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Some Landraces,F1´s and more original things -Preserving and creating-

Hi !!

Stoned 16....well...in my climate (most northern part in Spain) it´s difficult to grow this type of sativas outdoor,low temperatures,lots of rain,wind....it doesnt finish well at all.But in other parts of Spain I guess it may finish about last days of octobes/mid november.
Its around 80-85 days in flowe time in 12/12.I´ve cut some congo x afghani with much of the congo influence in about 80 days hehe,not been the normal thing.

Talking about the strains grown here in the north,this year I´ve only cut a little number of them : Pakistan Chitral Kush,Lesotho x Uzbeka (LMN) /Afghani,GWS...
All the rest where full of oidium after having been treat them with sulfur 2 times..pff

Some pics :





Lesotho x Uzbeka (from LMN) /afghani


The last comercial strain I have for relaxing moments....an old GWS



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Beautiful plants once again. My vietnamese x burmese are just seedlings and not much to look at yet. Will start a thread for them maybe once they are a bit older
A little over 2 weeks old
Hey !

Thanks for sharing Bassickly,they are nice so far those plants :)
Best of luck with them,I´ll try to have an eye on them to see how they continue .

Hi all!

Pfff...I´m having non free time these days,but I´d like to go on with some more pics.

Today some pics of the structures/place in wich many of the pure sativas and other strains where selected and grown.It would be quite difficult to do it in some other places or in conventional indoors...some are giants,huge plants! (Many Thais went over 3.5 meters tall and had to be reduced because they where forcing the greenhouses top and isnt good at all :muahaha: )

Peace!Hope you like them!!



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WOW!!Man you should of broken out those pics sooner!That really is an amazing greenhouse Txopin.I can see you have put in a lot of work and time into your plants..well done!You'll be smoking some fine bud for the rest of the year!How recent are those pics because it doesnt look like the big thai's are budding..Have you any more pics/budshots?Thanks for sharing
Hi again!

Stoned16......well,it would be fantastic if those g.houses where mine,but they arent hehehe,they are from the friend who send me all his genetics and with whom I´m working in this project.He has made all the current work you´re seeing here,scept the indoor/outdoor (last ones from out) pics that mostly are mine.I´ll try to be specific while telling wich pics are from one side or the other,but the big work was done by my partner in this project prooving and testing so so many wild strains and getting off hermies and other non interesting traits in cannabis breeding.

Mmmm..I´ll search some budshots and try to put them here now,but we lost many pics in a forum we used to write and show our work,that was closed :cuss: .....

Iep !!

This is what I found:
Sorry,didnt tell in the other post,but I dont now the date,the pics where passed from a place to another,one pc to other and the date in them are changed...

One more vegging:


Thai Ko Chang flowering hehe!


Thai Ko Chang x Afghan (lemon feno)


Well,have more pics like these ones but will go on bringing them slowly with the report or explanation of each cross,just some examples hehe,hope you like them Stoned!!!



Oh my god!That is one amazing project you are part of..you are very lucky to be playing with those genetics and you and your partner are clearly doing brilliant work and man some of those plants look to have some real nice yields..Is there an airy bud structure on the Thai's or are they dense?peace
Iepiii !

Thanks for your words,Bonecarver,Stoned :rasta:!

I feel really lucky having the possibility of working with all this things!In the beginning there where enormous plants and yields,but also lots of longlasting flower periods on sativas,lots of hermies and seeded plants....it was hard work!!
The Thais strains bud structures,as far as I´ve seen,are quite opened and airy,but in crosses this can change quickly as maybe it can be seen in the Thai x Afghan pic

Peace for all,tomorrow I hope I can bring some more inspiring things hehe!
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Active member
very nice indeed are the paki chitral beans going to be available mate would love to try some of them out here in aussie bro
Hi !!

El gordo...I´d like to have 3 o 4 greenhouses like that hehehe,those pics give me hope while I think there are still places where you can have one full of green!

Dogsnob....m...sorry to tell this,but the last Pakistan (s1) and some Pakistan x Nepal that I have are going to be sent to different people here so they con test them.I´ve got some clones reviving the same crosses that are maturing the seeds...in some weeks I´ll have more,but will put them to rest some time before sending them to more people.I´ll try to keep you updated in this.

Peace for all!

el gordo

Active member
Txopín-Iruña said:
Hi !!

El gordo...I´d like to have 3 o 4 greenhouses like that hehehe,those pics give me hope while I think there are still places where you can have one full of green!

Dogsnob....m...sorry to tell this,but the last Pakistan (s1) and some Pakistan x Nepal that I have are going to be sent to different people here so they con test them.I´ve got some clones reviving the same crosses that are maturing the seeds...in some weeks I´ll have more,but will put them to rest some time before sending them to more people.I´ll try to keep you updated in this.

Peace for all!
if someday you succeed with it i want to be the first to ask you for some work! :)
ps: i'm still having luxurious dreams with your purple hash...awesome! :joint:

Ps2:i would let you pay my work in your greenhouses with purple hash.... :rasta:

Muchos gracias for todos de las photos de tu plantas. Mi gusta la Congo mucho y la Nepali, y Dalat. Tiengo una cross de Senegal x Nevilles haze y unas landraces semillas de Cambodia, Thai land, y Lebanon. Possible en una ano voy tiene photos de estas plantas.

Thanks again for sharing. Sorry my Spanish isn't as good as I speak. My family is from Mexico and great grandparents from Spain. I will be doing a preservation project in the next year or so. I have collected various landraces and plan on making f1's for preservation. Again thanks for sharing.

Hey ! Hi all

El Gordo....hehe,thanks for that good mood,nice world would be that one in wich one would be paid with purple hash hehe,I´ll work hard on it to try n create something like that.I´ll give you a touch if everything goes well hehe.Thanks bro!

Mota de Dios....Nice to hear what you say!Understood everything you wrote in spanish,thanks for making the effort.I´ve got family there also,but never knew them...Best of luck with your project,hope to see how it goes in a year time,you´ve got great things to work!Here we´ve used some of those things and where something difficult but worked fine in F1.Happy to hear there´s more people with the mentality and thinking in preserve those genetics.Maybe we could make some colabo hehe,you now where I am!

Peace all,will go on with some pics now :rasta:


Txopin a lot of good work done by you and your friend :jawdrop: beautiful plants beautiful greenhouse :respect: