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some observations recently with germination.



just somethin to talk about, as ive recently have experienced poor germ rates. I think its the time of year that im germinatin at, as other times I get get germ rates.

anyway somethin ive noticed lately is that the seeds that do germ are female? hers a little run down

blowfish F2s, had 5 beans and only had one come up, and its a female

powerhouse, germed 6 beans and one came up, and female

jamacian jam, germed 10 beans, 3 came up and all female

dusksfoot, 10 beans and one plant that was a female.(done by a buddy)

columbian gold(oldseed) one plant and a female

could be just plain dumb luck, but seemed to many strains commin in with females only.

I understand that enviorment can effect the sex of a plant, and even in veg sex is determined in the 3 or 4 week of growth. just found it wierd that Im gettin such good luck with the seed that actually germinates.


Dr. D

Active member
i usually get good fem rates at any time of year but with good germs rates too...i think there are factors that effect the sex of the seedling...wot germination method do u use? i use paper towels
Maybe its a natural survival mechanism...knowing its the only seed in the bunch to germinate its becomes female so chance of being able to reproduce would be allot higher than if it were a male, as long as it hermied to produce more seed...hence survival.


glass half full

glass half full

It's just good luck, or maybe bad considering the number that didn't germ or survive. I don't take chances on my seeds anymore since you never know how old they really are. More will germ (and faster!) if you lightly file off the pointed end of the seed and soak for 12 - 14 hrs. in a very weak solution of Superthrive.
Then into the slightly damp papertowel in a closed container in the dark.

ps: somewhere out there on another planet, someone else with the same seeds got all males - that's just the way it is. :wave:


hey DrD, had the same thoughts myself, as to the extinction factor involved with weed. just cant figure out how that lone seed knows the others didnt germ.

I soak in tap water 12 to 24 hrs, then plant.

figured its just luck, but kinda interestin non the less



actually im thinkin its more of a temp issue really durin germination



Active member
Could it be karma repaying you with at least a nice female from every seedline? Good luck with future germs as it doesnt seem like your getting enough sprouts for the seeds germed. PeAcE


Active member
Yea i found during colder temps i have worse germ rates. But i germ most of my seed on the satelite dish box durring the colder months and i dont need anything durring the summer. PeAcE

Dr. D

Active member
as to the extinction factor involved with weed. just cant figure out how that lone seed knows the others didnt germ.
i thought ud say that...some beleive Indians (american) for example, that everything on earth is connected all life, animals, plants to mother earth...so that seed would have a connection with its brothers and sisters(seeds) knowing they havent germed it does its thing to ensure survival.there is also study on plants where they react to certain human interaction and stimuli..il try and find some more info on that..
As to ur germ method i find much lower germ rates that way..i like to have mmy beans well sprouted bfore i put them into medium..iv found with puttin them in soil straight off any fluctuations or too cool or warm..on inspection of the seeds they have a very small amount of mould on them and i think that is enough to stop em dead..wether they have already craacked or not... :2cents:


Dr. D said:
i thought ud say that...some beleive Indians (american) for example, that everything on earth is connected all life, animals, plants to mother earth...so that seed would have a connection with its brothers and sisters(seeds) knowing they havent germed it does its thing to ensure survival.there is also study on plants where they react to certain human interaction and stimuli..il try and find some more info on that..

hehe, yeah that also makes sense, the extinction factor was the first thing that came to mind.

as you said also I have encountered the fuzz on seed as well when I dig um up to see wtf.

this may sound stupid as well but i think that the seed that wont grow with the method I use werent strong viable seed to start with. as i get 100% with alot of other seed. one thing ive found forsure is the depth you sow your seed. 1/2 inch to a 1/4 inch works best. deep plantin doesnt work at all/



also on the powerhouse seed i tryed, they were huge almost to dry seed. looked like there was a extra husk on um. none germed when planted. the cup that had a powerhouse seed in it, i used to plant another line, never did dig up the seed. both plants came up, and that powerhouse seed had been in that dry dirt for weeks, when waterin the other plant the PH finally came up.

also the seed that does germ and sprout, are almost all slow goin plants, besides the blowfish



Active member
someone around here suggested it has to do with the phase of the moon.....check your farmer's almanac i guess.....


lucifer said:
hey cbf when were they germinated and what was your source of water?

germed at different times, but most all spring early summer. I use distilled water soakin and startin clones. adjusted tap water any other time.





I also experienced slow germination this month. Maybe bad luck, the moon, earthquakes? God knows. I would use a little hormone (if I can get some) and distilled water. germination next to the ocean is also problematic...good luck! :joint:


Hey CBF,
I´d check out the moon phase thing a ma gig. it deffinatly has something to it...farmers have been useing that your years. plus i noticed something, maybe others have, on my last round i started everything on 12/12 six planted six germed six female go figure, i´ve never had that happen to me and it was a welcome surprise. later CBFster....