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So you wanna be a commercial grower?

  • Thread starter British_Bulldog
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So you wanna be a commercial grower?

Making the transition from personal to commercial grower is an ambitious progression in a person's growing career. This guide is as much about dissuading people from commercial growing, as it is about educating those interested in doing it.

It can be sweet, but also sour, so knowing what you're getting into is an important factor in making the change.

Of course, the laws vary around the world, but for the purpose of this international guide, we'll assume that personal growing means you probably won't go to prison if you're caught, but a commercial bust is likely to end up with you locked up.

People often talk about 'having the balls' to take on a venture like this, but the old saying bears true: "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime". If you really can't imagine yourself in a prison environment, sometimes having to be ruthlessly violent to survive, and coping with isolation from the outside, then stop reading here, and give up on the idea...period.

However, if you think you can cope with that, and being jailed is an acceptable occupational hazard, then read on, and ask yourself some more questions.

The next objective is to decide whether you can live in fear? That is, the fear of being busted and jailed by the police.

It's human nature to want to break the rules, and society's rule of "no commercial growing of mariuana" is a tempting rule to break if you want some easy money. Well I say easy money, because compared to many other crimes, like robbing a bank, or dealing hard drugs, it's can be quite a lucrative business, with a relatively low risk.....if you know what you're doing.

If you do it for a while, the risk becomes 'normalised', and smoking copious amounts of your product always helps to combat stress, but stress is a big factor in commercial growing, and eventually your nerves will become shot with the stress of it.

This is an important consideration, as it affects your quality of life, and if you can't mentally or physically handle stress, then being a commercial grower is not for you.

However, some people perform better under stress, and although it's not particularly good for the health, being under pressure, making a person more acutely aware, can actually help in being successful.

Show me the money: as you're more than likely aware, the value of seized marijuana crops is always greatly exaggerated in the media, and the actual value is much lower, i.e. there's not as much money in growing as you might think. Commercial growing is hard work, and the pay reward at the end of it is not going to earn you a fortune. However, it will pay for a comfortable life if done correctly.

Even if you do do everything right, there are factors determining how much reward you're going to get from it, which leads us onto the risk vs. reward ratio. That is, the balance between how much risk you're going to take and what you're going to get paid for it, as well as the reward of having a large constant supply of high quality weed and homemade hash to smoke to your heart's content.

Often, people build up slowly from a few plants to a whole house full, but that transisiton can be gradual or fast, depending on your needs, time constraints and overall objective(s).

If you're the type of person who like to get used to things slowly, then increasing your harvests gradually is probably the best way for you. For others, going from a closet grow to an all out commercial set-up is an acceptable jump up, but either way, it's important to know about and understand all the factors involved.

There are many variables and decisions to be made, but the main considerations are as follows:

- Do you have access to a rented house?

- Are you able to grow in secret without telling anyone, and without anyone finding out?

- Do you have enough funds to finance the initial start-up costs of equipment?

- Can you sell the product when it's finished?

- Do you have access to a vehicle to get grow supplies, dispose of the grow waste and move the finished product?

- Can you launder the money, if it's a sufficient amount to warrant that?

- Can you lie? (as you'll need to do this to loved ones, the police, and anyone else who may potentially be involved with your situation)

- And of course - do you have a greenfinger? :)

If the answer to all of the above questions is yes, then you're in the right situation to be growing commercial, and have every chance of being a success.

If not, then those factors need to be ironed out first, before starting out.

To grow commercially, hydro/aero-ponics are often used, as they're automated and less labour intensive, but it's also possible to hand water a whole house full of plants in soil or coco, if you've got enough time on your hands and you're not completely lazy!

Proven high yielding clones are the way to go with any financially successful harvest, but it's also important to have a good amount of potency too, which will mean your product is always saleable.

Having one good customer you can trust to a very high level, and not hedging your bets, is also important, as it cuts the chances of being ratted out or robbed by a customer dramatically, although it does mean you will receive less money for the product, as it's bulked up and economies of scale kick in when dealing with big weights of course.

Price: you should decide a price which is fair and at the market value, so don't undersell your product, or be too greedy and ask for too much.

