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Soils and Ferts (newbie)


New member
Having a tough time with this.

Can someone guide me as to what soil to buy for potting your seedlings and your veg stage?

I recently have been just buying recular potting soil (NPK) 18:10:10 for this one.

Now, my plants are having yellow crawl up the stem and now it's hitting the leaves, I am afraid that I killed them? Or for that matter put them into stress this early!

I do not know what to do? I have been reading about vermiculite and perlite and moss and all these interesting ratios used! But I am still lost.

Is there like one soil I can buy like at wall-mart or something? I just need to make this a simply as possible!

I really wanted it to be organically grown, but that seems like another confusiong bit?

Anything that anyone can help with?
Please. I am a newbie with a hunger to crop!

get the shultez garden safe potting soli...i have a pic on my grow thread in bogs section under test grows.always works for me


there are a lot of great soils out there....shultz is one, Fox farm makes soil that is absolutely great, Black and Gold is another one...Schultz is the easiest one to get(depending on where you live)....as far as getting Organic nutes at Wal-mart...I don't know...If your in the states finding good organic soil is as easy as google....

Without pictures or more info, how long they have been growing what lighting etc...it sounds as though your having a Nitrogen problem...Maxicrop makes a liquid seaweed that has a high % of N...spray that on the leaves...should start to see improvement pretty quickly...


New member
hillbillieonpcp said:

Without pictures or more info, how long they have been growing what lighting etc...it sounds as though your having a Nitrogen problem...Maxicrop makes a liquid seaweed that has a high % of N...spray that on the leaves...should start to see improvement pretty quickly...

They have been growing for three weeks now, I have them under 100w of CFL's a piece. Is used Miracle_Grow potting soil.
The NPK was (18:10:10). I do not think it is a lack of nitrogen? Do you? I think it is burnt! The fan leaves (the first bottom ones you see, they are all turned completely yellow! Can this be saved?

Should I repot and rinse?

Please help. my babies!!!


New member
SOunds like you burnt them, that soil you are using sounds way to strong for seedlings. Try and get then into something less harsh asap.


Yes that soil is way to harsh for those seedlings.
My expert gardener soil is only .14-.08-.08 and its too harsh for seedlings.
Just grab some good soil or get some very cheap soil at wal mart and mix it with perlite.
That will allow the only ferts they get are what you give them.


Active member


Wassup, kyou mus tput them in a light mix. Peat moss and perlite and you'll be set. Schultz has a seedstart potting mix and that is what it is comprised of. Plus a very small amount of Phosphorous. After 2-3 weeks transplant to bigger pot. You can give them some seabird guano after a week. But make it 1/4 or 1/2 strength they like that. They're hungry at that age too, just don't over water and don't burn them with too much food.:wave: Happy Growing

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
We grow very simply, but effectively in a simple soiless mix with perlite added to lighten the mix a bit. We use Pro-Mix or Metro-Mix. And we feed then through watering. This is an extremely easy way to get superb bud IMHO. cc




black gold(reg.)/foxfarm ocean forrest (make your own %)
"remeber that ocen forest is a little less aeriated then black gold, but does bring an abundance of flavor.....

coconut coir
(maybe another aeriator, your choice)
foxfarm nutrients
Superswell bat tea's

"Son I just saved your ass a lot of time and money!!!"

Kabloom if you need to chemi. it but then "you" suck!!!

Only give nuts. every few days.......make sure to leach at the end.




if you actually "waste" your time and effort on kmart commercial "crap" (i.e. miracle gro, shultz, and that 18-10-10 shit your using.), then your just going to have "crap" at the end. Trust me Ive used them "all" before, and nothing compare's to the basics.........."SHIT".......


New member


Robhpx13 said:
if you actually "waste" your time and effort on kmart commercial "crap" (i.e. miracle gro, shultz, and that 18-10-10 shit your using.), then your just going to have "crap" at the end. Trust me Ive used them "all" before, and nothing compare's to the basics.........."SHIT".......

