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Something strange happened to me tonight


Active member
the funniest thing ive found is a 2 foot long(and very very heavy) adjustable spanner...what the hell am i going to do with that?...saved it from going through someones car window around here i would say though

Would you believe i have the same type of huge shifter. I keep it near the door like most people keep baseball bats.

only thing that happens to me is a have a hot and sexy dream and wake up with a wet bed. lol
I have had some strange dreams. in the past month i had a dream where i woke up from a dream all panic like and then i woke up from that dream, trippy a dream within a dream strange as hell, felt really weird when woke up, like mentally i mean it was hard on my subconcious i think

I have dreams that i'm so sure are real. It does mess with your head.

Similar kind of thing happened to a friend of mine, we were driving around blazed at about 1:30 in the morning, not really speaking just enjoying the weed and listening to the radio, all of a sudden my friend starts slowing down, were in a residential area and hes driving at like 5 mph then he just stops, the second he does a jet black cat with a strange white marking jumps out into the middle of the road, my mate freaks out as if he knew it was gonna be there, like something just told him. 3 months later doing the same, completely different part of town at least 5 miles away from where we were last time, same fucking thing happens again, same cat as well, he was fairly overcome with emotion to say the least, it really freaked him out, like he didn't even really realize he was slowing down.

Strange stuff.

deja vu; a glitch in the matrix. It happens when they change something lol

Ok here it is...
One man's trash is another man's treasure



Active member
i cant believe people are actually giving you shit about finding a rusty old wheelbarrow on the side of the road. what a buncha douches.

i had a similar experience, i was out one night i may have been high i dont remember, but i think paranoid thoughts all the time cuz i get the feeling im being watched. so anyways i was wishing i had some weed because i was out and i was thinking about the feds planting evidence in my house and shit like that. so im sitting in my chair on the computer when my most excellent peripheral vision alerts me to movement on my left. i turn my head in time to see the biggest goddamn spider ive ever seen in my life in person, running towards then crawling under my bed. like easily 2 inches in diameter, so after my heart went back into my chest and i could breathe again i got the nerve up to lift my mattress up and look under the bed cuz theres no way im going to sleep in the same house as a big black widow looking spider. so i pick up the corner of my bed and look, and i see the spider dart to the middle of the floor under my bed and then just disappear into a pile of blunt guts and in the middle is a little baggie of weed. so at this point im obviously losing my mind and i proceed to walk around in circles mumbling oh my god over and over. this went on for a good 3 -5 minutes easily. after i regained my wits i went back to look again and sure enough theres scattered tobacco from a blunt and a little baggie half full of weed. i know it wasnt there before i left as i just got through cleaning my room, and i wouldnt have been looking for weed if i knew i already had some.

im still not right till this day, but everything happened as i say it did sure as im sitting at my computer right now typing this out.

god/the secret/law of attraction whatever you wanna call it works in mysterious ways.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
we make our reality as our karma allows.
did the wheel barrow touch you Inappropriately, where all friends it's ok, shhh just let it go.


Senior Member
i cant believe people are actually giving you shit about finding a rusty old wheelbarrow on the side of the road. what a buncha douches.

i had a similar experience, i was out one night i may have been high i dont remember, but i think paranoid thoughts all the time cuz i get the feeling im being watched. so anyways i was wishing i had some weed because i was out and i was thinking about the feds planting evidence in my house and shit like that. so im sitting in my chair on the computer when my most excellent peripheral vision alerts me to movement on my left. i turn my head in time to see the biggest goddamn spider ive ever seen in my life in person, running towards then crawling under my bed. like easily 2 inches in diameter, so after my heart went back into my chest and i could breathe again i got the nerve up to lift my mattress up and look under the bed cuz theres no way im going to sleep in the same house as a big black widow looking spider. so i pick up the corner of my bed and look, and i see the spider dart to the middle of the floor under my bed and then just disappear into a pile of blunt guts and in the middle is a little baggie of weed. so at this point im obviously losing my mind and i proceed to walk around in circles mumbling oh my god over and over. this went on for a good 3 -5 minutes easily. after i regained my wits i went back to look again and sure enough theres scattered tobacco from a blunt and a little baggie half full of weed. i know it wasnt there before i left as i just got through cleaning my room, and i wouldnt have been looking for weed if i knew i already had some.

im still not right till this day, but everything happened as i say it did sure as im sitting at my computer right now typing this out.

god/the secret/law of attraction whatever you wanna call it works in mysterious ways.

So what about the spider? Is it still under your bed?


Active member
i told you i watched the spider dart to the middle of the floor then dissapear into a pile of blunt guts like michael jackson did in that remember the time video, then i spent 5 minutes trying to calm myself down and tell myself it wasnt real even though there was the baggie of weed that wasnt there before and some blunt guts which also werent there before i left earlier that day. a bunch of other stuff happened that night too right before, this was the icing on the cake. i believe.


Andinismo Hierbatero
maybe the spider morphed into the baggie of herb you found, so that means you smoked spider... maybe now you have spider-man kind of powers? a stoned/high spider man kind of power really.



Well-known member
Fair play JWP. I'd have done the same.

You subconsciously asked for a wheelbarrow the universe obligied.

Forget these fools saying you are a thief.
one of my favs is thinking of throwing something into something , then throwing it, completely gone another way , bounce whatever weird thing and still goes exactly where i wanted it to go in my head


Perplexing Magnum Opus
ICMag Donor
I had been doing some gardening and I was thinking to myself “I wish I had a wheel barrow to mix this dirt in, it would make thing so much easier”

I was thinking nothing flash just an old rustic wheel barrow.

Then tonight I had an urge to go for a drive to a local industrial area to scope out some potential new employers.

It’s raining, dark and I couldn’t see shit so I was about to turn around and go home but I was drawn down this long dark road and sitting there at the end of it was the wheel barrow I had pictured in my head.

So I get out of the car into the rain and put this wheel barrow in my boot and drive home thinking wtff all the way home.

Now has anyone else out there just had thoughts about things you may need or want and then like magic they manifest into you physical reality?
This sht still has my head spinning wtfffff :chin:

That's funny shit:laughing:...My neighbor put a sign up not to long ago asking for her wheelborrow back...no lie.
