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Soil quality


Where I am from in the middle of america our soil would be considered some of the best in the nation.. its good black loam, fertile, seems it would drain well.. Do I really even need to put anything in the soil besides the soil being loosened up itself? opinions?

THANKS! :joint:
Does it rain often?Or can you water them without worrying about safety(backyard/guerilla)You might need something to hold the moisture,and something i remeber reading if you pour some water into the hole and the water stays would be bad spot and what about mulch?"Cover the soil around the plant with a thick layer of natural mulch to attract condensed water and to keep soil moisture from evaporating. Just these simple measures may double the yield."-from

By the way i haven't grown before this is just from me doing research and preparing,i'm trying to get known a little bit so someone can answer my last Last Question


I would def add a little perlite and if a budget is in force, sand will work, just to decrease soil compaction and allow for good root development. Im not too far from you with good soil as well, but I usually will add a gallon or 2 of compost or composted manure for taste purposes. Taste is greatly improved in all strains when nutrients are orgainc in nature. Get out there this weekend and mix in a freezerbag full of compost sand and lime. (1 cup). This one action should have you ready to plant. You could probably get by just diggin some holes and planting. If corn grows well, so will your weed. I have spots where i do nothing but loosen the soil.



silverback said:
I would def add a little perlite and if a budget is in force, sand will work, just to decrease soil compaction and allow for good root development. Im not too far from you with good soil as well, but I usually will add a gallon or 2 of compost or composted manure for taste purposes. Taste is greatly improved in all strains when nutrients are orgainc in nature. Get out there this weekend and mix in a freezerbag full of compost sand and lime. (1 cup). This one action should have you ready to plant. You could probably get by just diggin some holes and planting. If corn grows well, so will your weed. I have spots where i do nothing but loosen the soil.

Best opinion that I could of asked for, Thank you... Are you midwest silverback? what do you do about mold in the fall when it starts raining again and such? Thank!!


Hey veen. Kentucky

For mould, if your talking about less than 10 plants, go to Greencure.com Their product is harmless and prevents mould totally. If the plant already has mould, squirt it on and the mould will die. The stuff is harmless, you can drink it although it would suck. Its cheap and is a cure. There is no reason to be concerned with mould on a small personal crop.
16$ worth of greencure is enough for several seasons growing as 1 gallon will treat 200+ plants. Search " a discussion about mould". Its a couple of pages back and has some good info about greencure and suggestions by others as well.

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