Fair enough then. So, what do you do exactly Robhpx13? The simpler the better.
Should I just go with the Fox Farm?

I do not have the slightest clue as to what I am doing. This is the second attempt and I am starting to understand little by little all that you take in from the FAQ's page at OG, books, etc....

So I think I just royally fucked my poor seedlings. They went yellow! And now I am in my fourth week! Is there hope?
Should I start over?



Active member
Hope no-one tells my plants that because they grow their asses off in walmart soil "expert soil" name of walmarts soil!
just bought a camera on E-bay so soon I'll show you what I mean. Now I live in FL. soil sucks here in TN. I would just bury a fish or two a few feet under my grow and BAMMMMM here comes the trees! funny thing is I really thought that the growing would be better here. well in my 5 gal bucket grows are still real nice though,


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
ive just been buying any old cheap ,multi purpose compost and mixind about 40 % perlite in, i had some soil which was bad, but im in the uk so i doubt u guys in the us get it, "Church Farms" multi purpose,,m very cheap, but u get what u pay 4, full of weeds, and infested with..........something flying, but theyre long dead, lol
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he answered it right there, the age old question on why s.e bud sucks compared to california grown....why the hell are you people
growing marijuana with frigging corn fetilizers and shit....this might be one question i never get, considering i dont live there, but where's your competitive nature as a grower, I understand there's not a grower on "every" block, but i'll be damned if you've just stuck with the reg. mixes, and have not evolved using different products, because regardless of how conservative you may be, you have to step out of the boundries of your own brain to improve, because your own brain already knows what it knows..
I dont know if foxfarm or black gold is officialy the best, on a national % pole of growers, but i do know that ive used probably 10 different soils, and so far the best results for weed, are the above.

***To answer %% question i would say roughly1/4 part foxfarm and 2/4 black gold.... you might want to buy some new seeds, the money you will save from smoking your own grown weed totall outweighs the very high price of seeds....# 1 way to increase your yield.......................buy a higher yielding strain!!!




bouganvilla's, roses, tulips, and daisy's all grow there ass off in miracle gro............but there not consumable!!!


Active member
Say No to Miracle Grow

Say No to Miracle Grow

Bro don't do it. I used Miracle Grow and My buds looked real phenomenal. But taste like shit, the chemicals are too strong and are not meant to be smoked. It is urea a urine compound and amonnia.. Chems and Piss. And then to make things worse I didn't flush.


Active member
what we need is a side by side comparing / I have aix cuttings of Lifesaver taken a few days ago still waiting on roots, tell me what three mixes you want and I'll write them on the buckets and I have a camera on the way from ebay, money isnt the problem.
just never saw that big of difference to make me conyinue to spend more money on them. I agee with whoever said it about the seeds! money damn well spent one seed that is a female will more than pay for the rest of the pack!



Active member


Robhpx13 said:
bouganvilla's, roses, tulips, and daisy's all grow there ass off in miracle gro............but there not consumable!!!
try telling BOG his shit doesnt like walmart soil and see what he says! PM him he will tell you!
no offense but I trust him he hasnt lead me wrong yet!
But because anyone can be wrong "I know I am a master at being wrong" the test could tell. hell if it works that much better I'll never go back to Fukmart again!


in all honesty, im my one controlled experiement, with limited factors excepted, Ive grown in walmart brand soils and the leading mj soils (i.e...black gold, four corners organic, foxfarm ocenforrest, foxfarm reg.potting soil) and there was absoulutley no "yield" difference between the miracle gro/18-10-10(i think the shit was made for citrus....lol), and the mj brands.........although.....Smoke flavor, bud structure(gorgeous flowers), and density where all much better, the organic coating taste is more pronounced, this all matters a ton when pricing your weed is concerned where im from, where's theres selection from $40 1/8th to 70 1/8th......ive found that another way to increase your yield beside's buying a bigger yielding strain, is by this scale of quality...if its better, its more!!!

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