Feedback: ask for and listen to feedback from your customer. If he doesn't like something about the way you grow, listen to them and change it. Maybe they don't like something about it, and customer satisfaction is important in any business, so respect your buyer and make changes as necessary.

Dealing with the police is a tricky area, but you must be prepared for this, and I highly recommend reading the "Security & Legal issues" forum here at ICMag for a detailed run down of all the angles.

Ok, that's where I'm upto so far with this guide, and I welcome any input and/or criticism.

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Well-known member
Hey BB
I really think the first part of your thread is right on the money. We all dream about living off our hobby but to make the next step you have to answer those all-important questions. "Can you do the time”? "Can you handle the stress"?

When I had a small personal grow indoors every time I saw a cop car in my neighbor hood I was stressed out. It can grind on a guy day after day. I was forced by fear and my family to go outdoors.

One question I had and have heard repeated a few times is your statement on dealing with one guy rather than a few. So if possible it’s better to deal with one guy rather than have 3 or 4 guys to go through? I have heard this repeated enough to understand the importance but it always comes to my mind that one guy means just that, relying on this person for your income.

What’s your thoughts on this?


Hi hamstring,

Thanks for your comments.

Well, good weed is always saleable, and if your one guy gets busted, leaves town, or doesn't want to do business anymore, then you need to find someone else, but stick to one good guy.

This reduces your risk of being caught significantly, as it means less risky journeys moving the product, and less chance of being informed on/others finding out.

You should have a small stash of cash somewhere to get you by, for the interim period, should your one guy be unable to take your product.

Last week a high school kid was walking home (past my house) from school, and he stopped to look into my garage (the show is in the basement which is a steel door away from the garage) as he passed my house. Probably just a natural reaction, the door was open as I was cleaning out my car.

But the actual act of just seeing someone stop in front of my house and stare directly at where I don't want anyone staring almost made me lose it.

I had to remind myself, "he doesn't know"...a second or two laster and he continued walking by...
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Forget about it Aaron, it was just some nosey kid.

Never give anyone the chance to see anything to do with growing.



Active member
All great info and Im dealing with the after effects of being busted. no fun indeed. The one thing I stress that you did is only haveing the one trust worthy person to take your product. 2 or 3 is to many, In the end thats what got me, a guy that got caught for something else rolled on me. Really sucks but live and learn and I have.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Ok, all good information, but we haven't addressed what actual actions create success.

People seem to underestimate the cost of growing and dream up some nice grow room, but don't know some simple rules. If you're gonna be growing, read, and read and read some more. You need to understand some basics, like 50w per sq ft of HID lighting. Fresh intake at the bottom and exhaust out the top, on the opposite side of the ceiling.

We should also look at plant count. If you're in the US and have over 99 plants, its an automatic 5 year prison sentence in FEDERAL prison... not jail, prison. The KFB method (with enough space) is a good way to keep yields up and plant counts down. I can shake any case under 99, no problem, I'll be looking at 5 years probation, MAX. Once you have the money, find a good DRUG lawyer, one that specializes in Mj, if possible; memorize that number, cause you get 1 phone call.

Outdoors is probably poses the least amount of risk and can make many times more then you can indoors in a year; with less overhead and initial startup. If you live in the boonies, use it to your advantage and plant 4x as much as you expect to yield. I also highly recommend reading the commercial outdoor guide in the outdoor section.

If going for pure profits, balls to the wall and don't give a fuck about the extra 5 years, do SOG's. Were talking 160'ish plants per 4x8 table. Most US dryer plugs are rated at 30 amps and most 1k digi ballasts are 4.1 amps each. With leaving 20% extra in amperage for surges, you're looking at 6 1000w, which is 3 - 4x8 tables. Each table has the ability (right strain in mind) to yield about 4 pounds. So 12 pounds x 3000 = 36,000 every 2 months. Its a full time job taking that many clones and trimming that much weed, don't expect to have time for loved ones or a real job.

The investment in the house, really depends on where you live. For me to guarentee to secure the location its gonna take at least $7500 to get into the house and pay enough rent. Then at least 3 months of electricity at about $1000 (I overestimate everything), so $3000. Then equipment is probably gonna be about $6000-7000. So just for a simple setup, were looking at $17,500. It costs a lot of money and if you fail you're SOL.

