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Something Nice Happened...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
how about you, anything nice happen to you lately?

LOL not a f*cking thing mate... not til I read this thread anyways, cheers :)

*actually someone paid me some money I was owed out of the blue, that was kinda nice even though I wasn't actually "up" anything :)


Parker Schnobel
I am on my way to go fishing today,about 70 miles from home and 30 miles from my destination,when my 1991 honda civic with 156,000 miles on it dies at 65 mph.I happen to break down across the street from a KIA dealership.I look under the hood,check all the fuses etc.I cant figure it out,so I am pretty much fucked.
I have $73.00 in cash and $1.09 in the bank and no credit cards.So this guy walks over from the dealership and checks the car out for about a minute and says he will be back in five minutes,I say ok.He returns with a screwdriver,a used ignition coil and some other part that goes under the distributor cap.He replaces both parts in under five minutes and says,ok start it up.I'm thinking there is no way this will work,but the damn thing started.It turns out that he owns and works on hondas on the side,and had the spare used parts in his car.So I ask him how much I owe him and he says,you don't owe me anything.The parts alone new would have been $255.00 plus labor.And just a tow to my destination would have been $150.00.I gave him $60.00 of my $73.00 and went fishing.What a genuinely nice person.I got his phone number and now have a new mechanic for my Honda.:):):):):):)

good drown

thats awesome bobcat!!
thats cool of you to give him some money too, sometimes i'll hear a somewhat similar story , but when they say "no charge" they dont even offer they guy anything.
dont loose that number, with that guy around, you should be able to hit 200k:)

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