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Something wicked this way comes


yes, unless u are at peak ec level u wish to be. then i would ride it for awhile.

one thing ive learned is its better to under feed then over feed. plants may suffer faded leaves but they will keep growing. most of the time when u over feed they will stall hard, loose pistol development, an even when problem is corrected the stall will last a week, or weeks. an the growth u loose due to that stall could equate to lbs an lbs depending on room size. not to mention smoke quality usually goes down. doesnt burn right, harsh etc etc ,if u cant correct it before harvest.
Probably my most notable change in my dtw gardening has been in lowering my ppms of feed, and simplifying the ratios for sure.
I am at my desired ec of 1.4 . Last I checked I was at 1.2 in the tub. Intermediate veg tub is all I have built thus far . It is proving great for training, but it is time to put together my main system. I believe with more solution my ec will be more stable.
I will follow your advise and keep input the same. Thank you


Well-known member
Probably my most notable change in my dtw gardening has been in lowering my ppms of feed, and simplifying the ratios for sure.
I am at my desired ec of 1.4 . Last I checked I was at 1.2 in the tub. Intermediate veg tub is all I have built thus far . It is proving great for training, but it is time to put together my main system. I believe with more solution my ec will be more stable.
I will follow your advise and keep input the same. Thank you

i think on average my addback rez is like 40-70% less ppm then my circulating reservoirs. if possible i like to see the working res ppm never raise unless i want a higher ec.

another good indicator is watching how much of the topoff res gets consumed during a light cycle. some days i seen 20-25 gal consumed in a 14-20 plant setup. ec stays solid an u know the topoff res is correct.
silica raises PH, the nutes lower it.. personally, I've stopped using anything but the jacks+.. When mixed in RO, the jacks+ @ 600-700PPMs brings in, last time I checked the PH, at 4.8. Things run so smoothly and from then on PH isnt fretted over.. the girls look great and yield is strong... the pump buckets PPMs is 1000+PPMs.

Silica raises PH..
hey Snook thanks for chiming in. I am fully aware that silica drives pH up dramatically. But i always pH down my solution to 5.8 and even let it sit 24 hours before i check the pH again. there are times where pH will drift from 5.8 to say 6.2 over night so i ph Down back down to 5.8 and pump it into my reservoir.

Is it possible the solution still continues to drift upward as long as there is silica in the water?

Checking the pH of my elevated reservoir always gives me a result of 5.8 to 6.0. but as soon as i check the pH of the PPK buckets im getting 6.9

is the silica perhaps being concentrated in my PPK system, raising pH?

is it possible only the algae is contributing to such a high pH or is the silica definitely contributing to it?

one of my PPK sites has a pH of 6.3 while the rest are higher at 6.9 the one with 6.3 has no pump or plant in it at the moment and is actually the cleanest bucket of all buckets in my ppk system as far as algae goes. this is what has me wondering if its the algae?

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
so close.....


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No Jive Productions
good morning all! sorry for my absence but i've been very busy! i see i have missed a lot of conversation and pm's and i really don't have time right now to go back over it all and answer everything so if you still have pertinent unresolved issues re-submit them in this forum and i will try to answer them. but i will probably not be able to spend a lot of time on pm's.

generally, it's really better to ask questions in the open so that everyone can benefit from the answers. also, there is now a lot of collected experience here and a lot of folks know the answers and can help.

we are fine tuning everything. equipment is all running fine and maintaining tight parameters in the rooms.

we are bug free except for some fungus gnats but we are getting the upper hand on them.

still going through a lot of strains as fast as possible looking for winners. have found some really nice plants.

added 4 positions to the big room and we are in the process of expanding all frames to a full 5x5 instead of the 4.5x4.5 that we were using. this doesn't sound like much but increases canopy size by 23% and makes better use of adjacent lights. so 20 lights on 20 plants with good bleed over. also raising the net level to 46" from the floor instead of the 42" we were running hopefully allowing us to veg the plants slightly larger.

the smaller flower room will still run 9 positions but with the larger frames.

we are finally getting it all loaded up. it's quite difficult to propagate faster than your harvest rate while loading up initially. it causes you to put plants into flower earlier than ideal. this of course causes smaller harvests. after reaching full flowering numbers we can then delay vegging plants to ideal size and cut way back on propagating reducing overall plant counts.

we are choosing strains that have the correct growth characteristics for our method. seems to be predominately 50/50 types that finish in 7-9 weeks. yield flower well and extract well. we are vegging topped plants training them flat and spreading them. then moving them into flower and placing the net on them and allowing stretch to fill the frames.


