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Active member
Seeds are legal in many countries around the world.
Uh oh yeah? Don't be so confident buddy. The United States and its organizations like the DEA don't give a flipping fuck about the legality of seeds on other countries they're still watching and will ultimately do what it they want to. They've shown that they will violate other countries/international laws to get what they want on more than one occasion.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You've neglected to mention seeds Gypsy.
Seeing as how they are legal in more places than not...are we free to send/ask seed to/from our trusted friends???

....how 'trusted' can someone be that you just met on the internet?

....and there are not many places in this world where you can legally trade/supply/sell seeds.....most countries don't make any distinction between 'erb or seed-sales......there are a few countries that seed trading/selling is legal....(U.K. Holland...Spain and some med states thru dispensaries or med patients, maybe just a couple of others)....but most all other countries you cannot legally do it within their borders....although it has been done for years if you order from the legal seed selling countries thru a company that trades in seeds....


Uh oh yeah? Don't be so confident buddy. The United States and its organizations like the DEA don't give a flipping fuck about the legality of seeds on other countries they're still watching and will ultimately do what it they want to. They've shown that they will do whatever they want and have consistently violated other countries/international laws to get what they want.

The DEA is no concern of mine and never will be...I live in a country where the bullshit they pull will never go down, never not ever.
A raid over here is a few cops politely knocking on your door not some paramilitary clad assholes pointing guns at kids n shooting dogs.

I will remain confidant because no matter what as a society we will never have to tolerate the type of shit you poor guys have to from the cops and DEA.


Active member
i don't think i said they would have an interest in you rather an interest in this site/there seed company despite where they may be located and the laws in there country might be


....how 'trusted' can someone be that you just met on the internet?

Well you could probably trust them as much as you trust the growers/breeders that you have met in person at the various icmag cups over in holland.
How many of them have you met on the internet before meeting them in real life?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have met quite a few members in person.....and many of them seem to be sterling people.....but I do not know their scene/position back home and what trouble they may or may not be in and whether or not they might turn on the community due to certain pressures from the powers that be.....trust is something that is earned over many years with me and not something you easily give to people that you don't really know that well....

....In a perfect world it would be nice to be able to trust anyone and everyone....but particularly in this industry you cannot be too careful....


ICMag Donor
Well you could probably trust them as much as you trust the growers/breeders that you have met in person at the various icmag cups over in holland.
How many of them have you met on the internet before meeting them in real life?

Why are all the comments necessary? We're trying to get a message across that might save someone trouble....

There's a big diffrence being in a Cannabis friendly Country and partying with members who've made the trip then meeting someone at your local WalMart in Downtown, USA.....

Classic Seeds

this is a grow sight not a dealers den or a pimp my sister sight so if your dumb enough to not know the difference there should be no leanency in the future when your banned thats it no more well i did not know better .i am sorry for the mess gypsy found his self in with all this b.s. .

but i am sorry'er for all the people who thought people should keep getting chances to do it agian but just maybe a little slicker next time.if this crap happens agian and people are brought back into the system i am through selling on seed bay .my safety means more to me than some idiots greed and a im sorry will not happen agian line.if there are no real rules here why stay and get in trouble for trying to help people grow for them selfs and give my beans to idiots who only care about money


ICMag Donor
And that message is most welcome :thank you:

But supposing i grow some award winning grass here in ireland and want to enter the icmag cup and have to post over a few oz, much the same as many of the winners of the icmag cup.

It's illegal to grow it and send it to members but it's it's ok to send it in for judging?

You see where i'm going with this....

Icmag quite rightfully does not condone internet sales of weed ect. because of the law, but yet it's ok to break the law to send samples to the 4:20 cup?

Yet again ye guys are picking and choosing.

Again...... Isn't there a diffrence between you, putting just yourself in danger and sending it to a Cannibus friendly Country, to enter the cup, diffrent than annonomous members getting other members addresses? And we encourage no one nor force anyone to enter the cup....

We may as well close this now before the message gets lost in the arguing....
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