the positive vibes


THC, i really feel for you, i'm in britain, but the cops are just the same everywhere, please, just go and do your best, it's no use, IMO, saying, produce the goods, to the cops, as they may just do that,even though the plants may not be yours. (unless yours are identical clones) then youd'e have the fuckers for lying.

Iv'e been stitched by them myself, not mj, but still, a similar situ, the bastards turned up with a bunch of car keys i'd never seen in my life, to get me convicted.

Just wish i had the money to help you, i do agree, the longer you can stretch it out, the better it could be. You may find they tell the wrong lie that puts doubt in peoples minds, they are NOT infallible, they do fuckup sometimes.

Anyway mate, i'm rootin for ya, i know it's shit to go down, but theres no embarresment go down for growing,not that it makes it any easier for you, karma is always around the corner, nice if he could get filled in, if you happen not to be around at the time, for fucks sake, that bastard would be in hospital if it happened round here.

I'll say a little prayer for you, i really really wish you luck, and please, let it turn out okay for you.
I grow and suffer from anxiety/ depression, mj helps me too. but i would have trouble handling it if i got a knock on the door. best of luck mate, i sincerly mean that. get some sick notes thrown in at court, stretch it out, it worked for me.


Sorry about your situation. Whatever the result ends up being, stay positive. Even if things aren't looking the best, keeping your head up and not letting the bullshit overcome you will help you through things a little easier. Im saying a prayer for you, and your family too.

And after all is said and done, it might just be emotionally worth it to make sure that karma comes back on the snitch a little faster!


keep your chin up ....things always have a funny way of evening up,maybe not right away but snitches always get what they deserve


Things are gonna be alright have faith! This is going to be the worst time of your life for a little while and it's going to get worse before it gets better. Hang in there though because it's not the end of the world.
I was busted for cultivation in 07' in the Southwest. I was indicted on four felonies and was facing over seven years presumptive. After all the legal wrangling (I never went to trial) I served 30 days in max security and 1 year probation. I got ZERO felonies and that was in one of the worst states in the country for cultivation. You have to be strong, realize that the first plea deal they're going to give you is going to be weak. My first plea deal was for two class 4 felonies and 48 month in state prison. Obviously I rejected that deal and my attorney's got me such a better deal in the end. I can't tell you enough how important it is to get a good lawyer. Whatever you do don't take a public defender!!! Seriously, get on Normal's website and checkout what lawyers are listed in your area. If you don't have a lot of cash, still call them and let them know your situation.
If you're facing 5, I would seriously consider getting the best lawyer possible. You can bring another one on at any point in the proceedings. When I didn't think my first attorney was doing a good job, I fired him and got the best narcotics lawyer around. It's so ridiculous how the system works, it's not about right and wrong. Try and detach any personal feelings you have about the situation and look at it as a chess game. It's all about positioning. As soon as I hired the best attorney around, I had a better plea deal that same week. Why? Because my crime was somehow less severe all of a sudden? Of course not, the prosecution just didn't want to deal with him. The prosecution had a weak case, they knew it and as soon as I had a good lawyer they didn't really want the case anymore. It's always easier and cheaper for them to offer a plea deal rather than taking it to trial.
I hope I can offer you some hope, my story has a happy ending. I served my time in jail, did a years probabtion, 55 drug test (Yes, I actually didn't smoke for an entire year) and 200 hours of community service. As soon as I was done with all that DRAMA I moved to the Pacific North West, got my medical card and I'm currently doing my first legal grow.
I know it seems bleak, but keep your head up. If you have any questions or anything pm me. Sending the positive vibes

Thank you for taking the time to tell me your story.
Hearing stories that turn out like this makes me happy that we all don't end up going down in flames.
In my case however, it's hard to be optimistic when deep down i know that my lawyer sucks and does not care. In his eyes, if i end up doing less than half of the 5yrs., heel be patting himself on his back for a job well done. He keeps trying to take credit for things that would be offered to me even w/ a public defender.
I know that i should have fired him but i sincerely don't have money for a different lawyer, and I'd only be kidding myself thinking that i could raise it somehow. I have only been able to find limited work and i cant put any more pressure on my wife. She has been doing her best to help me and were just getting by as it is. It was very hard to pay off my current lawyer, and i couldn't afford to pay him any more even if there was a good reason to take it to trial.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that all i can do is hope for the best. I'm glad every time i read about people coming out on top and I'm really happy for you bud. It must feel amazing to have overcome those odds at the end of it all.
Anyway, thank you and god bless.


Active member
Taking out a mortgage on your house to keep you out of prison may be worth the risk my friend, especially when a # of dank in NY is fetching a pretty penny these days. Do what you have to do but find a better lawyer. Don't give up and remember, working 70 hrs a week for two years is still better than going to prison for 5, I mean at least if you are out there working you can come home to your wife right?


Active member
Ya know what man?, I wracked my brain for weeks, trying to understand what would possess this guy to rat on me the way he did. He had absolutly nothing to gain, and he was quite proud of himself like he did the world a great service. Braggin' to others.
A real piece of shit. I do however take comfort in the fact that karma is a bitch, and the universe will hopefully dish him a whole lotta grief and dispair.
I'm not a spiteful pearson but under the circumstances, i'ts hard not to be.
thanks for your prayers.

i would destroy that dudes life. first ruin him financialy, then torture him with a pair of pliars and a blowtorch.

that's fucked up man.



THC, i really feel for you, i'm in britain, but the cops are just the same everywhere, please, just go and do your best, it's no use, IMO, saying, produce the goods, to the cops, as they may just do that,even though the plants may not be yours. (unless yours are identical clones) then youd'e have the fuckers for lying.

Iv'e been stitched by them myself, not mj, but still, a similar situ, the bastards turned up with a bunch of car keys i'd never seen in my life, to get me convicted.

Just wish i had the money to help you, i do agree, the longer you can stretch it out, the better it could be. You may find they tell the wrong lie that puts doubt in peoples minds, they are NOT infallible, they do fuckup sometimes.

Anyway mate, i'm rootin for ya, i know it's shit to go down, but theres no embarresment go down for growing,not that it makes it any easier for you, karma is always around the corner, nice if he could get filled in, if you happen not to be around at the time, for fucks sake, that bastard would be in hospital if it happened round here.

I'll say a little prayer for you, i really really wish you luck, and please, let it turn out okay for you.
I grow and suffer from anxiety/ depression, mj helps me too. but i would have trouble handling it if i got a knock on the door. best of luck mate, i sincerly mean that. get some sick notes thrown in at court, stretch it out, it worked for me.

Thank you so much for this post. There is no doubt that your being completely sincere in everything that you said. Just know that keeping me in your thoughts and prayers means allot. I dont know you but i consider you a friend for your kindness, and for taking the time to make a fellow grower feel better about his unfortunate circumstances. I wish you the best and god bless.


Sorry about your situation. Whatever the result ends up being, stay positive. Even if things aren't looking the best, keeping your head up and not letting the bullshit overcome you will help you through things a little easier. Im saying a prayer for you, and your family too.

And after all is said and done, it might just be emotionally worth it to make sure that karma comes back on the snitch a little faster!

Thanks for the prayers for my family and i.
I'm trying to stay as positive as possible and i know things will work out in the end.


keep your chin up ....things always have a funny way of evening up,maybe not right away but snitches always get what they deserve

Yeah i hear ya. I hope that this guy suffers greatly and if there is any justice in the universe, i hope he gets a nice long jail sentence of his own someday. there was no good reason for him to do what he did.