Good commercial strains are really subjective. Where I am, I'm guaranteed to be able to get rid of purple ganja, but "green" weed is much harder and fetches less. Look at your market and understand what the people want. Are you in Colorado? Well, then you can probably sell anything thats potent.

My thoughts on it, I'll probably have more later.


Active member
rented houses eh? what name do you rent it in.. what about landlords, etc.. any tips on how to secure a rented house.. how do rented houses differ from rented apartments. .as far as growing is concerned.


this is a great thread for all the young up and comers like i was once myself.

once you get it down tho, i can run a 6k room standin on my @#$% and have all the free time in the world.

we should also talk about larger setups that do require trimming and cleaning helpers, as well as the the electricity needs for such OPs and how to get it all wired up safely in the 24+ light catagory.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
heres little more i find very usefull although i'm no commercial grower still check it out eh.

ok 1st things 1st the house choosen should be in a nice erea quite middle class is perfect. live in the house get to know your neighbors 1st name basis is perfect, be friendly not overyly but friendly. if your next door neighbor is out side in his yard take 5 mins to say hi and small talk this way your neighbors wont think anything bad. your impression on them will be hes a nice person have a good cover story about employment if your um employed. very easy for older ppl 35-40+ to say i'm on dissability kinda harder for younger to say that. keep the property clean at all times keep yard work done weeds pulled water the stuff outside let ppl see ya doing this they'll think better of ya in the long run. traffic none where you grow this includes you if you leave your home 40-50 times a day all hours day or night this draws attention. if you have company over no1 before 9am or after 9pm dont sell from your grow location.

i'm 45 yrs old male long hair down to mid of back long beard hangs on my chest i have that 1% biker look but my neighbors like me respect me and we know each others full names. we'll talk long time when outside help each other out if needed they dont even suspect me of smoking let alone growing. :) they know my wifes on dissability i'm her care giver i rock hound and fix puters in spare time :) <<<< ---- cover story ate hook line and sinker !!! have to run i'll add more when i come back

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
whodi said:
rented houses eh? what name do you rent it in.. what about landlords, etc.. any tips on how to secure a rented house.. how do rented houses differ from rented apartments. .as far as growing is concerned.

Rent in your name, if renting in someone elses, then they know.

Landlords... well, make sure the house isn't going to be worked on as soon as you rent it. Make sure the house is ready to go and ask if they landlord will be stopping by at all.

Renting a house will require: Proof of employment, credit check, possibly bank statements, bank account #/s, ID card. You need good credit and if you're "self-employed" you'll need your previous years tax return as proof of income. Sometimes a landlord will bend a little if you have $$ in bank and say you're a college student. But most college students aren't renting 3-4 bedroom homes by themselves...

Apartments are discourage.
1) Size of space you have to work with.
2) The amount of amps provided (depending on size 40-60amps).
3) Close proximity to neighbors and being able to bring in equipment. Could you imagine bring a 4'x8' flood table into your apartment?
4) Landlords enter apartments much more, for fire alarm inspections and to replace various pieces in the house.

I highly suggest shopping around. I've turned down a number of places before finding my last house. The renter was telling about how noisy one of the neighbors was and how the neighbor called the cops for parking in front of his house... I said "Thanks but no thanks, good luck."

As for employment. Are you at least descent with computers? "I work at home doing *insert computer related job*. Programmer, IT, tech support, networking, graphic design, web design, 3d animation, artist blah blah blah. There a tons of jobs that people do from home and get paid bank for it.

If you need proof of income to rent, then hopefully you have a friend who owns a business. I happen to own a couple, so if someone needs to rent a house, I tell them to tell me how much they put down as income on their application and what their job entitles. Then when the landlord calls me, I say, ya, they file 1099, but work for me and they make X amount of money a month. I also throw in how great of a person they are and how I really value them as an employee. You gotta show them your bank account with $$ in it for this to work though.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
CocoNuts said:
we should also talk about larger setups that do require trimming and cleaning helpers, as well as the the electricity needs for such OPs and how to get it all wired up safely in the 24+ light catagory.

