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Original Editor of ICMagazine
Howdy humble1,

Which version of the Bible do you have?

The full-color version released in 2005-6 had been extensively edited and fixed up by a professional editor...Previous editions may have had some errors, but Jorge/George and the rest of the crew worked very hard to make sure all mistakes were taken care of.

If you haven't upgraded yet, you should get a copy of the new full-color Bible, it has 512 pages of glorious colour photographs, charts and diagrams to help you grow better!


Registered Non-Conformist
Go Jorge.... A courageous fellow. As all our Mentors had to be.

You Guys, tell me of anyone in this Canna-hobby who DOES NOT have some funny ideas....? We all do. And we are all the best grower we know..! lol...

I would not be as good without the Bible in my past. I recommend it and sometimes outright buy it for people who I know will benefit.

As a reference book, there is none better. Yet.

I find it hard to read off of dark-coloured pages, but that's minors....

I choose to respect his anonymity and allow him to have his Alias..?

THX Jorge...!


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
ummmmm it's in the stack,
I'll have to go find it....
I can't find my old marked up one, but I have one that says 5th edition, 2006.
As I recall the errors weren't horrendous, I'm just a little anal about correct spelling in publications. You want me to look over this one again?


Pull my finger
Fuck that! I read that book cover to cover. Twice! If you think its bullshit, well sir I kindly ask you to look at my gallery and see what I pulled from that.

He covers all the basics and that book will help you pull off a good crop. I dont ride nuttzz like some folks. This dude helped me jumpstart and I still recommend it to beginners.


cant stop wont stop
great interview btw :D
i owned the newer version for the bible - the fully colored version..
great book had a few tidbits of info i was never aware of from reading work from ed rosenthal and a few other cannabooks i owned..
i always thought jorge was kinda cheezy in his videos, half the fun i spose
just wanna say props to Payaso for helping revise and publish the '05 bible with Jorge
great knowledge and easy to read!!

anyone talking ill on Jorge and the indoor medi bible is just hatin to hate IMO

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I knew him as 'George' Cervantes when he began his career as a writer and then as the owner of one of the first 'grow stores' over on SE Foster Road in Portland, Oregon.

After the big DEA bust (Operation Green Merchant) on that fateful Thursday night in November, 1988 ol' 'George' left town and was not heard from again.

In his place you got Jorge (pronounced Whore? Hey!) Cervantes - master grower, skilled horticulturist and the resident village idiot over at High Times Magazine.

Tell the truth George/Jorge - you never knew how to grow. You lifted materials from Ed, Mel, Mike, et al - you remember them don't you George?

And please tell us how your UPS shipping records from your pitiful grow store ended up in the hands of the DEA and Oregon Attorney General but you were somehow able to skip town. Tom Alexander took his medicine. So did the boys over at Halide of Oregon as well as the guys over at Light Manufacturing. Remember them George?

And now you're being praised as one of the deacons of growing cannabis - pretty funny isn't it?

Up is down. Right is left. Back is front. It just goes on.

BTW - is Jorge still recommending that you should 'bake your soil' to kill all the bacteria, fungai, et al. to make it good and clean? Just curious.



cant stop wont stop
wow wasnt aware of all that, CC
i did find it odd that he mentions he has NEVER been arrested for a marijuana offense.. :chin:
who in the fuck hasnt??

Clackamas Coot

Active member

The afternoon that the DEA took down all of the grow stores nationwide - at the very same time to prevent anyone from tipping off another store - there were 2 people in Oregon specifically that the DEA wanted and they wanted them badly.

One was George Cervantes because not only had he written his first book, he also owned a grow store. Now if you're a new grower and you read in High Times Magazine an article or two by Cervantes then you sure as hell would want to buy your stuff from him directly, right? What with George being an expert and all.

Keep in mind that there weren't that many grow stores in 1988. One big chain was 'Worm's Way' and they had several operations around the country. After the bust, they got smart and became a manufacturer/distributor.

The other guy in Oregon that the DEA was specifically targeting was a guy in Corvallis, Oregon who owned a grow store called 'Full Moon Garden Center' which was owned by Tom Alexander. The reason that the DEA wanted Alexander so bad was because he published a magazine called 'Sinsemilla Tips' which came out 4x per year. They managed to get 8-10 editions out before the bust.

After the dust settled and Tom got his legal issues resolved he started up a new magazine which is still published for the hydroponic food producing deal called 'Growing Edge' which is, interestingly enough, published by 'Full Moon Publishing' and is still located in Corvallis, Oregon.

In all fairness it wasn't only Cervantes' UPS records that ended up in the hands of the DEA - the UPS went out of their way to help with the criminal investigation as well providing delivery times, POD (proof of delivery, i.e. who signed for the package), etc.

