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Some concerns ...


So I've been on the mountain extracting my ass off, and I want to say thanks to GW and the MKIII design!!!

This one simple design has produced so many heady slabs, and launch many different extraction design ... but I have a concern

We NEED to dis-endorse the Appion G5 for extracting w/ butane!!! This unit was not made for R 600A and too many things are going wrong with too many units. Instead of addressing the issue, I feel they are just calling there supplier saying BUILD MORE!

I had a wonderful conversation with Tim at Ref Tek the other day ... and they are taking the bull by the horns. American Made for what we do ... period.

Thank you to rb extractions for putting the bug in the ear on this company!!!

Hash Man

So I've been on the mountain extracting my ass off, and I want to say thanks to GW and the MKIII design!!!

This one simple design has produced so many heady slabs, and launch many different extraction design ... but I have a concern

We NEED to dis-endorse the Appion G5 for extracting w/ butane!!! This unit was not made for R 600A and too many things are going wrong with too many units. Instead of addressing the issue, I feel they are just calling there supplier saying BUILD MORE!

I had a wonderful conversation with Tim at Ref Tek the other day ... and they are taking the bull by the horns. American Made for what we do ... period.

Thank you to rb extractions for putting the bug in the ear on this company!!!

Agreed. I no longer feel safe runnin my closed loop with appion. Been taking it slower waiting on a pneumatic pump.
So reftek has a pump out already, or are they going to be makin one inthe future? If its available now please give us more details such as model number etc...

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I just picked up a couple of Haskels for commercial prototypes, and am planning to try out a Mityvac


Having just got a Bhogart i was fully intending on grabbing a Appion next week because of there ease to rebuild and being oiless or not having to come in contact with the part that has the oil.
Have there been reported incidents using the Appion? I've watched cycle after cycle with them and they seemed fine. What are some suggestions for other pumps other than Haskel? For that is too expensive for the time being. What makes the Reftec Diablo better than the Appion? Its still not rated for r-600a


Ref tek is working on a unit that will be bullet proof ... don't have all the details, but Tim at Ref Tek could give you all the deails ... very helpful!!!
I have a couple diablos on order, I'll let you guys know how it goes.

I'm on appion #3 ....

Don't forget about dis endorsing the care saver as well. Lubricant has no place in our butane stream...

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
When operating properly, Appion does a good job at a reasonable price, and came out of the gate hard, but fell apart in the face of the increased demand. Worse yet, they are holding a cross between us'ns and them's, and clearly stating that they don't want our business, nor will they make any efforts to do anything but take our money.

Clarion enough, I understand English! Well more or less, I still stumble with some of the Queens English and my hearing is diminished, but I don't have to be told twice that I'm just not their kind.

I had great hopes for the CPS TR-21, with an MT-69 after cooler, but alas, they haven't taken our abuse in stride either, so that leaves us looking at alternatives.

Hopefully something faster and oil less, so that eliminates the Caresaver Universal on both counts, though it is rated for R-600 and the preceding are not.

Because the bigger prototypes that I built are designed for commercial installations, I used the Haskel pneumatic recovery pump, because I can't use anything that isn't certifiable to meet OSHA.

Reftec has stated that they are interested in our kind, and if they certify theirs, I would say that would put them in the catbird seat to service the segment of the market that doesn't have a 10 hp compressor handy to get maximum performance out of a Haskel pneumatic.


New member
Can someone explain the worst case scenario using the appion? Also what kind of steps would you take to somehow recover the butane if the appion somehow failed mid run. Trying to be as safe as possible and I'm getting a little paranoid reading some of this stuff.

Hash Man

Can someone explain the worst case scenario using the appion? Also what kind of steps would you take to somehow recover the butane if the appion somehow failed mid run. Trying to be as safe as possible and I'm getting a little paranoid reading some of this stuff.

Flamethrower, worst case scenario... The motor is not spark proof.
If it fails midrun, u would have to just use the pour method.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Can someone explain the worst case scenario using the appion? Also what kind of steps would you take to somehow recover the butane if the appion somehow failed mid run. Trying to be as safe as possible and I'm getting a little paranoid reading some of this stuff.

As HM noted, it isn't explosion proof.

For starters, you could just valve off your system and go get another pump.

You could hook a hose the lower tank and a recovery tank, and use hot and cold to recover the butane, like you would a passive system like a Tamisium or Lil Terp.

You can vent any pressure and open up the system so that the butane evaporates to atmosphere. Some folks do that anyway to finish outside the Terpenator.
what people are finding is that running cold, the diablo is slower than the appion, but if you add bottom heat when you are ready to recover, you can reclaim super fast and differences are negligible.

i haven't talked with reftec in a while, but they certainly are worth checking out since they do have a desire to meet our needs.


Maiden voyage with my Diablo today, all went well. Large but very quiet in comparison too its counter part(appionG5>
I will say im disappointed that for some reason Bhogart decided too send me what i believe to be a column for a 2 and half pound machine and the rest for the one pound machine I ordered. It worked, but as you can imagine recovery times were incredibly slow along with having to shower for hr. plus and still not extracting all material. The 4 to 5 cans that fit in my storage vessel is simply not enough to extract the amount of material in the column. I need to order a new column and im gonna search these forums to find the right size or the equation to figure out the ideal size, any advice would be greatly appreciated!

On a side note, used newport butane and had lots of atmosphere to burp after recovering tane initially, anyone else with this experience?


Right on thanks much Permaculture! That sounds like the opposite of what I got lol. It appears to be a 3" x 36" column on a 6" x 8" spool. Judging by looks it seems like a 2" x 24" would get the job done nicely

Space Toker

Active member
care to explain the first half of your paragraph for us neophytes that don't know wtf you are talking about? thanks!