Well, you say that you can do a 6k setup with your eyes closed, yet say you need help on a 24k setup... that seems contradictory. I think you can run a 24k setup, if you treat it like a full time job and aren't a lazy stoner.

Safe wiring shouldn't be taught over the net. Some people just don't get it and wont get it. I don't recommend anybody 'play' with sometime that can kill them. Once you understand amperage, voltage, wiring gauge, hot, neutral, ground & voltage drop over distance, then we can start talking about proper wiring techniques.

As for trimming such a large scale operation. You should have the money to have a safe house in which you only trim and store your stuff. If you have to bring in people, better make sure they are trustworthy, and even then they aren't. 24k grows make a lot of $$, so go buy a trimpro automatik or rolling thunder. Might be between 6k-15k, but will make a 10 man job a 2 man job which = more security.

Clean up should be easy if you setup your system up to be. If you're running a 24k setup, I'd probably go with coco or hydroton and reuse it. That way you're not transporting trash and bringing in new medium.

If you think about how you design your system, you can reduce your costs, increase your productivity, lower labor and increase your security.


Active member
another thing mentioned above was a stash of cash. at least 5000.00 if not 10,000, a good lawyer isent cheap and please don't keep it in bank or where they can find it .


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
no loud partys if ya live with girlfriend or wife no domestic violance fighting with your other half is #1 no no. to appear normal joe to all maybe every now and then invite just a few {2-4 persons} over for BBQ and small quite get together. if you rent dont be afraid to do things around the property the home owner will like this very much and prolly be little more lax when it comes to inspections and such. clean well kept outside normally means same gose inside house thats about it pay bills on time be friendly with neighbors keep quite low profile.

oh yea lmao with the money dont go buying fancy cars and such be sensible stash the bulk of the money for rainy days.


grow houses, Detroit, nice neighborhoods, CMEMORY

grow houses, Detroit, nice neighborhoods, CMEMORY

All I can add is that "nice little houses" in "nice neighborhoods" in Detroit are selling for $16k and $9K right now. There was one down the street that had been on the market for a year and a half listed at $129K. Similar house; has yet to sell. A friend of a friend told me that the gas bill to heat her 750 square foot house was $600 per month this last winter.

So, to all my peeps in the Detroit area: go buy yourself a house or two outright. Pay cash. Keep the natural gas line, but make an obvious conversion to "all electric". Hey, natural gas is running out anyway...legit excuse. Now you heat your house with grow-light heat in the winter. All electric :smoke:


my 400w lamp keeps my 36 square meter apartment around 20 *c instead of 15 *c without the lamp :D..

it snowed here today in Germany!

Greetings British Bulldog

I truly appreciate what you're attempting to accomplish.

I think the following merits repeating:

This guide is as much about dissuading people from commercial growing, as it is about educating those interested in doing it.

Considering the topic being discussed....frankly, in the hopes of better conveying my thoughts on the matter, I am going to be a tad crass.

First off: if you're on this forum and you ain't already a commercial grower...forget about it. Commercial growers don't learn shit on forums. Whether you like it or not, commercial growing is organized crime and organized crime works on the apprentice system; someone brings you in and shows you the ropes, or else you're cutting somebody else's grass and you shit as hell ain't want to be doing that.

It's simple: If you don't move in those circles, then don't make them moves.

Sooner or later someone's gonna yank your chain, and whether you bite or piss depends on what breed of dog you is (and that ain't the time to be finding out).

Concerning prison: If you too hard, someone gwan (is going to) test you; if you too soft, someone gwan test you. You'll have to stride the middle ground and that depends on what prison you're in.

The only cats that can say if they can do the time, is them dudes that done did it. The question ain't, can you do the time...it's can you earn the respect of the people that did (have you done time before)?

State of mind: There must be caution, there can't be fear. Caution smells like a predator, fear smells like prey; fear smells like Channel #5, and somebody will yank your skirt up to see what pretty panties you're wearing.