No Jive Productions
i will try to identify some of these. i just wandered around aimlessly as usual took random shots without much thought, again as usual.

1. it is what it is.
2-3. pretty sure this is "blue city diesel". haven't harvested any yet.
4-5. gmanwho's star99 #6
6. good ole apple kush, a great plant! sour green apples at the supermarket! yields heavy and trouble free.
7-8. i may have finally gotten a good gg#4. haven't harvested one yet but it reeks!
9-10. small room. still running 4.5' frames here but expanding them as needed. in #9 the two main plants are the lodi dodi center and the last wreckage on the right.


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No Jive Productions
1-2. gmanwho's star99 #7. a very nice plant! this pheno produces "show" buds. the #6 and the #7 both produce about the same weight and 18% wax yield but the #7 is prettier in the bag. both very potent!.
3. the last wreckage at 11 weeks and still not finished. most of it came down last night. it would go 13 or more if i let it.
4-5. two nearly identical photos of the same plant from the same angle. very informative. the lodi dodi.
6. the intermediate veg room with a full load of 42.
the rest just general purpose shots of the main veg room.


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great job as always..im an old member here but for security reasons
i changed my username.i always admired your work.

**the speakers are for you, or for the plants?:biggrin:

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
looking for a good way to wire all the pumps together. saw how he did it by daisy chaining all the extension cords together. i there and way that wont cost $150 in extension cords lol

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
One 50' extension cord cut to length, cut plugs off and wire nut it together.

brilliant. not sure on the safety factor but i like the thinking lol.

i have a bunch of wago connectors and solder stuff/shrink wrap so i could definitely do that. thanks for the idea!

on second thought, after looking it all up i can add in a junction box for each site for about $15 and i already have the extension cords. then just plug it into a GFCI outlet and i should be relatively safe. the cord will be run up on my rail system so there will be no close proximity to water.


Active member
I have a question about recommended res size.. I run 4 decent size plants in a 4x4 tent with about 50 - 55 litres total res size, including what's in the buckets. I'm having to add nutes and ph too often for my liking. So now adjusting top off tank too..

Anyway question being how many litres or gallons of reservoir per plant are you guys running?


Active member
I have a question about recommended res size.. I run 4 decent size plants in a 4x4 tent with about 50 - 55 litres total res size, including what's in the buckets. I'm having to add nutes and ph too often for my liking. So now adjusting top off tank too..

Anyway question being how many litres or gallons of reservoir per plant are you guys running?

I like the HDX 27 gallon storage tote for the volume tank. 4 plants in 2 gallon buckets - slightly larger tent. Copied that from D9.

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Desert Hydro

Well-known member
I like the HDX 27 gallon storage tote for the volume tank. 4 plants - slightly larger tent. Copied that from D9.


im running 12 off one 27 gal tote at the moment with no float valve. i just top off daily since im there anyways. since they are just starting flower and will be growing rapidly i will be adding a float valve to keep things topped off. My EC and PH dont really fluctuate much if at all.

always right around 5.9 and and my ec SLOWLY rises. its gone from 1.2 to 1.6 the whole 3 weeks theyve been in the system. im adding co2 tomorrow so im gonna let it rise and hit 1.8


Active member
I don't use jacks as I can't find locally. I was using plain water in top off tank and letting EC drop and ph rise over a few days. Then I decided to mix both to 1.3 and ph adjust both of them, couple days later I'm at 1.0 in the pump res and ph 6.2 (from 5.5)

If I have to adjust every couple days then so be it just thought I could get away with it twice a week. Still beats the shit out of hand watering coco :biggrin:

For the most part this system and nutes I'm running have remained stable, but as plants get larger I'm beginning to realise my res is too small. Only just flipped to flower so I'm picking it'll get a lot worse than that as they double in size..


Got me some 7 gal. Tuff tubs in the mail today.
Just in time, the intermediate containers got roots coming down the tail peices