Several hundred people were busted, homes grabbed, autos, etc. as well as families finding themselves in front of a family court judge pleading to keep their children.

Back to Portland - Cervantes used his position as an 'expert' and began promoting a hydroponic growing system from Light Manufacturing called 'The Living System' which is still manufactured today sadly enough. On the ads from Light Manufacturing that appeared in High Times as well as Sinsemilla Tips had a tag line under the photo of their product that said something like 'This is THE most productive growing system in the world - George Cervantes' but did not mention that Cervantes had a line of re-badged hydroponic nutrients from EcoGrow up in Seattle and it became the preferred nutrient to use in their systems.

Meaning that Cervantes was getting rich on both deals - from people buying products through his store as well as getting a piece of the action by promoting Light Manufacturing which didn't exactly ingratiate George with the boys over at Halide of Oregon (now known as American Agriculture/Rose City Wholesale).

And the band played on.............................


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah interesting canna-historical background Coot....I have met George/Jorge in Spain years ago and when he came by to photograph a seed grow that I was doing with Dutchgrown in Holland back in 2003...plus have seen him at many of the European hemp expo's where he has been selling his books....

He always seemed like a nice guy, but I was not aware of his history other than he used to write for High Times prior to that....

*maybe we should have a 'Cannabis History' forum....and ask Clackamas Coot to moderate it?.....lol

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Cannabiz history always intrigues me Clackamas Coot, thanks for your contribution.

What's really your grudge against JC? That he 'can't grow', or that the UPS shipping lists somehow ended up with the DEA, or that he skipped town after operation Green Merchant?

Being in the biz and not being an experienced, accomplished grower isn't a crime per se.

Ed Rosenthal is a great guy and a stand-up icon for the movement, but quite frankly, some of his grow tips are just text-book answers, and curiously he has of lately come to promote certain products in his columns while being on the pay list of the companies manufacturing them. I still love him though,

Are you insinuating he co-operated with the DEA, or simply that he was careless with security?

As to skipping town, I would have done the same thing.

All in all, seems like you don't like him very much.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Gypsy Nirvana

Before anyone accuses me of 'hating' George let me tell you that I've spent more money on products from George than all the other posters on this board combined.

In 1988 about 3 months before 'Black Thursday' there was an ad in Sinsemilla Tips for his grow store featuring the light systems from Holland called P.L. Light Systems and at that time they only came in 400w HPS - no MH. No 600w. No 1000w.

The problem with the ballasts (snerk) and hoods from the grow stores in Portland and Seattle was that they were being assembled in a garage over in Southeast Portland with minimum-wage and minimum-skill labor. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.

So George had these beautiful lights and they were priced at $300.00 each. 2 friends and I went to his store and placed an order for 20 lights with the latest HPS bulb from Philips, i.e. the 430 Sun-Agro HPS bulbs. We thought that we would really be sh*ting in tall cotton.

I got the call when they arrived that we could pick them up the following day. On the day that we arrived we learned that these units didn't have an electrical cord - not that buying and installing a cord is a leap of faith but I figured that if we were spending over $6,000.00 we should be getting a product that was ready to go or to use the computer term - plug 'n play.

In any event we took the units and the bulbs and left to get things set up at our respective garden sites. I was 2 weeks out to finish my very first crop under these lights when I received a phone call that everyone who had done business at George's store had had their security violated.

Razor blades came out. Plants whacked to pieces and dropped into the Willamette River. Soil distributed at another friend's property out in the country. Lights were repacked and deposited into a storage locker across the river in Washington state.

And then we waited. It only took about 1 week and I was called to testify in front of a grand jury. No cops at the door. No search warrants. I was one of the lucky ones as things turned out.

This was around the time when the 2 seed companies in Holland (SSSC & The Seed Bank) developed 'operational issues' which you know far more about than I do.

Weird times indeed.

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Clackamas Coot

Active member
Are you insinuating he co-operated with the DEA, or simply that he was careless with security?
Absolutely NOT as far as being a snitch.

Absolutely YES as it relates to his general stupidity in the area of security. As well as how he ran his business in general.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes I hear you man.....troubled times for sure and in many ways we have all been victims to the power's that be who deem A PLANT to be public enemy number one and all who grow her (or him)....

I have known many (including myself) that have been severely hindered and incarcerated because of these draconian laws that still prevail even today.....and those of us that actually stick our necks out to try and get the world growing are often targeted.....

I'm still a very free man......and count my blessings that I remain so...

There should be no hate for George really.....sounds to me like he was just trying to get more growers growing and a monolithic bureaucracy with unlimited funds got him in their sights....