Two things with this section:

If you do it for a while, the risk becomes 'normalised', and smoking copious amounts of your product always helps to combat stress, but stress is a big factor in commercial growing, and eventually your nerves will become shot with the stress of it.

1) Normalized should not be mistaken for laxed.

2) You have to separate your business from your personal. In my experience, successful commercial growers are occasional tokers at best. I've heard it said, "I wouldn't burn a C-note, why would I smoke an ounce of product?"

It's a different state of mind.

This bears repeating:

Commercial growing is hard work, and the pay reward at the end of it is not going to earn you a fortune. However, it will pay for a comfortable life if done correctly.

Done correctly: That is you've got the capital and the flex to bankroll an operation...pay some folks a decent hourly wage to grow and process your product, then bring it to market...like any other horticulture based commercial enterprise.

Edit:inserted for greater clarity.

There are many variables and decisions to be made, but the main considerations are as follows:

- Do you have access to a rented house?

- Are you able to grow in secret without telling anyone, and without anyone finding out?

- Do you have enough funds to finance the initial start-up costs of equipment?

- Can you sell the product when it's finished?

- Do you have access to a vehicle to get grow supplies, dispose of the grow waste and move the finished product?

- Can you launder the money, if it's a sufficient amount to warrant that?

- Can you lie? (as you'll need to do this to loved ones, the police, and anyone else who may potentially be involved with your situation)

- And of course - do you have a greenfinger? :)

The variables:

1) Industrial spaces are better...period.

2) Having the right people knowing about your organization is much more advantageous.

3) As well: Retainer; Grease Money; Respect Money.

4) If that's a question, you're taking the wrong test.

5) Infrastructure needs be in place first (one benefit of the apprentice/franchise system).

6) Can you launder the money? If it ain't a sufficient amount to warrant that, then it ain't worth doing.

7) In serious circles...word is bond. Never lie to love ones; be 'a man' about it. Your motto: you don't need to know about that.

8) Certainly it helps, but just as certain...it's not essential.

To grow commercially, hydro/aero-ponics are often used, as they're automated and less labour intensive, but it's also possible to hand water a whole house full of plants in soil or coco, if you've got enough time on your hands and you're not completely lazy!

This more than any other section reveals to me that we're discussing apples and oranges; advanced hobby and commercial growing.

Commercial growing: Space-Light-Pot-Dirt-Plant-Fert-Cut-Pack-Ship-Done.

Tried and true; product is always saleable; your only real concerns are yield and maturation time, everything else is taken care of by the established infrastructure.

In respect to your "customer": It's not trust, it's self-preservation; his and yours. You both need to know that the other person is not to be trifled with; you both need to make that true.

Feedback don't mean shit...unless it's about the crew next door undercutting you. If that's the case, you gotta be willing and able to collect your Respect Money and then come to some amicable arrangement that is mutually profitable.

If you're small to mid-level, one guy distributing is all you can handle; if there's spill-over, he's not your guy. Commercial: Of course there is your preferred guy, but he should be number one of many options.

Note: All your buyers know with certainty that you yourself buy from the guy above you, and that's all they know, and they arrived at that conclusion via speculation and conjecture (remember your motto).

As soon as you can: Diversify your portfolio; legitimize pieces of your interests. Your lawyer should be 'holding' 50 G's of your 'mother's' money in low risk, steady investments.

In these circles, success is formulaic but there is not a formula for success. In other words, personal specifics need compliment generalities.

The idea isn't to grow a few hundred plants well...the point is to consistently grow a few thousand plants as well as can be expected. Multiple sites, manned by expendable people, who have no clue as to who the higher ups are or how far the business extends, is the ultimate goal...like any other commercial farming conglomerate.

Tip of the iceberg, gentlemen...

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A guy i know through rugby is a cop and he told me that the vast majority of indoor drug busts here(newzealand)are from informers.Guys that have been busted for grass or other stuff and want to save their own arses.he also told me that if everyone kept their mouths shut they would never arrest anyone.loose lips sink ships.Secret squirrel.


Active member
Charles is so right. But there is a place in between what he is talking about and a comercial set up that one person can do and do well. Like he said you arent going to get rich but a comfortable living can be done.
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